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Top 10 Best Online Gardening Stores

Top 10 Best Online Gardening Stores

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Top 10 Best Online Gardening Stores

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  1. Top10BestOnlineGardeningStores theaffordableorganicstore.com/sustainable-gifting-ideas/top-10-best-online-gardening-stores/ Suhani Tuteja December 7, 2021 Ifyouarelookingforstores tohelpyougetstartedwith yourgarden,looknofurther. Here we have put together a list of the top 10 online gardening stores to choose from according to your needs. 1.The Affordable Organic Store Tostart with, asits name suggestsit is absolutelypocket friendly. ThisStore comes with a veryuser-friendly page.It offersan array ofgardening relatedproducts, which are segmented well for ease of customers. It provides everything from herb seeds to flower bulbs and from fancy flower pots to sustainable manures and fertilizers. It not only has excellentoffers throughoutthe year butalso provides freedelivery all overIndia for offers above 150. The option that it provides, to avail of smaller quantities of seeds, makes it very feasible. One can also avail gardening equipments and miniature garden toys here.Itpromotes sustainableliving, therefore,it offers acollection ofsustainable products such as cow dung diyas and wooden combs. Below every seed or plant that a customer clicks on, there is a description of that particular seed or plant. It includes details about the kind of plant it is and what kind of care it requires. It goes to the extent of explaining when and what manure a plant requires. Additionally, it offersgardening workshops and hasthe option of“blogs” available. Ordersaredeliveredwithin3-15daysofplacingtheorder.Refundsandreturnsare possible on necessary grounds.

  2. Thisstore aims to worktowards building a sustainablegardener’s community as wellas helppeople lead arich life atan affordable cost. Itaspires to puta plant in every household. 2. All That Grows All that grows has an app available on both Google Play Store and on store, making it easily accessible for both android and IOS users. In comparison to many other gardening storesavailable online, thisstore does notoffer a verydiscreet list ofseeds and plants. However,ithasaveryunique featurethatenablesabuyerto makeuseofaQR code present on every packet of seed sold by this store. Upon scanning this QR in their mobile app, the customer can get all the information about how to grow that particular seed and how to look after it. They have various kits and gifts to choose from. They also have a “wholesale”option availableon theirsite. Theyalso offergardening equipments. Although the customer has to bear the cost of returning a product, Return, refund, exchange and cancellation are comparatively simple processes, available within 7 days of purchase.They offerblog andnewsletter services toany customerwilling to avail themselves. Additionally,theyprovide freeshippingand twofreeseed samplesonevery purchase above 500. 3. NurseryLive NurseryLive has carefully displayed an assemblage of various categories of plants. It has plant packages in accordance to their features, like air purifying plants; type, like air plants;flowering plants,like flowering creepers;Foliage andcolour as well.It offers a similarly displayed collection of seeds and bulbs. All of these are divided in accordance to theircolour,favourablelocationofgrowth,etc,makingiteasierfortheshoppertochoose while keeping in mind what they want in their plants. This site consists of options to choose from in soil & fertilizers too. In addition to the above they also sell pebbles and gardenaccessories,while alsoofferingworkshops online,and blogs. Theyhaveadecentamountofoffersalmostthroughouttheyear.Lastly, theyhaveanapp available on Google play store and apple store as well, making it easily accessible via phonesaswell.However,thereisnoreturnpolicyavailable,cancellationhastobemade withina day,andisuptothecompany’sdiscretion. 4. Green Oxy Home Thisonline gardening storeoffers a specificlist of variouskinds of readyto place plants whichhelps oneshop with lessconfusion. Under everyplant that itoffers, it provides descriptiveadvice tohelp one takecare of them.They also offerreal-time guidance from experts on WhatsApp.For people with gardens along with pets to maintain, this store is a one-stop destination. Birdcare products such as bird boxes, cages, food, feeders and accessories are available here. They have care products for small animals such a guinea pigs and mice, and for dogs and cats. Fish care products such as fish food and aquarium accessories are also available here.

