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WebScarab-NG: Autumn of Code 2006 Project

WebScarab-NG: Autumn of Code 2006 Project. Presenter: Dave Wichers OWASP Conferences Chair COO, Aspect Security dave.wichers@aspectsecurity.com WebScarab Project Lead: Rogan Dawes rogan@dawes.za.net. What is WebScarab?.

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WebScarab-NG: Autumn of Code 2006 Project

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  1. WebScarab-NG:Autumn of Code 2006 Project Presenter: Dave Wichers OWASP Conferences Chair COO, Aspect Security dave.wichers@aspectsecurity.com WebScarab Project Lead: Rogan Dawes rogan@dawes.za.net

  2. What is WebScarab? • A tool for anyone involved with HTTP-based applications (e.g. web applications) • Key features • Full visibility into the HTTP protocol • Ability to modify HTTP requests in any way • Also supports HTTPS (incl client certs) • Persistent audit trail can easily be reviewed • Primary uses • Security analysis, Web Application debugging

  3. Who is writing WebScarab-NG? • Rogan Dawes • rogan@dawes.za.net • Lives in South Africa (Just had his first baby May 3rd (Connor Michael Hastings Dawes), otherwise he’d be here!!) • Has been developing proxy tools for a while • First Mangle (in perl), then Exodus (in Java) • Then WebScarab and now WebScarab-NG • Currently works for Aspect Security

  4. What is wrong with WebScarab? • “Plainly put - WebScarab’s UI is a disaster!” – Rogan Dawes – Author of WebScarab

  5. WebScarab Deficiencies - Summary • UI – Not Intuitive • Expected UI sugar, like “right-click copy and paste menus”, etc. not available • Trying to retro-fit a huge task • Extensive functionality (plugins) intimidating • Close coupling between underlying data model and the presentation layer • 1000s of files WebScarab writes to record a session (even temporary sessions!)

  6. The solution: WebScarab-NG

  7. WebScarab-NG Benefits • Using Spring we get • tons of (Human Interface Guidelines-compliant) stuff, almost without effort • Easy internationalization of text • Automatic “copy and paste” menus • Robust command framework – automatic activation and deactivation of commands when appropriate • Intuitive separation of View from Model/Data Layer • Spring JDBC code also very easy to write

  8. Current WebScarab-NG features • Intercepting Proxy • Intercept and modify HTTP(S) conversations • Manual Request • Modify and replay requests • Flexible perspectives • Eclipse-like • Can choose which views to include • Data written to a local in-process database • Runs using Java Web Start • Automatic updates! • But lots of WebScarab Features not yet ported

  9. WebScarab-NG special features • Proxy control bar • Stays on top • Drop down control of request intercept • Annotate the next conversation to be made • Docking framework • Validation

  10. WebScarab-NG – finding conversations • Select URL(s) to filter conversation list • Filter further by keyword or search (Ctrl-F)

  11. So why use the old WebScarab? • Reliability – extensive testing over 4 years • More features • Web Services support • Transcoder (An encoder / decoder) • Include/Exclude Filters • Reverse proxy • Spider • XSS/CRLF injection tests • Session ID Analysis • Scripting engine • Fuzzer • Advanced Search • SSL Client certificate support

  12. The future of WebScarab (-NG) • Significant new development only on –NG • Unless we get patches  • OWASP Spring of Code 2007 • Implementation of automated testing • Record and replay test cases • Reimplementation of major features • Spider (incl forms!) • Web Services • Reverse Proxy • Improved Session ID analysis • Scripting Engine • Automated identity tracking

  13. Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S Questions and Answers A

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