YourCart PlantsSeedsStationerySustainableGardeningKitsGardeningEssentialsManuresMiniatureGardenToys₹00 Searchproducts... M yaccountWishlistContactus Noproductsinthecart. October26,2021 November may not be the best month for planting flowers, but it’s never ‘not a good time’ for filling your garden with the colors and beauty of flowers! We are here with a listof 5easytogrow flowersforyouinthe month of November! Hereisthelist. 1.Alyssum Alyssum belongs to the Brassicaceae family. The flower is native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, also known as “sweet Alyssum” for its sweet and fruity smell. If you are a lover of bees and butterflies in your garden then go get these flowers! Buy flower seedsfor sale at cheaper prices at online stores! GrowthandCare: Planttheminmoistandwell-drained,andorganicsoil. Theycantolerateanysoil type, they can evengrow on a sandy beach. Water theSweetAlyssumin a few days,provideat least1-inchwatereveryweek. Keep theplantina Sunnyarea asitisablooming flower. The flowershould get about5-7hoursofsundaily. Benefits: It helps inpreventing kidney diseases It alsopreventsexcessiveretentionof waterinourbodies. 2.Aster AstersaneasytogrowflowerbelongstotheAsteraceaefamilyandarenativeto North America. Theyarewidelyfoundin theNorthernHemisphere.Thename‘aster’ was taken from the Greek languagemeaning ‘star’ referring to the flower’sshape.The flowers look beautiful andcomeindifferent species and colors.
GrowthandCare: The soilshould be fertile, organicallyrich,andwell-drainedloamysoil withgood water retentioncapacity. The flowers need partial to full sun with exposure to sunlight for 4-6hours. Astersneedatleast1-inchwaterper week, justlikemosteasytogrowflowers. Soakthe soil while watering the plant. Benefits: It attractsbirdsand acts as a food source for them Italsoattractsvariouspollinatinginsectstoyourgarden. 3.Dianthus Dianthusbelongstothe Caryophyllaceaegroupandisknownassweet william.Itis nativetoEurope andAsia andtheleaves canrange fromgrey-greentoblue-green. GrowthandCare: Theeasytogrowflowerrequirescoolweatherwithneutralorslightlyalkalinesoil (pHrange-7.0-8.0). Theplantrequiresfullsunlighttothrive.Placeitatasitewhereitreceivesabout6-8 hours ofsunlighteveryday. Water twiceadayonsunnydaysandonceadayoncooldays.Itcantolerate some time with no water butbesureto waterthe plantregularly. Benefits: Itisherbalandhasmanybenefits.Theplanthas antibacterialproperties. The flowers are edible andareantiphlogistic. 4.Pansy Pansiesarelargeflowersthatarecultivatedasgardenflowers. Theyaredeliveredby hybridizationwithdifferentspecies. TheyarescientificallyknownasViolatricolour var.
GrowthandCare: Plant it in humus-rich and well-drained soil. Mix cocopeat and cow dung compost to preparethesoilandmakeitorganicallyrich.RecommendedsoilTemperature-45- 64degreesFahrenheit.RecommendedSoilpH-6.0-6.2 Keep the plant at a site where it gets around 6 hours of Sunlight. The plants need Sun for growth but will only thrive in cooler temperatures. Place the plant where it getsmorning sunlightbutnot the afternoon heat. Water the plant thoroughly after planting the seeds. Post that, the Pansy plant requires 1-inch water every week. Benefits: Theyhaveantioxidantandanti-inflammatory properties. Pansies areacolorfulandnutritiousadditionto desserts. 5.Salvia The nameSalviaisderivedfrom theLatinwordsalveremeaning ‘toheal’. Theplantis nativetodifferentpartsof America andbelongstotheNepetoideaesubfamily.Itisan easytogrow flower that germinates quickly. GrowthandCare: The soilshould be moderately acidto a littlebit alkaline, loamy, fertile,andwell- drained.The pHof the soilshouldrange between 5.6 to6.5. Salvias love sunlight, so keep them in areas where they get about 6-8hours of sunlight everyday. Salvias donotneedalotof water,just makesureyouprovideatleast1-inchwater to the plantin7-10days. Water wheneverthe soil turnsdry. Benefits: Consuming Salviasimprovesmemory andbrain function. It delaysage-related memory problems.
