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何ç‰æ©å‹æ…ˆä»æ•‘主 What a Friend we have in Jesus, 负我罪愆担我忧 All our sins and griefs to bear! 何ç‰æƒåŠ›èƒ½å°†ä¸‡äº‹ What a privilege to carry æ¥åˆ°è€¶ç¨£åº§å‰æ±‚ Everything to God in prayer!.
何等恩友慈仁救主What a Friend we have in Jesus, 负我罪愆担我忧All our sins and griefs to bear!何等权力能将万事What a privilege to carry 来到耶稣座前求Everything to God in prayer! Hymn279-何等恩友慈仁救主 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
多少平安 我们坐失O what peace we often forfeit, 多少痛苦冤枉受O what needless pain we bear,都是因为未将万事All because we do not carry 来到耶稣座前求Everything to God in prayer! Hymn279-何等恩友慈仁救主 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
我们有无试探引诱Have we trials and temptations? 有无难过苦关头Is there trouble anywhere?决不应当因此灰心We should never be discouraged – 仍当到主座前求Take it to the Lord in prayer. Hymn279-何等恩友慈仁救主 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
何处能寻这般良友Can we find a friend so faithful 同尝一切苦与愁Who will all our sorrows share?我们弱点主都知道Jesus knows our every weakness – 放心到主座前求Take it to the Lord in prayer. Hymn279-何等恩友慈仁救主 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
我们是否软弱多愁Are we weak and heavy laden, 千斤重担压肩头Cumbered with a load of care?主仍做我避难处所Precious Saviour, still our refuge – 奔向耶稣座前求Take it to the Lord in prayer. Hymn279-何等恩友慈仁救主 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
你若正逢友叛亲离Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? 快向耶稣座前求Take it to the Lord in prayer;到祂怀中祂必保护In His arms He’ll take and shield thee – 有祂安慰便无忧Thou wilt find a solace there Hymn279-何等恩友慈仁救主 What a Friend We Have in Jesus