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DUNIP: DEVS Unified Process Integrated Development and Testing in Service Oriented Architecture

DUNIP: DEVS Unified Process Integrated Development and Testing in Service Oriented Architecture. Dissertation Defense Saurabh Mittal April 20, 2007 ECE Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA Advisor: Prof. Bernard P. Zeigler. Outline. Introduction Problem Domain

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DUNIP: DEVS Unified Process Integrated Development and Testing in Service Oriented Architecture

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  1. DUNIP: DEVS Unified ProcessIntegrated Development and Testing in Service Oriented Architecture Dissertation Defense Saurabh Mittal April 20, 2007 ECE Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA Advisor: Prof. Bernard P. Zeigler

  2. Outline • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Projects from which DUNIP Evolved • Contributions and Future work

  3. Problem Domain Background • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Design questions • How is design specified and requirements written • Model generation issues • Foundation: Systems Based • Structure: hierarchical or flat • Model Execution platforms • Central, Distributed, Net-centric • Test-case development • Test-plan, test-execution, Model-based

  4. Proposal • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Thesis proposes an integrated process • DEVS Unified Process: DUNIP • Based on Bifurcated Model-Continuity based Life-cycle methodology

  5. Real-time execution Simulation execution Model Continuity Behavior Requirements at lower levels levels of System Specification Model Structures at higher levels of System Specification Verification and Validation Test Models/ Federations Experimental Frames System Theory Bifurcated Model Continuity-Based Life-cycle Process: Integrated Development and Testing • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work

  6. Background and Literature Survey • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Model Driven Architecture (MDA): OMG • UML, XML, XMI, CWM, ‘forward engineering’ • Creation, analysis, transformation, composition, testing, simulation, reverse-engineering • Model-based Testing methodologies • Test identification, classification • Test data generation • Random, functional, control-flow, data-flow, mutation, regression • Test Selection criteria (cost-performance tradeoff) • Test-case Specifications • Test Suite Development

  7. Background and Literature Survey • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Automated Test-case Generation • UML widely used but insufficient and incomplete • Test cases from: Statecharts, Collaboration diagrams, message-path coverage criterion for Sequence diagrams, I/O behavior from Use-case diagrams • Test objectives coming from Enhanced version of UML diagrams especially Use-case diagrams

  8. Background and Literature Survey • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Distributed Modeling And Simulation • The Application • Model Partitioner • Model Deployer • Model Initializer • Model simulator • DEVS/P2P, DEVS/RMI, DEVS/Grid, DEVS/CORBA, • DEVS Standardization Group • Work in progress

  9. Real-time execution Simulation execution Model Continuity Behavior Requirements at lower levels levels of System Specification Model Structures at higher levels of System Specification Verification and Validation Requirement Specs Test Models/ Federations Experimental Frames System Theory Background and Literature Survey • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • DEVS-Based Bifurcated Model-Continuity Process

  10. DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • DEVS Entities • The Model, The Simulator, The Experimental Frame • Atomic and Coupled models • Atomic defined by: M = < X, S, Y, δint, δext, δcon, λ, ta > • Coupled defined byM = < X, Y, D, {Mij},{Ij}, {Zij} >

  11. From Structure To Behavior DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Hierarchy of System Specifications • mathematical underpinning • Establishing relationships between pairs of system specifications at various levels of resolution • Vertical Association mapping • specifications at higher-level is translated to lower-level specifications • Much difficult to do the opposite

  12. Requirements Front-end DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Enhanced Model-View-Controller Paradigm • Architectural Layers • Variable-structure and Dynamic Reconfiguration

  13. Automated DEVS Model Generation • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generationfrom various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Many ways to specify requirements specifications • State-based • Message-based involving Restricted NLP • BPMN/BPEL-based • DoDAF-based • From requirement specification formats to DEVS Models automatedly • What info do we need for a DEVS system • Entities as objects in hierarchical structure • FSMs for atomic models • Timeouts for each phase in atomic models • Entity interfaces for both atomic and coupled • Messages coming in and going out through interfaces when atomic is in specific state • Coupling information • Experimental Frame

  14. Automated DEVS Model Generation in DUNIP • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generationfrom various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work Message-Based Scenario Specs with Restricted NLP BPMN/BPEL Based Scenario Specs DoDAF based Scenario Specs State-based Specs XML-Based Data Extraction towards DEVS Elements Real-time execution Model Continuity Simulation execution DEVS Behavior Requirements at lower levels levels of System Specification DEVS Model Structures at higher levels of System Specification Verification and Validation System Theory Test Models/ Federations Experimental Frames

  15. Automated DEVS Model Generation • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generationfrom various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • State-Based System specification • UML Statecharts incomplete, need to augmented for DEVS FSM • DEVS FSM based on XML DTD • Model specified in XML, validated by DTD and mined using a DOM parser to extract DEVS related information • Extracted information leads to DEVSJAVA model

  16. Automated DEVS Model Generation • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generationfrom various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Message-Based System with restricted Natural Language Processing (NLP) • Rule-based • Example ‘Simon Says’

  17. Automated DEVS Model Generation • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generationfrom various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Message-Based System with restricted Natural Language Processing (NLP) • Transformation of Rule to ‘universal’ primitives • Towards a Universal State Machine (USM) • Message Streams as Parallel ‘sender’ and ‘receiver’ roles for entity DEVSJAVA model

