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Learn about seismic hazard, risk, and assessment techniques, including factors influencing earthquake damage and mitigation strategies. Explore the importance of hazard mapping, building codes, and early warning systems for disaster prevention.
Seismic HazardMathilde B. Sørensen and Jens HavskovDept. of Earth Science, University of Bergen
What is seismic hazard? and seismic risk?
Basic definitions Seismic hazard Describes the probability of experiencing a given level of earthquake shaking at a given location within a given time frame Seismic risk Describes the probability of economical or human losses due to earthquake shaking Risk = Hazard · Vulnerability · Value
What controls the damage? • Amplitude of the seismic waves • Magnitude • Distance • Local geology • Frequency content of ground shaking • Building quality • Indirect damages (secondary effects) • Fire • Landslide/rock fall • Tsunami • Liquefaction
Building quality May 2008 Sichuan, China earthquake
Indirect damages - tsunami Meulaboh, NW Sumatra
Indirect damages - landslides Before After quake After 1st flood After 2nd flood
Indirect damage: Fire Japan
Prevention • Earthquakes cannot be avoided, but disasters can be prevented • Hazard and risk mapping • Building codes and retrofitting • City planning • Early warning
Hazard mapping Based on statistical analysis of the seismicity in an area
Hazard mapping Based on scenarios expected for the future
Hazard mapping Based on scenarios expected for the future
Building codes Regulate the loads a building must withstand Based on hazard maps Depend on the usage of the building
City planning Buildings sinking due to bad foundation at a delta complex (Izmir, Tyrkey)
Mexico early warning Warning time for coastal events is 60-100 s
Applications of hazard and risk • Can assist in defining building design specifications or determining if a site is appropriate for a partiular application • Can be accounted for in city planing or used as basis for risk mitigation • Is used by the insurance industry to define insurance level and costs • Allows society to make risk based decisions based on quantitative cost/benefit analyses for multiple hazards • Deagregation of the results can help identifying critical scenarios which can be associated with a specific hazard level
Hazard curves giving annual probability vs. ground motion level Hazard maps showing maximum expected ground motion for a given time frame and probability level Presentation of seismic hazard Petersen et al., 2007 Petersen et al., 2007
Main steps in seismic hazard assessment Data required: • Tectonics, geology, earthquakecatalog • Earthquakecatalog • Groundmotionpredictionequation Reiter, 1990
Step 1: source zones • Defines zones within which the seismicity is assumed to be homogeneous • Can be defined as point, line, area or volume sources • Accurracy in zonation depends mainly on amount of available information • Input information: • Seismicity • Tectonic information • Geological information
2. Recurrence and Mmax Foreachsourcezone, theearthquakeactivity must bedescribed • Recurrence in termsofthe Gutenberg-Richter relation • Maximum magnitudetobeproducedbythesourcezone • Minimum magnitudetobeconsidered (smallereventsare not expectedtocausedamage) Linear Truncated Grünthal, 2003
3. Ground motion • For every source, an appropriate GMPE must be chosen • Ideally, relation derived from local data • In most cases, relation from similar tectonic regime Petersen et al. (2004)
For all sources, theeffectof all earthquakesof all sizesand at all locations, with different occurrenceprobabilitiesareintegrated Output: Probabilityofexceeding different GM levels at a sitewithin a given time: 4. Calculation of hazard Mean rate of occurrence of earthquakes with m0≤m≤mmax in source i (from Gutenberg-Richter) From GMPE Expected number of exceedances of z within a given time PDFs of m and r
4. Calculation of hazard Petersen et al. (2007)
HHaiti earthquake catalog 1900-february 2010 Frankel et al., 2010Frankel
Shear wave velocity Frankel et al., 2010
Conclusion • Calculation of seismic hazard requires: • Good knowledge of past seismicity • Study of local attenuation • Seismic hazard calculation and seismic zonation maps are essential for planning purposes and construction of new buildings • Many areas have no zonation maps despite a high seismic hazard