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ISCA GENERAL ASSEMBLY. INTERSPEECH 2010 Makuhari, Japan. Agenda. 1. Opening remarks and approval of the Minutes of the 2009 General Assembly (Brighton) 2. President’s report 3. Treasurer’s report 4. Approval of the reports 5. Approval of proposed changes to ISCA Statutes A4.1 and A5.1
Agenda 1. Opening remarks and approval of the Minutes ofthe 2009 General Assembly (Brighton) 2. President’s report 3. Treasurer’s report 4. Approval of the reports 5. Approval of proposed changes to ISCA StatutesA4.1 and A5.1 6. ISCA goals for 2010-2011 7. Comments, Suggestions and Questions from ISCA Members 8. Announcement of next ISCA General Assembly 9. Any other business
Minutes of the 2009 General Assembly in Brighton, UK, 8 September 2009, 6.00 pm Opening remarks and approval of the Minutes of the 2008 General Assembly (Brisbane) President’s report Treasurer’s report Approval of the reports Announcements of changes to the ISCA Board ISCA goals for 2009-2010 Information on proposal to change ISCA Statute A4.1 which restricts Board membership to two members per country Comments, Suggestions and Questions from ISCA Members Announcement of next ISCA General Assembly Any other business
President’s Report The ISCA Board Recent Board Meetings Secretariat and Membership Membership Services ISCA Web The ISCA Online Archive Workshops SIGs ISCA Distinguished Lecturers Program Industry Liaison Liaison with other Organizations Journals Conferences Grants and Awards Student Liaison ISCA – Multimedia Educational Material Others Isabel Trancoso President
ISCA Board Ex-officio Alan Black Grants & Awards J.François Bonastre Vice-President Nick Campbell Workshops Keikichi Hirose Fellows David House Secretary Wolfgang Hess Archive Haizhou Li Web & Archive Helen Meng SAC Liaison Bernd Möbius Treasurer D. O‘Shaugnessy Conferences Michael Picheny SIGs, Ind., Journals Chris Wellekens ISCApad Yoshinori Sagisaka DL, SIGs (language) Yannis Stylianou Educ., Video Archive Tanja Schultz Future Conferences Isabel Trancoso President
Recent Board Meetings Sept. 2006: Pittsburgh (2) Dec. 2006: Virtual Jan. 2007: Virtual April 2007: Virtual Aug. 2007: Antwerp (2) Dec. 2007: Virtual June 2008: Virtual Sept. 2008: Brisbane (2) Dec. 2008: Virtual April 2009: Taipei (at ICASSP) Sept. 2009: Brighton (2) Nov. 2009: Virtual Mar. 2010: Dallas (at ICASSP) Apr. 2010: Virtual Sept. 2010: Virtual (informal) Sept. 2010: Makuhari (1, +1 planned)
Secretariat and Membership Direct contact with members Membership database Financial transactions and administration Support for ITRWs Membership dues Web content coordination Documentation of ISCA board meetings Elections to the Board and Advisory Council ISCA Statutes and Bylaws David House ISCA Secretary Please give us input and suggestions either this week at the ISCA Booth or later: secretariat@isca-speech.org Manu Foxonet Administrative Assistant
Membership by country (june 2010) Total: 1580
Membership Services An institutional member is a group membership for an (unique) institution Main idea: The IM institution could benefit from the ISCA members’ special prices for different people depending on the ISCA event A simpler administrative procedure Not very popular so far: Has been limited to 5 grouped subscriptions The members were not identified and and could not participate individually in association activities (elections) Jean-François Bonastre Institutional Members:
