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The Best Religion is the One that Makes You Better

A dialogue between Leonardo Boff and the Dalai Lama about the true essence of religion and its impact on personal growth and behavior. Discover the universal principles that transcend religious boundaries and have the power to transform lives.

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The Best Religion is the One that Makes You Better

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lecture #1.2-3 Vision and Mission L2 What_religion_is_best.pptx www.AWE-edu.com Lecture 1.2-3 : Vision & Mission

  2. YOUR RELIGION IS NOT IMPORTANT A brief dialogue between a Brazilian theologist Leonardo Boff and the Dalai Lama. Leonardo is one of the renovators of the Theology of Freedom.

  3. In a round tablediscussionaboutreligion and freedom in which Dalai Lama and myselfwere participating at recess I maliciously, and alsowithinterest, askedhim: “Yourholiness, whatisthebestreligion?”

  4. I thought he would say: “The Tibetan Buddhism” or “The oriental religions, much older than Chritianity” Dalai Lama paused, smiled and looked me in the eyes …. which surprised me because I knew of the malice contained in my question. He answered: “The best religion is the one that gets you closest to God. It is the one that makes you a better person.”

  5. To get out of my embarassment with such a wise answer, I asked: “What is it that makes me better?” He responded: “Whatevermakesyou more compassionate, more sensible, more detached, more loving, more humanitarian, more responsible, more ethical.” “Thereligionthatwill do thatforyouisthebestreligion”

  6. I wassilentfor a moment, marvelling and eventodaythinking of hiswise and irrefutable response: “I am notinterested, my friend, aboutyour religión orifyou are religiousornot. “Whatreallyisimportantto me isyourbehaviour in front of yourpeers, family, work, community, and in front of theworld.” “Remember, theuniverseisthe echo of ouractions and ourthoughts.”

  7. “Thelaw of action and reactionisnotexclusivelyforphysics. Itisalso of humanrelations. If I actwithgoodness, I willreceivegoodness. If I actwitheviI, I willgetevil.” “Whatourgrandparentstoldusisthepuretruth. Youwillalwayshavewhatyoudesireforothers. Beinghappyisnot a matter of destiny. Itis a matter of options.”

  8. Finally he said: “Takecare of yourThoughtsbecausetheybecomeWords. Takecare of yourWordsbecausetheywillbecomeActions. Takecare of yourActionsbecausetheywillbecomeHabits. Takecare of yourHabitsbecausetheywillformyourCharacter. Takecare of yourCharacterbecauseitwillformyourDestiny, and yourDestinywillbeyourLife … and … “Thereis no religionhigherthantheTruth.”

  9. Self Introduction & Discussion

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