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Top 10 Air Purifying Plants to Keep Your Air Clean

Top 10 Air Purifying Plants to Keep Your Air Clean<br>

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Top 10 Air Purifying Plants to Keep Your Air Clean

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  1. PlantsSeedsStationerySustainableGardeningKitsGardeningEssentialsManuresMiniatureGardenToys₹00PlantsSeedsStationerySustainableGardeningKitsGardeningEssentialsManuresMiniatureGardenToys₹00 Searchproducts... Myaccount Wishlist Contactus April18,2023 Top10AirPurifyingPlantstoKeepYourAir Clean Pollution is one of the major problems that we are facing today. As pollution is increasing so are the diseases like stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. Not only outdoors, nowadays we’re facing this challenge indoors as well. Common sources of indoor air pollutants are paints and varnishes, newly installed upholstery, carpets,curtains,flooring,asbestos-containing insulation, andpersonalcare products. Therefore, it has becomecrucialtofindsolutionstoimprovethe air quality insideourhomes. Did you know that plants can help purify the air in your home or workplace? You can keep these plants to purify the air in your living room, bedrooms, and even bathrooms. The following ten plants are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they can alsohelp eliminate harmfultoxins from theair.Keep readingto learn moreabout thesenatural air purifiers. 1.AloeVera Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) is one of the few plants that releases oxygen at night, while simultaneously removing harmful toxins fromtheair.Thissucculentis effectiveatremovingsomeofthecommontoxins foundindoors such as formaldehyde,benzene,carbondioxide,andcarbonmonoxide,from the air.Aloe Verais also known for its medicinal propertiesandhasbeenusedforcenturiesto soothesunburns,cuts,and otherminor injuries. 2.SnakePlant The snake Plant (Dracaena trifurcate), commonly known as Mother-in-law’s Tongue, is very hardy and is an excellent choice forbeginners.Thisplant hasalsobeenrecognized by NASAasoneofthetop air-purifying plants. This low-maintenance plant prefers to be left alone and only needs watering every few weeks. Because of its low light and waterrequirements,thisisalsoanidealplanttobekeptinbathrooms.Inadditiontoeliminatingchemicalslikebenzene andformaldehyde,snakeplantalsoconvertscarbon dioxideintooxygenatnight,improvingtheairqualityinyour bedroom. 3.PeaceLily

  2. The Peace Lily(Spathiphyllum‘MaunaLoa’)isknown for its white flowers and glossy leaves, making it an excellent decorative addition to any space. Apart from its aesthetic value, it is one of the best air purifiers according to NASA. Peace Lilyisknownforitsabilitytoremoveharmfultoxinssuchasammonia,benzene,xylene,andformaldehydefromtheair.It also absorbs mold spores, making it an ideal choice for those with allergies. It’s a hardy plant that requires minimal care. It thrivesin low light andonlyneedswateronceaweek. 4.ArecaPalm The Areca Palm(Dypsis lutescens) is a natural humidifier, making it an ideal plant for dry climates or during the winter months when the air is dry.It adds moisture to the air and can also remove harmful toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, and trichloroethylene. The NASA Clean Air Study ranked the Areca Palm as one of the best plants for removingindoor air pollution. 5.BambooPalm The BambooPalm (Chamaedorea seifrizii) is native to Central and South America and is known for its ability to remove harmfulairbornetoxinslikeformaldehyde,xylene,toluene,andbenzene.Inadditiontobeingapowerfulairpurifier,itisalso agreatoptionforthoselookingtoaddatropicalflairtotheirhomeor officeand is pet-safe. 6.RubberPlant The Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) is one of the easiest plants to care for and is great for purifying the air in your home. It is effectivein removingformaldehydefromtheaircommonlyfoundin detergents,bleach, fabric softeners, and toilet cleaners.Itabsorbsformaldehydethroughitsleavesandthenbreaksitdownintoharmlesssubstances.Therubberplant is also known for its ability to remove excess carbon dioxide from the air. It’s easy to maintain as it can survive even in low light conditionsand is anexcellentchoiceforbeginners. 7.GoldenPothos

  3. TheGoldenPothos(Epipremnumaureum)alsoknownasDevil’sIvy,isafast-growingandvisuallyappealingindoorplant that is well-known for its air-purifying qualities. It is a low-maintenance plant that can be easily grown even in water. It can tolerate low light conditions and is one of the best plants to be kept in bathrooms. It is effective at removing toxins such as carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air. Its trailing vines make it an excellent choice for hanging basketsorforclimbingupa trellis. 8.BostonFern Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata) is one of the easiest ferns to grow indoors. Its lush green foliage can add a touch of elegance to any space. It’san excellent choice for purifying the air in your home, as it filters out harmful toxins like formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. It requires moisture but hates water-logging. It can thrive well in low-light conditions, makingit anexcellentchoiceasanindoorplant. 9.SpiderPlant Spider plant(Chlorophytum comosum) is one of the best air-purifying plants that can purify almost 90% of the harmful airborne pollutants in a space of 200 sq.m. It can effectively remove cancer-causing pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene released from paints, polishes, detergents, tobacco smoke, and air fresheners. It is easy to maintain plant,thatlooks attractive in ceramic potsaswellashanging baskets. It is pet-safe as well. 10.ZZPlant ZZ plant(Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a native of Africa. It is quite popular nowadays as an indoor plant because of its attractive looks. It is a great indoor plant that can thrive in low-light conditions and is easy to care for as it doesn’t require frequent watering or fertilizing. It is also known for its air-purifying quality and is effective in removing pollutants such as benzene, xylene, and toluene from the air. It is also known to reduce stress and bring positivity to the home. However, it isn’t petsafe,thereforeshouldbeavoidedathomeswithpets. HerearesomeotherblogswhichmakeyourGreenSpaceGreener! GardeningCalendarBlogs SustainableGiftingIdeas GardenerStories GardenCareBlogs

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