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Experiencing Astronomy Research in Schools. Webster, Aguilar, Higdon Strand: Embracing Technology NSES: Inquiry methods. GEARS Outline. How is Georgia Experiencing Astronomy Research in Schools? Organization: Vertically aligned program
Experiencing Astronomy Research in Schools Webster, Aguilar, Higdon Strand: Embracing Technology NSES: Inquiry methods Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
GEARS Outline • How is Georgia Experiencing Astronomy Research in Schools? • Organization: Vertically aligned program • Content: Inquiry and scientific tools as primary driver, content secondary • Some examples from the curriculum Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
GEARS • Georgians Experience Astronomy Research in Schools • NASA funded • Virtual School curriculum development • Teacher workshops • Resource Teacher training • Goal is to have 100% of GA students to be able to access curriculum Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Vertically Aligned • Unify standards with teacher preparation • New standards • New courses for teachers online • Extra workshops • New curriculum Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
New Standards: Perfect Timing • Georgia Performance Standards adopted 2004 in many fields • Astronomy adopted in 2008 • Common characteristics of science and nature of science across all science in 9-12. • New HS enrollees must take 4 credits of science Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
More science = need more teachers • Content bolstering courses in statewide online MAT program for career changers to help pass standardized test • GA Southern University: Space Science for Teachers • EDSC 5161: Our Solar System • EDSC 5162: Stars, Galaxies and the Universe • Provide a framework for teachers to introduce or enhance a performance-based astronomy curriculum in K-12 education. Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Virtual School Curriculum • Online curriculum • School operated by GA Dept. of Ed. • Available to all GA schools • Curriculum also available for blended use Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Resource Teachers • Outstanding teachers recruited to take online astronomy courses • Take an online teaching endorsement • Take workshops • Lead workshops Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Summer Workshops • To go where no student has ventured before: • Using NASA archives to make your own discoveries! • Computer based activities Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Modeling Inquiry Process • SCSh3. Students will identify and investigate problems scientifically. a. Suggest reasonable hypotheses for identified problems. b. Develop procedures for solving scientific problems. c. Collect, organize and record appropriate data. d. Graphically compare and analyze data points and/or summary statistics • SCSh1. Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating scientific equipment and materials. • b. Use technology to produce tables and graphs. . Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Science Skill Development Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Sequence of Inquiry • Engage - a demo or description of planet search efforts • Explore with some simulations • Explain techniques and content • Elaborate using real data • Evaluate research project or have a performance assessment using real or simulated data • http://cheller.phy.georgiasouthern.edu/gears/Units/2010%20Workshop/Kepler/Intro-Kepler-Activity.html Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Kepler Content Standard • SAST1. Students will explain the tools used by astronomers to study electromagnetic radiation to determine composition, motions, and other physical attributes of astronomical objects. • e. Quantitatively analyze data from telescopes (e.g. spectra, multi-wavelength photometry, and images) and/or other astronomical sources (e.g. tide tables, sky charts). Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Engage: Planet demos • Brainstorm how you might detect planets. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WApazS6-mu4 Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Explore: Simulation • Perfect data, also known as a model! http://astro.unl.edu/naap/esp/animations/transitSimulator.html Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Explain: Simulation • Simulated ‘noisy’ data http://astro.unl.edu/naap/esp/animations/transitSimulator.html Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Elaborate: Real data http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/kepler_hlsp/ Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Real Data Math class (0,0) as origin Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Introduce plotting in Excel • Resizing Axis Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Introduce plotting in Excel • Why are all my numbers the same on the horizontal axis? Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Introduce plotting in Excel • How many transits in the interval? • (gaps in real data) Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Evaluate: Potential Research Projects • Examine data that is not confirmed transit and see if find one. • Citizen Science: PlanetHunters.org • Performance Tasks relating to creating or interpreting graphs http://archive.stsci.edu/kepler/data_search/search.php Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
What ties do you see • For Physics? Chemistry? Physical Science? Earth Science? Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Spectra Standards SCSh7. Students analyze how scientific knowledge is developed. Students recognize that: a. The universe is a vast single system in which the basic principles are the same everywhere. SAST2. Students will describe the scientific view of the origin of the universe, the evolution of matter and the development of resulting celestial objects. a. Outline the main arguments and evidence in support of the standard cosmological model. (e.g. elements, solar systems, and universe) Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Spectra & Supernova • Used your flame test or your spectroscopes • So what… Søren Wedel Nielsen Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Stellar/Solar Spectra Image credit: NOAO/AURA/NSF Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Sun • Clockwise from top left: 171 Å, 284 Å. Soft X-ray, 10830 Å Fe IX/X Fe XV He I X-ray SOHO, SOHO, Yohkoh, Kitt Peak Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Ds9 - for Supernovae • Chandra Education has free tools for analysis • Chandra has location, time and energy data since they capture each photon • Download image • Pick a location • Make an energy spectrum Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
X-Ray Spectra Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Database use http://www.atomdb.org/Webguide/webguide.php Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Compare where • Energy filter • S: 2.461 (2.41 to 2.51 keV) Red • Si: 1.865 (1.81 to 1.91 keV) Green • Ca: 3.9 (3.85 to 3.95 keV) Blue http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/light/u12l2d.cfm Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
PR Energy: Red 0.95-1.26 keV, Green 1.63-2.26 keV, Blue 4.1-6.1 keV http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2005/tycho/ Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
What ties do you see • For Physics? Chemistry? Physical Science? Earth Science? Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Galaxy Standards SCSh6. Students will communicate scientific investigations and information clearly. c. Use data as evidence to support scientific arguments and claims in written or oral presentations. SAST1. Students will explain the tools used by astronomers to study electromagnetic radiation to determine composition, motions, and other physical attributes of astronomical objects. d. Discuss how spectroscopy provides information about the inherent properties and motions of objects. SAST4. Students analyze the dynamic nature of astronomy by comparing and contrasting evidence supporting cur rent views of the universe with historical views. a. Evaluate the impact that technological advances, as an agent of change, have hadon our modern view of the solar system and universe. Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Galaxies - patterns • Describe how the HI gas matches (or not) the visible light. (Write this down.) Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Hydrogen Gas • Hydrogen (left) ,Visible (right) Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Hydrogen - zoom Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Hydrogen - 2nd type • Visible (left), Hydrogen (right) Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Draw conclusions • After observing multiple spiral and elliptical galaxies … • Which ones have more hydrogen? • If hydrogen is necessary for making new stars, which type of galaxy should be making more stars? Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Generate hypothesis Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Hypothesis generation • Create a testable hypothesis (use fact learned earlier than young stars emit lots of ultra violet light) Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Which has more star formation? Red = visible Blue/Green = UV Blue/Red = UV NGC 1316 M33 Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/CTIO http://www.galex.caltech.edu/media/glx2009-01f_img02.html http://www.galex.caltech.edu/media/glx2007-05f_img05.html Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
New Understandings Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Research & Extension • Galaxy mergers • Galaxy Zoo - classification • Galaxy Zoo Merger • Irregular galaxies Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
GEARS summary • GEARS has been developed to link the standards, curriculum, and teacher training into a seamless process. • Curriculum is data driven and inquiry focused. • Curriculum will be delivered through Virtual School and in blended teaching • This program is funded by NASA Office of Education Grant NNX09AH83A and supported by the Georgia Department of Education, Columbus State University, and Georgia Southern University Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1
Standards/Outcomes • Audience members will be able to identify the strategies allowing alignment within the program. • Contrast GEARS curriculum with curriculum they are familiar with. • Plan to get in touch with us! Gears@colstate.edu Gears@ColumbusState.edu after May 1