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NY State Public School ELA 4 th Performance vs. Free-Reduced Rates. 100%. 90%. 80%. 70%. Pct. Proficient. 60%. 50%. 40%. 30%. 20%. 10%. 10%. 20%. 30%. 40%. 50%. 60%. 70%. 80%. 90%. 100%. Pct. Free-Reduced Lunch . NJASK 8—DOWNTOWN MS LITERACY. NJASK 8—DOWNTOWN MS MATH.

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  1. NY State Public School ELA 4th Performance vs. Free-Reduced Rates 100% 90% 80% 70% Pct. Proficient 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Pct. Free-Reduced Lunch



  4. North Star Middle Schools: Setting the Standard

  5. North Star Elementary: Exploding Expectations

  6. Ft. Worthington: Turnaround Through Transparency


  8. ASSESSMENT BIG IDEAS: • Standards (and objectives) are meaningless until you define how to assess them. • Because of this, assessments are the starting point for instruction, not the end.

  9. ASSESSMENTS: • PRINCIPLES FOR EFFECTIVE ASSESSMENTS: • COMMON INTERIM: • At least quarterly • Common across all teachers of the same grade level • DEFINE THE STANDARDS—ALIGNED TO: • To state test (format, content, & length) • To instructional sequence (curriculum) • To college-ready expectations

  10. ASSESSMENTS: • REASSESSES: • Standards that appear on the first interim assessment appear again on subsequent interim assessments • WRONG ANSWERS: • Illuminate misunderstanding • TRANSPARENT: • Teachers see the assessments in advance

  11. THE FOUR KEYS: • DATA-DRIVEN INSTRUCTION AT ITS ESSENCE: • ASSESSMENTS (Interim, Aligned, Reassess, Transparent) • ANALYSIS • ACTION • in a Data-driven CULTURE

  12. Analysis, Revisited Moving from the “What” to the “Why”

  13. ANALYSIS: • IMMEDIATE: Ideal 48 hrs, max 1 wk turnaround • BOTTOM LINE: Includes analysis at question level, standards level and overall—how well did the students do as a whole • TEST-IN-HAND analysis: Teacher & instructional leader together • TEACHER-OWNED analysis • DEEP: Moves beyond “what” to “why”

  14. PRECURSORS TO EFFECTIVE ANALYSIS MTGS • Do teachers see the assessment in advance? (TRANSPARENCY) • Do you train teachers in analysis strategies? (PROF DEVT, DEEP) • Do they fill out an analysis sheet? Do they answer the fundamental question: WHY the students did not learn it? (TEACHER-OWNED, DEEP) • Do they have to fill out an action plan? Do you model how to fill out an action plan using these analysis questions? (ACTION PLAN, ACCOUNTABILITY)

  15. Running Effective Analysis Meetings

  16. ANALYSIS MEETING HELPFUL PHRASES: • HELPFUL STARTERS FOR ANALYSIS MEETINGS: • “So…what’s the data telling you?” • “Congratulations on the improvement from last time in x area! You must be really proud of their growth here.” • “So the _____ [paraphrase their frustration: the test was hard, the students were difficult, etc.]? I’m sorry to hear that. So where should we begin with our action plan moving forward?”

  17. ANALYSIS MEETING HELPFUL PHRASES: • DATA-FOCUSING FOR ANALYSIS MEETINGS: • “So let’s look at question 18…..Why do you think they got it wrong?” • “You know, I thought it might be a silly mistake, but what surprised me is that they did really well on questions x & y. Why do you think they did so well on these questions and yet not on your original question?” • “Let’s look at question 11. What did the students need to be able to do to answer that question effectively? Is this more than they are able to do with you in your class?” • [When new ideas occur or deeper analysis is done at the meeting than what teacher did previously] “So let’s re-visit the action plan you created and see how we can incorporate these additional ideas.”

  18. Find an area to celebrate with the teacher. Be as specific as possible • Select a standard or concept where students are not showing mastery. Answer the questions in the data analysis template supporting your answers with specific data and test questions. • Role play: 1 school leader, 1-2 teachers, 1 observer for feedback

  19. THE FOUR KEYS: • ASSESSMENTS (Aligned, Interim, Reassess, Transparent) • ANALYSIS(Quick, Bottom line, Teacher-owned, Test-in-hand, Deep) • ACTION • in a Data-driven CULTURE • (Vision, Leadership, Calendar, PD)

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