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My Gardening Journey Part-II

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My Gardening Journey Part-II

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MyGardeningJourney:Part-II theaffordableorganicstore.com/gardener-stories/my-gardening-journey-part-2/ February2,2021 Helloguys, it’s Akanksha with the Instagram handle @artitution_homie. I am a certified make over artist ,automation programmer and Engineer turned influencer and being a gardener I havebeenalwaysattractedtobeautyandmakeover.Mytraininginthisparticularfield taughtme nuances of thisart. As present I am staying in Mysuru since 6 years and I am very much attracted to nature. AtthetimeoflockdownIstartedmakeoverofmyhomeandasahabitshareditonsocial media. My work received appreciation from people of every walk of life. This very thing rekindledmyambition andpurpose oflifeand ledto metoinfluencing world. Istartedinfluencinghomemakeoverideaswithcost effective andreusablehousehold items;themantrawas“thinkbeforethrow”.Myideasfocusonallhousemakerswomen who do not want to invest large chunk of money in refinement of their homes .Periodic smallchangeandadditioninhomesgavethosewomenasenseofecstasy.Iconsidered thisas my true reward . Inallmyvideosonethingisimperative,i.epresenceofplantsintheframe.Ihavealmost 25 varieties of plants at my home and the purpose of their presence in my posts is to try andinfluencepeopleforplantation.Plantsare likelittlebabiesinhome,giving you

  2. positivevibesaskingnothinginreturn.Greenerybringsaddedcolorandflavortoyour houseand brings us closeto the nature. So,nowIamwife,mother,housemanager,gardenerandinfluencerAkanksha.Adding one more title was never an easy especially with lockdown imposed school holidays for my daughters.Time management and sacrifice of “me time” is the key operatives here. I have basically no proper schedule for my work ,it’s like as and when I get an idea ,my childrenrelinquishes me or ondemand . My followerson Instagrammotivate metokeep going,at nightafterposting astory/video IthinkofsabbaticalbutinthemorningwhenIgothroughreactionsfrommyfollowersand their appreciations, All my apprehensions ,fear and struggle vaporize. I make myself a strongcup of coffee and gear up fora hectic day . So,basicallyIamstillgettingthezestofmylifeandsofargotholdofonlyonething;hard work,dedicationandfocusisonlythinginyourcontrol,restisyourdestinywhichwehave no control what so ever .dream , dream big ,try to achieve it ,this is what we call “being human” (salman ki kasam ).

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