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Top 10 Indoor Plants Under 100 Rupees Online in India
Top10IndoorPlantsUnderRupees100Onlinein India theaffordableorganicstore.com/sustainable-gifting-ideas/top-10-indoor-plants-under-rupees-100-online-in-india/ Suhani Tuteja March28, 2023 Top 10IndoorPlantsUnder100RupeesOnlineinIndia Indoorplantsare also known as tabletop plants or plants that can be grown indoors. Indoor plants are well known as they are moderately simple to deal with, give medical advantages, and can be utilized to decorate inner spaces. Indoor plants are an extraordinary choice as they need little space, and could be fit for locations where light is dim and are affordable. Affordable? Yes,here isa listof indoorplants thatyou canpurchase forunder 100 INR. 1. Green fern It’san elegant additionto your indoorsas it turnsout to bedense and has golden-green leaves. Green fernsact as a perfect air purifier and are easy to plant which makes them more suitable for planting indoors. It generally grows up to 1 – 3 feet and you can water it twice in a week (overwatering may harm). 2. Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig plant
It’sa beautiful desktopplant with a heightof 36 –72 inches. It haswavy green leaves and low maintenance. It can be purchasedonlineata budget friendly price. 3. Peace lily plant Thepeacelilyplantisagreenleaves floweringplant.Itneedswell-drainedsoiltogrow. 8 –10 inches ofthe pot issufficient to grow thisplant. Morning sunlightis helpful but does notkeepitunderdirectsunlight.Waterwhenneeded. 4. Jade plant
Jadeplantleaves aregreen, fleshy, and ovalin shape. It hasthick stems. It needs moderate humidity and can be placed in a bright location with indoor temperature. You can add vermicompost for nutrients andEpsom saltfor better blooming once a month. 5. Black money plant Black money plant is a great choice for planting indoors as it needs less maintenance and enrichesthesurroundingbypurifyingtheair.Itcanbeeasilypurchasedeasilyunderrupees 100. 6. Echeveria mixed succulent plant
Echeveria mixed succulent indoorplanthas thick fresh leaves with pointed leaves. It grows up to 12 inches. The suitable temperature for the plant is 65 – 80 F. 7. Lucky bamboo Lucky bamboo attracts good luck and prosperity and its presence brightens up the mood. It is a perfect gift for a houseplant. It generally grows up to 1-3 feet tall and needs moderate humidity. 8. Monstera broken heart plant
Monstera broken heartis known for its heart-shaped leaves which have holes in its leaf blades. It is an easy-to-grow houseplant with low maintenance. you can plant it indoors as well.Watertheplanttwiceaweek. 9. Syngoninum plant The Syngonium planthas heart structure leaves with silver lines that go through the mid- riffof leaves.It’s awonderful plantto décor yourhouse. Generally,it growsup to3 to 6 feettall.Youcanbuyitonlineeasily. 10. Money plant
Money plantis the most popular choice among indoor plants. It brings home good wealth, good luck, and fortune. It is a wonderful gift to give someone and you can buy it at an affordableprice. Here are some other blogs which make your Green Space Greener! Havea lookat someamazing Videos ofGardening thatmight help you! 1.Tipsonplanting homegrownplantsand creatingartwith themasa beginner. 2.How topreserve, plant, and growflowerseeds in monsoon, winter, and other seasons. 3.Growing different vegetables,winter vegetablesespecially, and tipsand tricks to preserve. 4.Preservingfruits such asstrawberries, Papaya, watermelon,muskmelon, etc. 5.Know all about microgreensusing examples such as microgreen spinach,microgreensunflower, microgreenmustard,microgreenflax, etc. 6.Using gardening tools such as pots, trays,growing bags, moss sticks, watering cans, etc. Hereare someWorkshops thatmight help youif youare new to Gardening! 1.Convert your indoor space into a green space. 2.Know more about your Garden Soil. 3.Know how tostart your own small Garden. 4.Learn aboutfoliage plants and their care. Happy Gardening!