Institutional Members - renewed For each IM, some people can be identified at the subscription time as individual ISCA members Remaining members of the pack benefit also from the ISCA reduced fees and can change on event to another Four packs: 5 members, 3 identified, fees = 240 euros 10 members, 6 identified, fees = 480 euros 15 members, 9 identified, fees = 720 euros 20 members, 12 identified, fees = 960 euros (1 IM could subscribe for several packs) The IM are ISCA partners and benefit from: Logo in the ISCA website A DVD copy of the archive each year
Web Haizhou Li Chris Wellekens ISCApad • New service provider (InCampus) since July 2009 • Hosting ISCA Web and ISCA student portal in one location • New ISCA Web was launched in December 2009 • Supported by a content management system for the first time • New layout and ISCA Archive (IS & Workshop proceedings) • New facelift of ISCApad since August 2010 • Online ISCApad publication • New editorial facility • Seamless integration with ISCA Web • To come • New ISCA membership portal ready in October 2010
The ISCA Online Archive Wolfgang Hess • Contains all former INTERSPEECH (EUROSPEECH and ICSLP) conferences and all ITRWs and ETRWs from 1987 to 2009 in machine-readable form • > 100 events • Available on website since August 2003http://www.isca-speech.org/archive/index.html • Abstracts accessible for everybody • Full papers accessible for members only • Use your individual ISCA password to access(password assistance on the web page) • Since 2007 linked to Google Scholar, thanks to David Gelbart and the Student Committee
ISCA Workshops(ITRWs and supported events) 2010 19 wrk/conf. sponsored (2 ITRW) Contact ISCA for new event proposals workshops@isca-speech.org ISCA support for workshops Web and ISCAPAD announcements Grants for students Archive Nick Campbell Additional services • Secretariat support • Online banking service • Online registration • Monetary advance • Web/Mail announcement
ISCA Workshops(ITRWs and supported events) SSW7, Sept 2010, Kyoto SAPA2010, September 2010, Tokyo Blizzard Challenge, September, Kyoto SIGDIAL, September 2010, Tokyo DiSS-LPSS, September 2010 Tokyo TSD, September 2010, Brno Exling, August 2010, Athens ENTERFACE'10, Aqugust 2010, Amsterdam ACL, July 2010, Uppsala Odyssey, June 2010, Brno QoMEX, June 2010, Trondheim JEP, May 2010, Mons LREC, May 2010, Malta Speech Prosody, May 2010, Chicago SLTU, May 2010, Penang PROPOR, April 2010, Porto Alegre ASRU, December 2009, Merano MAVEBA, December 2009 (Italy) eaSDS, December 2009 (Germany) And 5 more in the next few months…(see our new web page for details :- )
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Yoshinori Sagisaka Michael Picheny SIG-ILSP AISV SIG-IL SIGRU AVISA SIGdial AFCP SynSIG LANGUAGES SaLTMIL TOPICS Chinese SLP SLaTE
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Representative SIG Activities: Annual meetings - regularly by several SIGs International Conferences INTERSPEECH 2011 co-organized by AISV, INTERSPEECH 2013 co-organized by AFCP Workshops - e.g., AVSP 2010 (AVISA), Oriental –COSCODA (SIG-CSLP), PROPOR 2010 (SIG-IL) SIGDIAL (in conjunction with Interspeech 2010), Second Language Studies (Sept 2010), , Odyssey (SPLC, 2010), SSW7 (SYNSIG, Sept. 2010), Speech Prosody 2010 (SPROSIG) Young researcher roundtable (SIGDIAL, Sept 2010) Thesis prizes - AFCP, 2009 and SIG-IL, 2010 Contributions to ISCApad Thanks to the SIGs for their help in recruiting reviewers!!
