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Kk ilo. Associative entity. Associative entity. Associative entity : an entity type that associates the instance of one or more entity types and constants attributes that are peculiar to the relationship between those entity instances. Rules for make associative entity.
Kkilo Associative entity
Associative entity • Associative entity : an entity type that associates the instance of one or more entity types and constants attributes that are peculiar to the relationship between those entity instances.
Rules for make associative entity Huh.. U don’t know?? Cat.. Cat…!!! If u want to make it, u must following are four conditions that should exist : All of d relationship 4 d participating entity types are “many” relationship. D resulting associative entity type has independent meaning 2 end users, n preferably can identified with a single-attribute identifier. D associative entity has 1 or more attributes, in addition to the identifier. D associative entity participates in 1 or more relationships independent of d entities related in d associative relationship How??? Do u understand now !!! Hey mouse.. How do u know whether or not to convert a relationship to an associative entity type?
“LebihbaikmenjadiNomorsatubagidirisendiri daripadamenjadiNomorduadibawahbayang-bayang kebesaranorang lain”
TUgas • Each semester, each student must be assigned an adviser who consules students about degree requirements and helps students register for classes. Each student must register for classes with the help of an adviser, but if the student’s assigned adviser is not available, the student may register with any adviser. We must keep track of students, the assigned adviser for each, and the name of the adviser with whom the student registered for the current term. Represent this situation of the students and advisers with an E-R diagram.
KUIS • Jelaskanperbedaanantara DFD dan ERD? • Apa yang dimaksuddengan Entity danattribut? • Sebutkan jenis2 atributdanjelaskanmasing-masing? • Sebutkandangambarkansimbol-simbol ERD? • Sebutkan 4 kondisi yang dibutuhkanuntukmengkonversisebuah relationship menjadiassosiatif entity?