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GENES, ENVIRONMENT AND DIET…. Do these really matter?. Living with autism…. Autism Yesterday. October, 6 th 2009 - USA. Oct. 6 th , 2009 Continued. EARLY DIAGNOSIS - 1. Alarmed by dramatic and baffling rise in the prevalence of autism:
GENES, ENVIRONMENT AND DIET… Do these really matter?
EARLY DIAGNOSIS - 1 • Alarmed by dramatic and baffling rise in the prevalence of autism: • Now affects as many as 1 in every 91 (1:57 boys) children (3 – 17 yrs of age)! • Though a brain disorder, • Current diagnosis is via behavioural observations, • Which are not reliable until child is 2 to 3 yrs old.
Early Diagnosis - 2 “Finding a sensitive and accurate biological marker for autism that can be revealed by a simple blood test would have enormous implications for diagnosing, treating and understanding more about the underlying causes of autism,” said David G. Amaral, research director at the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute.
Early Diagnosis - 3 “Not being able to detect autism until a child is close to 3-years-old eliminates a valuable window of treatment opportunity during the first few years of life when the brain is undergoing tremendous development.”
EARLY DIAGNOSIS – THE GOAL I • Discovering an early diagnostic test. • Imperative of research. • Growing view: “Not all children with autism are ‘doomed to autism’ at birth”. • Vulnerability. • Encounter after being born. • Genetic abnormality? • Environmental factor? • Dietary issue? • Triggers the disorder.
EARLY DIAGNOSIS – THE GOAL II • Studying the biological signs of autism. • Could lead to new ways to prevent the disorder from ever occurring. • And even if it can’t be prevented, • Intervening early in life—ideally shortly after birth—, • Could greatly improve the lifetime outlook for children with autism, • Particularly those who now respond poorly to therapy initiated when they are three or older.”
GENES, ENVIRONMENT & DIET - 1 • Genes: May, 2005 – chromosomal areas implicated in Autism • 5 – 20 genes involved • Location on chromosome 11 & 17 • Traits are both biological and behavioural • Language delay • Large head in family members • Abnormal parental brain processing of faces • Degree to which relatives can “read” person’s mental state
GENES, ENVIRONMENT & DIET - 2 • Genes:Other – • Left Handedness • Allergies & Immune System Issues • History of early ear infections • Food Intolerances • Migraine suffering • Testosterone-link? • Combination of Neuro-toxicants & genes account for near 25% of Developmental problems • National Academy of Sciences - 2000
GENES, ENVIRONMENT& DIET - 3 • Environment: • Children diagnosed with autism - increased astronomically • Leading scientists concluding - non-genetic factors in the environment may be at least partially responsible for the rise of epidemic proportions world-wide • EVIDENCE OF HARM –EOHsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
Potentially hazardous chemicals should be judged “guilty until proven innocent. …But the EPA doesn’t work that way…”EPA Advisor, Prof. John Wargo, Yale University
GENES, ENVIRONMENT & DIET - 4 • Environment: • PCB’s and Language Development • Environmental factors may combine with genetic predispositions – 51 over-lapping genes • “Kids at Risk” - US News and World Report, June 19th, 2000 – linking chemicals in the environment to the rising numbers of children with learning problems • 1/6 of children in USA suffer from Autism, ADD/H, Dyslexia or other Learning Disabilities
The Normally Developing Brain • From uterus throughout adolescence • series of complex processes in a carefully timed sequence • Cells proliferate, move to correct spot, synapses form, neural circuits are refined, neurotransmitters and receptors grow • Neuro-toxicants may slow, accelerate, or otherwise modify any of these processes!
GENES, ENVIRONMENT & DIET - 5 • ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE? • Autism in California: 1987 – 1998: 210 % increase from 3,164 – 11,995! • Learning Problems – New York: jumped 55% from 132,000 to 204,000 - 1983 and 1996. • The Lead Factor: significantly higher bone-lead levels in juvenile court convicts – May 2000. • Breath-taking Pesticides: New York: pregnant women breath in at least 3 neuro-toxic pesticides able to cause disorders in foetuses – March, 2000.
The Broken children of Punjab Courtesy: Gethin Chamberlain – UK Guardian CARIN S. SMIT – C/CLINICAL METAL TOXICOLOGIST - SYNAPSE AFRICA NEURO-NUTRITIONAL CLINIC
The bitter legacy of governmental failure to act…..
GENES, ENVIRONMENT & DIET- 1 • WHY DIET? • Genetic predisposition to weak digestion • Enzyme suppressing environmental insults • Foods which suppress enzymatic function
GENES, ENVIRONMENT & DIET- 2 • Family history of digestive problems • Heavy metals suppress enzyme function • Certain foods contain chemicals which suppress pancreatic enzymes
GF/CF versus Historically – milk & wheat Then all gluten-containing products and dairy Then lists of gluten and casein-containing foods GF/C/F/G/F THE PROBLEM: All grains contain gluten & most contain gliadin too Gliadin is the toxic protein that causes coeliacs to lose endothelial cells! 100% of protein in legumes, nuts, seeds and pulses is GLIADIN! GENES, ENVIRONMENT & DIET - 3
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics…” Benjamin Disraeli, 1804 - 1881
GENES, ENVIRONMENT & DIET - 5 • “Lies, damn lies and statistics…” – Pinnochio syndrome! • Soya, Nuts, Seeds, Milk, Grains – are they good for you? • What is there to lose?!
GENES, ENVIRONMENT & DIET- 4 • LEGUMES– Soya i.s.o. Milk! • Nuts, Seeds and pulses - as alternative protein sources??? • “NO! No! No!”
GENES, ENVIRONMENT &DIET- 5 • Nutrients Lost Calcium Magnesium Zinc B-Complex Essential amino acids Essential fatty acids Trace elements Vitamin C
WHY DIET? • Clears brain of opiates (morphines) • Improves appetite for other foods – wider food choices • Stops neural pruning whilst heavy metals issues are being addressed • Stops insults to immune system (WBC’s & DPPIV) • Stops mineral-leeching (Ca, Mg, Zn…) • Makes body feel better – health benefits • Heals gastro-intestinal system • Improves mood, focus and memory • Stops mal-digestion, malabsorption and malnutrition
METALLOTHIONEIN – WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT DOES? • Body’s control mechanism for copper and zinc • Development of neurons • Detoxifies heavy metals • Matures the GI tract • Anti-oxidation • Boosting immune function • Delivers zinc to cells
METALLOTHIONEIN-RELATED ISSUES IN AUTISM • Incomplete breakdown of casein/gluten/gliadin protein by zinc dependent enzymes • Disrupted ability to combat yeast • Reduced production of stomach acid • Impaired stimulation of pancreas by secretin • Leaky gut syndrome • Inability to clear body of heavy metals • Disordered immune system • Neurological changes we ultimately see in Autism