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Goals, context and specifications…

Goals, context and specifications…. ECFA. Physics implications of candidate technologies  different BDIR configurations ? I nternational collaboration : physics , detector , MDI…  Global Linear Collider. cold crossing-angle no crossing-angle warm crossing-angle -

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Goals, context and specifications…

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  1. Goals, context and specifications… ECFA • Physics implications of candidate technologies  different BDIR configurations ? • International collaboration : physics, detector, MDI…  Global Linear Collider coldcrossing-angleno crossing-angle warmcrossing-angle- more IP tuning optics design constraints crab-cavity req. beam(strahlung) extraction SC mini-quad. electrostatic separators backgrounds collimation  gets worse at 1 TeV risks ? x-angle meeting 19/1/2004

  2. Physics implications coldcrossing-angleno crossing-angle warmcrossing-angle- - hermetic  veto - post-IP diagnostics - transverse boost for energy and - B and P not polarisation evaluate Comments • Linac & energy  luminosity issues drive technology choice •  expect no killer physics arguments from crossing-angle-or-not • no misunderstandings or special intentions… •  quantify desirability of both from physics as input to discussion x-angle meeting 19/1/2004

  3. Hermetic  veto • Popular Dark Matter SUSY explanation needs heavy LSP 0to be quasi-degenerate with lightest sleptons , ,… • (co-annihilation scenario) • mSUGRA (maybe more general), WMAP constraints, g-2,… co-annihilation M. Battaglia et al. hep-ph/0306219 J. Ellis et al. hep-ph/0310356) Acceptable solutions : x-angle meeting 19/1/2004

  4. Requirements for  search Signal Main background ee   0  0 ee  (e)(e)    ~ 10 fb  ~ 104 fb Transverse view (imperfect) electron spectator veto ? • Important LC channel, complementary to LHC • Precise slepton masses  DM  CMB constraints from Planck • luminosity & energy strategy?LC  cosmology x-angle meeting 19/1/2004

  5. Geometries for slepton searches • Specs for study • l* = 4.1m  veto at 3.7m • holes 1.2cm radius • (2.1cm likely for x-angle) 1.head-on 1bx2.crossing-angle 1bx3.crossing angle n bx (pile-up) x-angle meeting 19/1/2004

  6. Energy and polarisation • With crossing-angle • Reconstruct event boost (Bhabha acollinearity) and ECMS • (ee  Z  events) more complicated with transverse boost ? • precision ~ few 10-4- 5 10-5 for top & W masses • (10-5- 10-6 to improve MZ measurement) • B field & Polarisation not aligned  more stringent error tolerance ? • Without crossing-angle • Post-IP E and P diagnostics very difficult : how essential, and for which precision ? • - Physics channels (Bhabha, radiative returns, WW) • - pre-IP measurements to monitor incoming changes in E and P • - post-IP to study biases from (varying) beam-beam effects on E and P • (in particular the modeling) and provide a cross-check x-angle meeting 19/1/2004

  7. Specification of forward region • Optimise reconstruction & compare • Backgrounds in detectors • Impact of background from overlaid hadronic and Bhabha events Agenda • 3 parts + discussion after each • Conclude by LCWS04  outline further work needed • Work as collaboration  minutes, follow-up meetings x-angle meeting 19/1/2004

  8. 1.Introduction, specification and context of study, meeting goals 10‘P. Bambade (LAL)2. Smuon and stau searches with small slepton-neutralino mass differences Implications for dark matter interpretation in co-annihilation scenarios25‘Z. Zhang (LAL)3.Smuon and stau searches with small slepton-neutralino mass differences 20‘U. Martyn (DESY)Tentative conclusion & further work concerning impact on slepton search capabilities10‘4.Crossing angle and luminosity spectrum measurement 10‘D. Miller (UCL)5. News from the ALPCG SLAC Workshop 20‘E. Torrence (Oregon)6.Polarisation effects of the crossing angle 10’ K. Mönig (DESY)7.Review of arguments for upstream / downstream polarimetry 15‘G. Mortgat-Pick (Durham)P. Schüler (DESY)Tentative conclusion & further work concerning impact on energy and polarisation10‘8.Status of the detector background simulationsComparison of recent beamstrahlung pair calculations 20‘K. Büsser (DESY)9.Electron identification & veto in the LCAL / LumCALComparison with recent results from Takashi Maruyama 20‘K. Kousnetzova (DESY)10.Update on gamma-gamma to hadrons calculation 20‘T. Barklow (SLAC)Tentative conclusion & further work concerning requirements on the background and very forward region10’ x-angle meeting 19/1/2004

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