These were5easytogrow flowersthatyoucangrowin themonthofNovember,but we also recommendyoutofollow the below-mentionedtipsandtricks to increase yourknowledge! Somegeneraltips Keep insun:Theseeasytogrowflowers,shouldbe keptinwell-litareas,where they get at least 6-8hoursofsunlighteveryday. Soilshouldbe rich:The growthof theeasytogrowflowers dependson the nutritionandenrichmentthatthesoil isgetting. Add compostandcow dungto increasethe fertility of the soil. Usesmallpotswhileplantingtheseeasytogrowflowers:Themistakethatpeople makewhileplantingisthattheyplantthevegetableseedsinbigpots.Stickto smallpots togrow the plant, as it grows, change the pot. Properdistance:Vegetablesneedroomtogrow,thistipis often overlookedby people andtheygrowvegetables overcrowded.To bloomandflourish,the vegetablesneed to beproperly spaced. Water requirements:Wateryourplantsproperly,as suggested, accordingto the plant. Thesewere somefresh easytogrowflowers inthe kitchengardening ideas.Keep visiting toknow more about kitchen gardening. Here are some other blogs which make your Green Space more Greener! Gardening Calender Blogs Sustainable Gifting Ideas Gardener Stories GardenCareBlogs MiniatureGardenDecor GardeningWorkshops Have a look at some amazing Videos of Gardening that might help you! Coir Coins andCoir Potsfor germinationof Seeds. Plants tag to identify theSeeds. CastorCakePowder,Cow DungManure,Perlite,Epsom Salt,toprovideextra nourishmenttoyourplants. NeemOil to avoid pestattack. Gardening toolstohelp youinprunning,mulchingofsoil. Here are some Workshops that might help you if you are new to Gardening! Convert yourgreen spaceinto smallMiniature Garden. Know more about yourGarden Soil. Know how tostartyourownsmallGarden. CheerstohappyGardening! SuhaniTuteja Postedin: GardeningCalendarBlogs,FlowerSeedsCalendarBlogs,GardeningWorkshops,SeedsCalendarBlogsTagged:easytogrow,easyto grow flower,Favorable conditionfor seed germination, gardening,Gardening and germination,Gardening at home,Gardeningblogs, november, Organic farming, Seed germination,Tipsfor gardening, Vegetables and flowers 5 comments EleenaGupta November11,2022 Worthreading. Reply RadhikaGupta December22,2022 Really helpful instarting akitchen garden!! Reply
AmirSheikh January27,2023 I’mreally looking forward todo thisin coming November Reply SamiraSheikh March10,2023 Nowiknow whichplanttoplantduringNovember Reply LouisJacob April14,2023 Veryinteresting piece ofwriting Reply LeaveaReply Youremail address will not bepublished. Required fields are marked* Comment* Name* Email* Savemyname,email, andwebsite in this browser forthe nexttime Icomment. PostComment PAGES QU I CK L I NKS BLOGS SHOP BY CIT I ES AboutUs Seeds GardeningWorkshops Bangalore Store FlowerSeeds GardeningCalendarBlogs Chennai OurTeam VegetableSeeds --InfluencerCalendarBlogs Delhi PartnerWithUs HerbSeeds --PlantsCalendarBlogs Kolkata ContactUs FruitSeeds --SeedsCalendarBlogs Mumbai SeedsForPlastic MicrogreenSeeds SustainableGiftingIdeas Hyderabad Offers GardeningKits GardenerStories WORKSHOPS Jobs GardeningEssentials GardenCareBlogs Contests TrackOrder Manures MiniatureGardenDecor YoutubeLive TAOSPoints SustainableLiving ReturnandRefundPolicy MiniatureGardenToys TermsofService SudhirKumarsahu 19/06/2023 ArpitDesai 17/06/2023 AnandMathur 17/06/2023 TheAffordableOrganicStore Thank you TAOS for good quality of floweringseeds.Within2 to 3 day Isawthe germination.Germination rate is 90 to 95%.Iamhappy. SecondlyDelivery waso… Readmore Excellentservice,receivedhealthyplants in goodcondition. Veryniceaffordablepriced 1175Googlereviews Writeareview PrivacyPolicy Copyright© 2023TheAffordable PoweredbyTheAffordableOrganic OrganicStoreStore