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Wallingford Adult Education. Professional Development Day August 26, 2014. Welcome with many many thank- yous. Our Staff Staff Movement. Why are we here???. Status of Adult Education. Profile for 2013-14 A Look See from 2011-12 to 2013-14 School Climate Results.
Wallingford Adult Education Professional Development DayAugust 26, 2014
Welcome with many many thank-yous • Our Staff • Staff Movement School Name - October 9, 2012
Why are we here??? School Name - October 9, 2012
Status of Adult Education Profile for 2013-14 A Look See from 2011-12 to 2013-14 School Climate Results
Percent of ABE Students with Gain Wallingford Adult Education
Percent of ESL Students with Gain Wallingford Adult Education
School Climate Survey Results C:\Users\pflinter\Desktop\Climate Summary with responses.pdf School Name - October 9, 2012
Adult Education Updates Connecticut and Federal School Name - October 9, 2012
For FY 2014 federal reporting accuracy, new data fields in CARS are being required. The required new data fields pertain to “staff” designated as instructor or counselor. 1.EIN must be 10 digits (mandatory) 2.Years of Experience Teaching (mandatory) 3.Full or Part Time Status (mandatory) 4.Data verify errors are now included for these fields 5.Beginning with FY 2015, there will be a stationary reminder in CARS to update the Years of Experience Teaching Connecticut Adult Reporting System (CARS) Update School Name - October 9, 2012
Transitional Services for Community College Students Public Act 12-40 Response Strategy - College level with embedded support - Intensive college readiness - Transitional support •Allocation of Funds •Regional Planning Meetings School Name - October 9, 2012
SEED and Wallingford Public Schools’ Approved (CSDE )Evaluation Plan Areas addressed: Professional Assistance Plan 2. Required number of Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) 3. Number of observations for veteran staff 4. Defining “Educational Specialists” 5. Common Core of Teaching rubric used for observations School Name - October 9, 2012
Connecticut’sSystem for Educator Evaluation and Development SEEDhttp://www.connecticutseed.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/CCT_Smartcard.pdfhttp://www.connecticutseed.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/CCT_Rubric_for_Effective_Teaching-May_2014.pdf
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act • Effective July 1, 2015 • Maintains basic structures of WIA (occupational training, adult basic education, literacy and English language acquisition) • Career pathways explorations integrated with ABE • Family literacy will be integrated with employment and training opportunities School Name - October 9, 2012
BREAK School Name - October 9, 2012
Building Security • Evacuation • Lockdown • Shelter in Place School Name - October 9, 2012
Resources for Adult Education Teachers • College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education: http://lincs.ed.gov/publications/pdf/CCRStandardsAdultEd.pdf • Literacy Information and Community System https://community.lincs.ed.gov/
INFORMATION SHARING • Mandated Training Trainingsto be provided for all staff on Bloodborne Pathogens, Bullying and DCF (online) • Veteran’s Day Each school must plan and implement a Veteran’s Day event; Our program will need to inform Central Office of our plan School Name - October 9, 2012
PDEC Presentation back to the future
Combined Committees Teacher Evaluation & Professional Development are now….PDEC (Professional Developmentand Evaluation Committee) • Job of PDEC is to ensure Professional Development and Teacher Evaluation are in alignment and responsive to teacher’s needs
Four Focus Areas of Strategic Plan *Early Intervention *Models of Excellence *Proactive Student Supports with a Future Focus *Engaging and Empowering Learning Experiences
Early Intervention • Early Childhood Exploratory Committee Recommendations • High School Reform Initiatives
Models of Excellence • Personalized Learning • Competency/Standards Development • Global Awareness
Proactive Student Supports with a Future Focus • Student Success Plan • Advisory • College and Career Readiness • Authentic Learning Opportunities • District Climate • Positive Behavior Intervention Support • Student Attendance
Engaging and Empowering Learning Experiences • Leverage Technology • Relevant Learning • Credit Recovery • Anytime Anyplace Learning
Professional Development Past and Present - Personalized, rather than pre-determined - Meaningful, rather than artificial - Shared ownership, rather than passive participation - Forward thinking, rather than reactive - Purposeful, rather than chaotic - Ongoing/embedded, rather than disjointed/irrelevant
The new building based committee 1 administrator 4 teachers (consideration: possible to have one per grade level and one specialists/pps staff) • Between October 13 and October 23 (create the PD plan for school) • Work with administration to develop the school’s PD plan (Due for Oct 23rd) • meet throughout the year as a building based committee • October 23, communicate building level plan to the staff • Assist with creation of building professional development plan in collaboration with teachers and administrator SLO’s and Areas of Focus (see 2014 Calendar) • Allocate building resources to support teacher’s professional development • $2,500 Elementary • $5,000 Middle • $7,000 High
2014-2015 PD Calendar Balanced to meet... • Individual Needs • Department Needs • District Needs / State Mandates
Design Change DESIGN CHANGE School Name - October 9, 2012