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The Challenges of Integration of the Agriculture Markets into Regional and EU markets. Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture Food & Consumer Protection. Dear Colleagues Ministers Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentelman Allow me to warmly wellcome You in Albania.
The Challenges of Integration of the Agriculture Markets into Regional and EU markets Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture Food & Consumer Protection Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Dear Colleagues Ministers Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentelman Allow me to warmly wellcome You in Albania Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Importance of agriculture and market integration • Agriculture and rural development are today very important challenges for our countries. • Development of agriculture markets has become an important factor for the economic development of our countries. • In this context, development of internal, their integration into the regional and international markets constitutes our common goal. Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Constraints in the agriculture sector in Albania • Suffers still the heritage of the very hard socialist system for 45 years, • Albania belongs to the countries with a limited arable land per capita, • Very fragmentated, small farm structure - average 1,1 Ha, • The marketing chain and other services were totally destroyed and is still suffering the lack of infrustructure, • Between 80 – 85 % of the farms are producing for self supply; • Only about 15 - 20 % of farms are producing for the market, Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Advantages and opportunities • Agriculture in Albania provides about 23 % of GDP, • In the sector are working about 60 % of the population • and about 80 % of the families are living from the sector, 54 % age between 25 -54 year. • Albania is a mediteranean country with very good climate conditions and near to the regional and EU – markets, • Climatic advantages – qualiative production with a lot of • sun, agroturism development etc, Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Our commitment to market development and regional cooperation • To achieve a successful transformation of the economy into a fully functional market economy. • To promote harmonized and effective economic relations. • To strongly contribute to the development of a free trade zone in the region. • To increase the cooperation with other countries involved into this process and WTO countries. Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Priority Government Policies • Realization of different analysis for market development. • Increase of support to improve farm competitiveness. • Increase public investment on marketing infrastructure. • Establishment of friendly environment for private investments, • Improvement of market transparency through marketing information and support by development of supply chains. • Implementation of international standards and food safety systems as EUREPGAP, HACCP, ISO. • Supporting of cooperation forms – cooperatives. • Improve food safety system. • Development of rural financing systems, credits. • Improvement of business and trade environment and facilitation of administrative procedures for the business. Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Website of the MAFCP – www.mbumk.gov.al Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Online information on prices and markets offered by MAFCP www.albamis.com Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Online information on prices and markets offered by MAFCP Regional network on prices www.agrimis.net Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Statistical analysis on trade Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Wholesale market in Fier (Private Investment) Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Wholesale market in Fier (Private Investment) Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Slaughterhouse development study Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006
Thank You for You Attention and Wish you a fruitful day Mr. Jemin Gjana Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection – Albania 23 November 2006