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Project Selection & Expedited Project Selection for MPO FTIPs and the Statewide FSTIP

Project Selection & Expedited Project Selection for MPO FTIPs and the Statewide FSTIP. 2013 FTIP/FSTIP WORKSHOP January 18-19, 2012 Wade Hobbs, FHWA CADO. What are Project Selection Procedures?.

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Project Selection & Expedited Project Selection for MPO FTIPs and the Statewide FSTIP

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  1. Project Selection & Expedited Project Selection for MPO FTIPs and the Statewide FSTIP 2013 FTIP/FSTIP WORKSHOP January 18-19, 2012 Wade Hobbs, FHWA CADO

  2. What are Project Selection Procedures? • Project Selection means the procedures followed by the MPOs, States and public transportation operators to advance projects from the first four years of an approved TIP and/or STIP to implementation, in accordance with agreed upon procedures [23 CFR 450.104]. • The projects in Year 1 of an approved FTIP/FSTIP constitute an “agreed to” list of projects for future scheduling and implementation. • If an implementing agency wishes to proceed with a project from Year 2, Year 3 and/or Year 4 of the FTIP/FSTIP, specific project selection procedures must be followed. • Expedited selection procedures that advance projects from the Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 of the FTIP/FSTIP may be used if agreed to by all the parties involved in the selection [23 CFR 450.220(e)].

  3. What is the Significance of an “Agreed to List”? • The projects in the first year of an approved STIP shall constitute an “agreed to” list of projects for subsequent scheduling and implementation and no further action is required for the implementing agency to proceed with the listed projects. • The inclusion of projects in the first year of the approved STIP shall be viewed as a firm commitment to advance these projects during the STIP year.

  4. Who has Agreed to the List? • For projects located within the metropolitan planning area, all MPO participants (locals, transit operator(s) and State) have agreed to the implementation of those projects in the first year of the TIP.

  5. What is meant by subsequent scheduling and implementation? • Even though projects have been placed on the ‘agreed to list” and may have been selected by a prioritized selection process for a specific category of funds, the implementing agency may advance the projects in any specific order throughout the year.

  6. What happens to projects in “Year 1” if other projects are moved forward? • The advanced project is treated as if initially approved in Year 1 of the STIP, and the State need not identify which projects are not proceeding forward from Year 1 at the current time. • There is no Federal approval of the STIP required for projects advanced form the second, third, or fourth years of the STIP.

  7. Project Selection in Non-TMA Metropolitan Planning Areas

  8. Project Selection in Designated TMA Metropolitan Planning Areas

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