ISCA Distinguished Lecturers Program Sending Distinguished Lecturers to different parts of the world when invited by a Regional Subcommittee Selection Committee chaired by Sadaoki Furui One Distinguished Lecturer Selected Dec 2007 for 2008-2009 Richard M. Stern, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Latin America in Aug 2009 India in Dec 2009 Two Distinguished Lecturers Selected Dec 2008 for 2009-2010 Abeer Alwan, University of California at Los Angeles, USA Brazil in June 2010 James R. Glass, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Planning the tripto Nepal in Nov 2010 Two Distinguished Lecturers Selected Dec 2009for 2010-2011 Li Deng, Microsoft Research at Redmond, USA Lecture Trips under planning Thierry DUTOIT, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium Lecture Trips under planning Call for Nominations for new DLs by 15 Nov 2010 Sadaoki Furui Yoshinori Sagisaka
Industry Liaison Established set of 20 Industry affiliates to ISCA Listed on ISCA website by logo with short descriptions Yearly ISCA-Industry Roundtable with affiliates September 2009 at INTERSPEECH In Brighton September 2010 at INTERSPEECH in Makuhari Monthly ISCApad affiliate research focus Leverages student resume service (in conjunction with SAC and Education Coordinator) to help match students with jobs, as well as ISCA webpage “JOBS“ section Michael Picheny
Liaison with other organizations Liaison with organizations in speech and language ACL, ACLCLP, AFCP, AISV, ASJ andASSTA Encouragement of joint activities Representation in NAACL&HLT Yoshinori Sagisaka
Journals ISCA has two journals: SPECOM and CSL (SPECOM is a shared journal with EURASIP) Have decided to revive yearly paper awards, merge award processes across journals and coordinate with EURASIP Even years (2010, 2012...) ISCA will solely present paper awards Odd years (2011, 2013) ISCA and EURASIP will collaborate on SPECOM, and ISCA will solely present awards for CSL Michael Picheny Jean-Francois Bonastre Yoshinori Sagisaka
Upcoming INTERSPEECH Conferences INTERSPEECH 2011: Florence, Italy, August 27-31, 2011 INTERSPEECH 2012: Portland, Oregon, USA, September 09-13, 2012 INTERSPEECH 2013: Lyon, France, August 25-29, 2013 Call for proposals and guidelines for Interspeech-2014 (Nov. 1st. 2010 deadline) www.isca-speech.org (click on: events, then on guidelines) Call for volunteer reviewers Douglas O‘Shaugnessy Tanja Schultz
Grants September 2009-10 Alan W Black Total expenditure by ISCA: ~20800 € IS10: ~13000 € Total: ~33800 € 52 Grants 9 events 25 Countries By Country: (by institution of awardees) USA 7, UK 5, France 4, India 4, plus others By Continent: NA: 8, Europe 23, Africa 1, SA 1, Asia 10, ANZ 5 Including extra support from IS2006 organizers
2010: Applications 101, awarded 52, award rate 51% 2009: Applications 63, awarded 52, award rate 83% 2008: Applications 106, awarded 54, award rate 51% Awardees are: Students, First time presentation SAC contributors ISCA supported event, One grant per Institution Exceptions sometimes made Rejections are due to : Applications from the same group, too many for event (Interspeech) Please apply early through Online Application Website (yes, it works again!)
Awards Alan W Black ISCA Medal for Scientific Achievement 2010 Recipient: Steve Young 6 new ISCA Fellows ISCA Award for the best paper published in the Speech Communication Journal 2007-2009 ISCA Award for the best paper published in the Computer and Language Journal 2005-2009 3 ISCA Awards for the Best Student Paper of INTERSPEECH 2010 TBA Thursday at the Interspeech 2010 closing ceremony
ISCA Fellows, 2010 Chair: Sadaoki Furui 9 nominations 6 awarded Alex ACERO Janet BAKER John HANSEN Lin-Shan LEE Nelson MORGAN Philip WOODLAND Keikichi Hirose
Student liaison Helen Meng ISCA Student Advisory Committee Members completing their term Current Members Samer Al Moubayed General Coordinator KTH, Sweden Marcel Wältermann Web Coordinator Deutsche Telekom Labs, TU Berlin, Germany Antonio Roque Transition Coordinator University of Southern California, USA Marco A. Piccolino-Boniforti Educational Series Coordinator University of Cambridge, UK Catherine LaiVolunteers CoordinatorUniversity of Pennsylvania, USA Matt Speed Content and Publicity CoordinatorUniversity of York, United Kingdom Sylvie Saget General Coordinator Telecom Bretagne, LUSSI , France Sunayana Sitaram Volunteers Coordinator National Institute of Tech. India
Student liaison Migration and complete renewal of the ISCA-SAC website www.isca-students.org Now hosted in Singapore (thanks to Dr. Haizhou Li and Tse Min Lua from InCampus) State-of-the-Art Content Management Platform (Drupal 6) New design and extended functionality Central part: Blog for increased interactivity between ISCA-SAC and students Re-implementation of the ISCA Grant Application System Forum Ongoing migration of all the functionality of the old website (e.g., books, theses, job listings) Membership drive! Visit our social networking sites at Facebook and Twitter! Meet us at the ISCA booth everyday between 12:00– 14:00! Maintenance of Google indexing of ISCA publications
Student liaison YRRSDS'10 (Young Researchers Roundtable at the Spoken Dialog Systems Workshop 2010) www.yrrsds.org An annual workshop designed for students, post docs, and junior researchers working in research related to spoken dialogue systems in both academia and industry YRRSDS'10 kindly hosted by Waseda Unviersity on September 22-23, 2010 Sponsors: Orange Labs (awaiting confirmation), Honda Research Institute, Microsoft Research, AT&T, Aldebaran Robotics, Dialonics
ISCA-SAC @ Interspeech 2010 • ISCA-SAC Student Panel Session • Speech Technology in the Next Decade 2010-2020 • Visions from Academia and Industry • Objective: Dialog between invited researchers and students! • Prof. Alan Black: CMU (Carnegie Mellon University) • Prof. Nick Campbell : Trinity College Dublin • Dr. Ciprian Chelba: Google • Dr. Bowen Zhou: IBM Research • Organizer: ISCA-SAC • Sponsors: ISCA • Date: Wednesday (Sep 29, 13:30-15:30, Room 301) • All Are Welcome!
