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The rise of cannabis standards is mirrored by a surging demand for robust quality assurance and safety protocols. <br>In 2021, a diverse group of globally recognized industry leaders came together to form IROA Technologies D37 on Cannabis and began developing international standards for cannabis under the IROA Technologies umbrella.<br>This open forum acts as a powerful catalyst, bringing together diverse voices from across the cannabis industry.<br>
Se··lg ·he Ba«: The I¨e«a·lÐe f Caabl¯ S·ada«d¯ S·ada«d¯ Se··lg ·he Ba«: The I¨e«a·lÐe f Caabl¯
Introduction Introduction This preseotatioo will explore the importaoce of Caooabis Staodardsfor quality aod safety. We will discuss the benefits of staodardized regulatioos aod the challeoges io the iodustry. challeoges io the iodustry. This preseotatioo will explore the importaoce of Caooabis Staodardsfor quality aod safety. We will discuss the benefits of staodardized regulatioos aod the establishiog establishiog
Current Landscape Current Landscape The Cannabis Standards operates with varying standards, inconsistencies in product quality and safety. Lack of regulatory oversight poses risks to consumers and hinders market legitimacy. market legitimacy. The Cannabis Standards operates with varying standards, inconsistencies in product quality and safety. Lack of regulatory oversight poses risks to consumers and hinders leading leading to to
Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Establishiogquality staodards is crucial to eosuriog coosumer safety aod buildiog trust io caooabis products. Coosisteot testiog protocols aod labeliog requiremeots are esseotial compooeots. compooeots. Establishiogquality staodards is crucial to eosuriog coosumer safety aod buildiog trust io caooabis products. Coosisteot testiog protocols aod labeliog requiremeots are esseotial
Global Impact Global Impact Ioteroatiooal staodards play a key role io shapiog the future of the caooabis iodustry. Harmooiziog regulatioos cao facilitate trade aod promote global cooperatioo. cooperatioo. Ioteroatiooal staodards play a key role io shapiog the future of the caooabis iodustry. Harmooiziog regulatioos cao facilitate trade aod promote global
Challenges and Opportunltles Opportunltles Challenges and The jouroey towards staodardizatioo faces obstacles such as regulatory divergeoce aod iodustry resistaoce. However, it opportuoities for iooovatioo aod market growth. market growth. The jouroey towards staodardizatioo faces obstacles such as regulatory divergeoce aod iodustry resistaoce. However, it opportuoities for iooovatioo aod also also preseots preseots
Conclusion Conclusion Establishiog Caooabis Staodards is imperative for eosuriog safety, quality, aod market iotegrity. Collaboratioo amoog stakeholders is esseotial to drive iodustry-wide progress. iodustry-wide progress. Establishiog Caooabis Staodards is imperative for eosuriog safety, quality, aod market iotegrity. Collaboratioo amoog stakeholders is esseotial to drive
Thanks! Thanks! Dz Ýz¾ haÖe aoÝ ¾e¨¶izo¨? iofz@i za¶ech.czm 734.265.0884 ×××.i za¶ech.czm @ IROA Techozlzgie¨ @ IROA Techozlzgie¨ @ IROA Techozlzgie¨ Dz Ýz¾ haÖe aoÝ ¾e¨¶izo¨? iofz@i za¶ech.czm 734.265.0884 ×××.i za¶ech.czm ×××.i za¶ech.czm iofz@i za¶ech.czm 734.265.0884