  18. Automated DEVS Model Generation • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generationfrom various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • BPMN/BPEL-based system specifications • Graphical description, based on ‘proper’ tool giving out .bpel and .wsdl files • BPEL as a standard BPEL4WS is analogous to a DEVS component in terms of ‘component’ structure • XML based specifications, using DOM parser to extract information • Automated the process toward DEVSJAVA code

  19. Automated DEVS Model Generation • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generationfrom various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • DoDAF-based system specifications • M&S not mandated however ‘must’, our objective…. • Manifold reasons to pursue towards ‘executable architecture’ realization • UML diagrams: Sequence Diagrams (an example)

  20. Automated DEVS Model Generation • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generationfrom various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • DoDAF-based system specifications • Mapping of DoDAF artifacts to UML to DEVS • Giving structure to DoDAF constructs using SES • Finally led to Enhanced DoDAF with new OV documents OV-8,9 dedicated to M&S

  21. Model-Based Automated Test-case Generation • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Review of the Process • SUT scenario is constructed based on system test requirement using I/O pair concept • DEVS Observer Test models are developed using model mirroring by reversing testable pairs • DEVS source code is generated • Test-driver is loaded with Test models • Test-driver executes the models against real or simulated SUT

  22. Net-centric M&S in DUNIP • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work Message-Based Scenario Specs with Restricted NLP BPMN/BPEL Based Scenario Specs DoDAF based Scenario Specs State-based Specs XML-Based Data Extraction towards DEVS Elements Client-Server Net-centric Systems DEVSML Client SOADEVS Client Real-time execution Model Continuity Simulation execution DEVS Behavior Requirements at lower levels levels of System Specification DEVS Model Structures at higher levels of System Specification Verification and Validation System Theory Test Models/ Federations Experimental Frames

  23. Net-centric Simulation using SOA • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) • Architecture based on Web Service communication • XML-based communication platform • XML-based Modeling • DEVS Modeling Language (DEVSML) • Collaboration and model development with XML as middleware • XML-based Simulation • SOADEVS • Simulation as a Web Service • Distributed simulation platform

  24. Net-centric Simulation using SOA • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • DEVSML • Layered Architecture • Collaborative and Model composability

  25. Net-centric Simulation using SOADEVSML • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • DEVS Formalism be modified slightly to incorporate ‘services’ • SM = <X, S, Y, int, ext, conf , , ta, V> where, V is the set of Service methods that are represented by this atomic model. • Advantages: • Transform any existing DEVS Atomic as a ‘container’ capable of publishing Services • Promote testing of Services by making them DEVS enabled • Transition a DEVS Service component directly to a Web-Service

  26. Net-centric Simulation using SOADEVSML • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Offered Services • Convert Java models to DEVSML and vice-versa • Integrate coupled and atomic to a portable composite DEVSML file • Validate existing DEVSML model • Simulate composite DEVSML at Server

  27. Net-centric Simulation using SOA • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • SOADEVS • Service-based approach to DEVS Simulation engine implementation • Development of SOA artifacts • SOAP messages, WSDL specs • Distributed simulation protocol to be tailored to SOA

  28. DUNIP: DEVS Unified Process • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • The capability to: • Transform various forms of requirement specification formats to DEVS models • Transform any DEVSJAVA model to Platform Independent Model (PIM) using DEVSML for reuse and collaborative development • Simulate any DEVSML using SOADEVS architecture exploiting the transparent simulator paradigm • Transform any DEVSML to Service component in SOA

  29. DUNIP: DEVS Unified Process • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work

  30. DEMO • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Joint Close Air Support • From requirements to Simulations: the complete life-cycle DEVSML DUNIP

  31. Contents of Source dir Select DEVS Implementation Platform. It is needed to generate appropriate JAVA model through a valid DEVSML description DUNIP: DEVS Unified ProcessDEVSML Client Contents of Target dir (the generated files) SIMULATE an Integrated DEVSML file • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work Select the file to View and Operate Integrate a DEVSML coupled scenario with multiple Java atomic files in source folder Validate any Atomic/Coupled DEVSML description using ‘standardized’ Universal DEVS DTDs View the Source And Target folder files in DEVSML and Java format Contents of the Generated file in the Target folder as a result of Operation on the source file Convert a DEVSML coupled model to JAVA description etc. SOAP Message Envelopes sent by CLIENT to the Server SOAP Message Envelopes sent by SERVER to the Client Selected WEB SERVICE out of the available ones (reflected automatedly based on choices above)

  32. Projects from which DUNIP Evolved • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work

  33. Contributions • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Automated procedures towards an integrated process • From varied requirement specifications format to DEVS models • Model interoperability, reuse, composability and collaborative development using DEVSML • Automated test-case generation of Observer test-models from Models • Distributed simulation on SOA with suggestions to modification to DEVS Formalism to make it Service enable • Net-centric execution using XML as a middleware

  34. Future Work • Introduction • Problem Domain • Background and Literature Survey • DEVS Framework and M&S Capabilities • Automated DEVS Model Generation from various Requirement Specifications formats • Model-based Automated Test-case Generation • Net-centric Simulation using SOA • DUNIP: Putting it all together • Demo • Case-studies and Applications • Conclusions and Future work • Proposal towards standardization of DEVS formalism • Enhancement of DoDAF towards development of ‘executable’ architectures • A Prototype solution with underlying formal systems theory applied in whole or in-part to active projects at JITC • Refine the DUNIP process • Inclusion of more requirement specifications formats • Performance evaluation of distributed SOADEVS protocol • Empower DEVSML with standardized DTDs • Make it easier for other DEVS groups to participate in DEVSML and SOADEVS development by registering their simulators • Make prototype tool as an Educational aide

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