Student liaison Interspeech 2010 Student Reception! Tuesday 28 September, from 19:15 Venue: MTG (Makuhari Techno Garden) building, a 12-minute walk northeast and inland from the conference site Bring your tickets!
ISCA – Multimedia Educational Material We plan to create Multimedia educational material from: Keynote speeches and tutorials at ISCA conferences and workshops ISCA Distinguished Lectures Researchers who are willing to provide short courses on selected topics (by invitation at the beginning) For this purpose: An ISCA Consent and Release Form was compiled (first time will be used at Interspeech2010) Convenient material dissemination practices are under consideration (formats, server etc.) Yannis Stylianou
Treasurer’s Report Positive result (income over expenditure) for 2009 Expenditure for the benefit of members major overhaul of ISCA website and move to new web hosting service continuous and increased grant support Solid financial base for continued Interspeech and ITRW seed funding Consistent savings thanks to Student Committee initiatives Highlights Bernd MÖBIUS
Treasurer’s Report * Two Interspeech conferences: Antwerp (2007) and Brisbane (2008)
Treasurer’s Report * Lower because of maternity leave ** Includes room rent for committee meetings
Treasurer’s Report * To incur in 2010
Treasurer’s Report Each year ISCA gives seed money to 1-2 Interspeech conferences and 1-2 workshops. Assets >€82k are required to maintain a positive cash balance.
Treasurer’s Report - Conclusion ISCA is financially sound ISCA will continue to provide seed money for Interspeech conferences and ITRW workshops: assets sufficient to support 1-2 Interspeech conferences and workshops at any time reserves enable ISCA to reduce financial risks to conference organizers, which potentially reduces registration fees ISCA is strengthening its support for grants, international actions and groups, and new initiatives. New ideas are most welcome!
Approval of Reports Report President Treasurer
Changes to the ISCA Statutes A4.1 Statute A4.1 restricts ISCA Board membership to no more than two members per country. Possible changes to this restriction were discussed at the General Assembly held last year in Brighton, and now the Board is officially proposing increasing the limit to three members per country:Current: “No more than two members of the Board are permitted from one country” Proposed: “No more than three members of the Board are permitted from one country”
Changes to the ISCA Statutes A5.1 Statute A5.1 specifies the frequency of General Assembly meetings to once every two years. In practice, the General Assembly now meets at each Interspeech Conference and therefore the Board proposes the following change:Current: “The General Assembly meets every two years” Proposed: “The General Assembly meets at least every two years”
Goals for 2010-11 To enhance ISCA’s world position To promote high standards in ISCA’s conferences and workshops To expand ISCA’s international aspects To support student-centered activities Regional sub-committees Remote access to lectures (DL program) Improve the representation of underrepresented countries/regions in the membership To enhance the ISCA community To raise the impact factor of ISCA members’ publications To expand the ISCA video archive and virtual conferencing To understand members’ needs better and increase community involvement To stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration in new areas of research To improve current ISCA web-based services and create new ones
Next ISCA General Assembly INTERSPEECH 2011 Florence, Italy, August 27-31, 2011