  3. Returns and refunds are available if the plant is damaged or even if it isn’t up to your taste.Returns aren’t available for indoor plants. The cost of returning has to be endured bythecustomer.Adiscountof Rs.50isavailableonall prepaidorders.Thissitehas a section for special requests. 5. Root Bridges Upon opening this site one is welcomed to a very aesthetic sight. Within this page, a customer can find an array of seeds and various kinds of pots to choose from. Soil, manure and pest management equipments and products are also found here. They furthermore sell gardening tools and plant accessories along with gifting options. It has an option labelled as “knowledge centre” where there are various links available for more information on various plants. Adrawbackonthissiteisthatnoreturnsareavailable,however,replacementscanbe made. One can avail the option of COD (Cash on Delivery) by paying an additional fee of Rs.50.They offer fastdeliveries, that is,they deliver within8-10 days, allover India. Free shipping is available on orders above 499 and a free plant feed is available with every purchase. 6.JagtapNursery’sGarden Centre Theyhave avery eye-pleasing websitewhich offersa great varietyof products. They offeroutdoor andindoor plants;Garden Accessories andFertilizers. Ithas an interesting collection of wind chimes and fibre plastic pots. They also have a distinct collection of self watering pots. In addition, they provide blogs on plant care and gifting options. No returns can be made unless a product is refused at the doorstep during delivery. Exchanges cannot be made. Theirmotto,“WakeUp FreshEveryday”,Is somethingwewould certainlyloveto follow. 7. Seed2plant Seed2plant has an assembly of biopesticides and fertilizers, along with an excellent collection of seeds to select from. They also sell gardening accessories and potting supplies. Grow bags are a distinct feature of this store. They seem to specialize in grow bagsand growth promoters.They offer a5 years warrantyon their growbags. So, if grow bagsarewhatyou’relookingfor,thisisdefinitelythestoreforyou. They have an app available for cell phones, making it more easily accessible. The option of “wholesale” is available in this store. Delivery is free for orders above 499. Products are returnable within 10 days of receiving.For exchanges and replacements, the cost has to be endured by the customer. 8. MyBageecha

  4. Offeringspecialoffersthroughouttheyear,thisstorehasanarrayofoptionstochoose from. It sells plants, seeds and bulbs, plants and pots and gardening equipments. It has a diverse collection of planting pots to place in hardens and inside homes. Furthermore, whatsets it apartis the mossframes that it offersfor sale, theseare frames with actual moss in them which require no watering or attention. It also sells preserved tabletops and stationery such as pressed flower diaries. If aesthetics is one of your major requirements, this is the store for you. 9.ReachYourGarden Thisstore offersplant-based products,seeds, compost& manures,gardening essentials with exciting combination packs too. They have a collection of beautiful products like the Adenium Obesium Pink and Antirrhinum Mixed. Returns cannot be made while shopping from this store. This website is dedicated to helping people with growing their own foods at home and providing help with plant care 24/7, which in turn will help save the environment from fertilizers and pesticides through farming. 10. BAZOO BAZODOoffers growbags organicfertilizers, seeds, gardenaccessories andcoir pots. It has its own blog and newsletter available. Its return policy is pretty simple. One can return anyproductwithin7daysofreceivingit. However,thecostofthereturnhasto be enduredbythecustomer.Therearecombinationkitsavailableonthissite.Theydeliver almost all over India and they also have a feature on their page that allows a customer to type in their pin code to check if delivery is possible in their area. Here are some other blogs which make your Green Space more Greener! Havea lookat someamazing Videos ofGardening thatmight help you! 1.Tipsonplanting homegrownplantsand creatingartwith itasabeginner. 2.How topreserve, plant and grow flowerseeds in monsoon, winterand other seasons. 3.Growing differentvegetables,wintervegetablesespeciallyandtipsand tricks to preserve. 4.Preservingfruits such asstrawberries, Papaya, watermelon,muskmelonetc. 5.Know all about microgreensusing examples such as microgreen spinach,microgreensunflower, microgreenmustard,microgreenflaxetc. 6.Using gardening tools such as pots, trays,growing bags, moss sticks andwatering cansetc. Hereare someWorkshops thatmight help youif youare new to Gardening! 1.Convert your green space into smallMiniature Garden. 2.Know more about your Garden Soil. 3.Know how tostart your own small Garden.

  5. Happy Gardening!

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