PassionateGardener theaffordableorganicstore.com/gardener-stories/passionate-gardener/ February12,2021 Introduction Some love stories never end! Once a passionate gardener is always a gardener! My soul longsforthefragrances,flowers,freshenergy.Isurroundedbyplantsandflowerstokeep myenergy going. Beingpassionategardener gardeningbroughtblessingsfromearthandthatledmetodoReiki.Passionandsincerity brought me towards becoming a healer and artist. As a Healing artist and Reiki Master I believein Karmaand strongly agreeto ‘move withthe flow’ Journeyasapassionategardener My inner struggle was for search of identify, who am I? This question took years to understand and sitting for hours under the sun, the majestic sky, my terrace garden, observingthegardenplants,different birds,theflowers,thechallengesofnaturalpests. Eachtimeofthe dayandnightyou willnoticethe gardenlooks different, feels different andhas different vibes. Asaresult,Youjustrealise thathowtinyyou areinthisvast Universeandyetfeel so close. TalkingtothemIhavefoundplantstobemybestfriends.Becominganhealingartist camenaturally and wasnever planned. Assumptions I realised that gardening progressed simultaneously. Focussing on a freshly bloomed flower at dawn, meditating on its circular petals and healing my senses with natural fragrances was a ritual I followed for many years. Till date I love to grow flowers with fragrances,roses,jasmine,jai,champa,frangipani,tuberoses,etc.Paintingobsessively insolitudemygardenplantswere mycompanionsofneverending inspirations. You need to go within to find out who you are, your purpose, and trust me on that, gardening will always assist you with your life journey by acting as a soothing balm. My passionforGardeninghasalwaysguidedmewithpureenergiesofmotherearthandkept meconnectedtomysoulpurposeeveninthemostchallengingtimes.Why ahealing
artist?Thehealingartististhelightwishesshehadduringhertimesofdarkness..Stress, Migraines, Anxieties, low self esteem, panic attacks and obsessions, my plants and birds havealways been my bestfriends on my inner journey. Innerpeace Idreamoftheworldleadingasustainablehealthyjoyfullifethathasnohatred,onlylove! When you eat organically grown vegetables you emit the fresh pure energy vibes. The blooming of flowers and the new fresh green leaves emerging from any plant gives a fresh and energised new start to the day. With awe do I still get up and see what the garden has in store for me each day! And with immense joy I still get happy like a small childlooking atsome newsurprises, yes,we havehad surprisestoo! I am among the lucky few to have experienced different forms of gardening in my life. Windowgardening,terracegardening,windowsillgardens,tabletopgardening(which was over the sewing machine!), miniature gardens, entryway gardens tons of experience!. In fact as we grew and the Universe brought forthe , we shifted to larger spaces, there was always a garden in my life. And I feel each one of us must always make the most of any available space and begin a garden! I am a big dreamer and dreamsdo come true! Asapassionategardener Also for passionate gardener I would like to mention- no two gardens are ever same and Don’t expect to see the same garden twice! I as passionate gardener agree maybe that thatthereissomeamountofOCDasIkeepbuyingplantsandaddingthem,butthenyou need to be passionate otherwise it makes me so sad to see homes with dried pots yet staged at the entrances of home bringing such bad feng shuii. Would you keep a dead bodyin your home?Then why those driedplants? My passion was always for rare unique flowering plants and I was not so much for growingvegetables,becauseeveryfieldhasitsownspecializationandcare.Someplants havebeenbroughtfromfar offplaceswetravelledandhavesurvivedundermylove,Ibuy plants on my family vacation trips! My little space under the sun! A garden need not be verylargeandspanningovermilesoraspecificnumberofpots.Evenasmallterraceor aopen balcony, or a windowgrill is sufficient to create thismagic. Aim Try plants, they bring so much joy! You also don’t have any excuses as today plant nurseriesonlinesupplyreadyplantedpotswithplantsandevenfloweredonesandyou justhavetotakeminimalcare.Onecanplant different colouredfloweringplantsandsee different shades of nature. Eventhegreeninnaturehasmanyshadesasnotwoplantshavethesamecolour.Ifyou notice carefully even the same breed plant has some or the other individual difference in theirshade.Avarietyofgreenscanbeobservedinthesimplefoliageornamentalplants
anditisalsoscientificallyprovedthatthecolourgreenisverygoodfortheheart.Youcan start a garden of colored leaves plants. I was amazed at the beauty nature has, so many colorssomanypatterns,thepurpleheart,wanderingjewithsilverymetallic leaves, Chineseevergreenwithhugebrightfluorescentgreenleavesmotherinlawstonguewith tallceladon green leaves. PassionateNature Natureexpressesheruniqueness,justlikeeachoneofusisspecialandunique.Thereis a riot of colours every time here and if not flowers, then coloured leaves plants bring colors of joy in my life and my home. each one has special symbolism, every part of the plant has its lessons and Gardens will always keep giving you inspirations in whatever profession you are. And they protect from negative evil eye energies too! I never copy natureor paintrealistic flowerpaintings. Howcan youimitate nature? IpaintabstractReikiflowerhealingartworksthatarefulloffantasyandmagic.Gardening is a best way to bring a beautiful small part of the wonderful nature amongst us. You do your bit in saving mother earth from harmful emissions by purifying the air with natural activators. Asaresult,Theairpurifyingplantsarenowtakingupperseatasevenpureairandnow adding plants to keep the air healthy. Each one of us is a healer and healing yourself is connectedwith others. Gardeningisthepurestformofhumanpleasures”Francisbaconlifemayseemuphillat times, gardening is a saver and in the morning, touching the misty dew drops, and enjoyingthe freshclean airamongst plantsis asurreal experience. Freshherbs,basil,mint,curryleavesthatarereadytosprinklehealthinourhome. ‘ToplantagardenistobelieveinTomorrow’AudreyHepburn.Youwillnotunderstandthis quote until yourself becomes a passionate gardener grow a flowering or fruit plant, it’s out of this world feeling! go ahead and bring some simple plants to begin with if you feel you don’thave a green thumb. Inspiration “Rudyard Kipling As passionate Gardener I have learnt more from my mistakes than in successes and I started sharing my experiences since year 2010 on my Google blog GardenCareSimplified.SomanyfromaroundtheglobeAdvisingarediscussingsharing tips, tricks and flowering challenges the blog flourished with love and the intentions of sharingpure knowledge. The gardener gives best So I have learned that we have to listen to our plants, talk to them, feed them, and follow each one according to their individual needs to see them happy.Andsometimeswehavetojustletthembe…theygrow!Thisonehitreallyhard,
practicallywhatdogoodgardenersdo?weadapt,andweadjustandwechooseright plants in whatever conditions we are living in . So, grow the most beautiful energy gardensand thereis someonetaking passionate Gardener! Passion Dip those hands in mud! Trust me it feels amazing as a Passionate gardener sharing sinceyear2010abouttips,tricksandfengshuiiofgrowingcontainergardensonmyblog GardenCare Simplified. Idonotsellplants! A Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim’s Razarts , You Tuber The Red Pilgrim. Bringing joy to the world with my Reiki symbol healing Paintings! https://instagram.com/the_redpilgrim? MrsRizwanaA.MundewadiHealingartistIndiahttps://theaffordableorganicstore.com/ n https://theaffordableorganicstore.com/