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Expert Advisory Group Meeting EAGM on Intercomparison for Assessment of Occupational Exposure 14 to 18 February 2005 Tok

IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2. Overview. Purpose: Determine the future direction and programme of the intercomparison, including the discussion of the necessity of expanding intercomparison into internal monitoring, neutron

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Expert Advisory Group Meeting EAGM on Intercomparison for Assessment of Occupational Exposure 14 to 18 February 2005 Tok

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    1. Expert Advisory Group Meeting (EAGM) on Intercomparison for Assessment of Occupational Exposure 14 to 18 February 2005 Tokai, Japan Michio YOSHIZAWA1 and Toshikazu SUZUKI2 1 Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) 2 National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS)

    2. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2 Overview Purpose: Determine the future direction and programme of the intercomparison, including the discussion of the necessity of expanding intercomparison into internal monitoring, neutron dosimetry and workplace monitoring. Period: 14 to 18 February 2005 Place: Japan Atomic Energy Institute, JAERI and Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, JNC

    3. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 3 Participants External dosimetry Dr. Neil MORRIS, (Australia, ARPANSA) Dr. Bong-Hwan KIM (Korea, KAERI) Mr. Hideaki YAMAMOTO (Japan, JAERI) Mr. Michio YOSHIZAWA (Japan, JAERI) Mr. Norio TSUJIMURA (Japan, JNC) Internal dosimetry Dr. A.G. Hegde, (India, BARC) Mr. Toshikazu SUZUKI (Japan, NIRS) Mr. Takumaro MOMOSE (Japan, JNC) Mr. Osamu KURIHAERA (Japan, JNC)

    4. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 4 Contents Review of previous activities A. External RCA Personal Dosimetry Intercomparison Phase 1 (‘90-’92), Phase 2(’95-96), Phase 3(’01-04) WS on Neutron Monitoring and Dosimetry (Korea, 2001) IAEA Intercomparisons: g, g+n B. Internal TC on Assessment of Occupational Exposure Due to Intakes of Radionuclides (India, 2004) IAEA Intercomparison Discussion and Report making Current situation, Future direction, Needs, Proposed activities, Timetable, etc.

    5. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 5 Content of the EAGM Report Introduction Background technical information Assessment of occupational exposure from external radiation sources Current situation Identified needs Proposed activities Expected results Assessment of occupational exposure due to intakes of radionuclides Current situation Identified needs Proposed activities Expected results Timetable of activities and budget for 2005-2008 Conclusion and recommendations Annexes: List of participants, Agenda of the meeting

    6. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 6 Introduction and BG technical Info. Introduction Purpose of the meeting Background technical information Summary Tables on: Availability of services providers for external and internal dosimetry, Status of implementation of IAEA requirement for individual and workplace monitoring of each Member States, and the number of Radiation workers. Total number of radiation workers in the RCA MS: >840,000

    7. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 7 Current situation: External (1) for photons and beta Participated MS in Personal Dosimetry Intercomparison Phase 1 (’90-’92): 17 labs. from 14 MS Phase 2 (’95-’96): 38 labs. from 16 MS Phase 3 (’01-’05): 25 labs. from 16 MS The Intercomparison exercise has clearly improved the performance of dosimetry services. Individual monitoring for most participating laboratories is now at an acceptable level. Evaluation of the ability of calibration of workplace monitoring equipment and personal monitoring for low penetrating radiations and for extremities have not yet undertaken.

    8. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 8 Improvement by the intercomparison

    9. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 9 Improvement by the intercomparison (2)

    10. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 10 Current situation: External (2) for neutrons Participated Member States WS for Neutron Monitoring and Dosimetry (2001, KAERI): 7 IAEA mixed (n-g) fields Intercomparison (2003~2005) : 7 Total 10 Approximately 10% of radiation workers seems to be exposed to neutron in workplace. Most participated MS have a problem with the calibration of neutron monitoring devices. There is a big gap in the level of neutron dosimetry techniques between participated MS. Information on neutron exposure, such as practices, sources, monitoring program, etc. is insufficient. Neutron sources other than nuclear facilities might exist. ex. high energy (>6~7MeV) LINAC for radiation therapy

    11. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 11 Proposed activities: External (1) Questionnaire (2005) - to obtain updated information on workplace and beta/extremities monitoring, neutron sources and the number of radiation workers exposed to neutron, etc. Intercomparison of Area Monitoring Instruments for photons and beta radiations (in a Workshop, 2006) - to establish reliability of workplace monitoring for photons and beta radiations. Calibration of neutron area-survey meters (2006) - to provide a reliable calibration factors, and - to produce in-site calibration factor for neutron personal dosemeters.

    12. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 12 Content of the EAGM Report Introduction Background technical information Assessment of occupational exposure from external radiation sources Current situation Identified needs Proposed activities Expected results Assessment of occupational exposure due to intakes of radionuclides Current situation Identified needs Proposed activities Expected results Timetable of activities and budget for 2005-2008 Conclusion and recommendations Annexes: List of participants, Agenda of the meeting

    13. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 13 Proposed activities: External (2) TC to respond to the identified needs of neutron monitoring and dosimetry (2007) - to disseminate basic knowledge and techniques for neutron monitoring in workplace. Discussion on Memorandum of Understanding - for providing Member States dosimetry services access to well-equipped neutron calibration facilities. Three Yearly Performance Testing Program (2007~ - to support the Quality Management and Accreditation, and simultaneously Phase 4 Personal Dosemeter Intercomparison (2007~ - for specific situations such as low penetrating radiations, extremities, angular dependence and high dose investigations.

    14. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 14 Expected results: External Harmonization of the dosimetry and assessment of occupational exposure in the region. Detailed updated information can be obtained on the current situation in the Member States of external dosimetry for neutron and beta/extremities and of workplace monitoring. Upgrading of the neutron dosimetry in the workplace and for individuals. Reliability of workplace monitoring and personal monitoring. Exchange of experience about external dosimetry, including calibration techniques and performance testing.

    15. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 15 Current situation: Internal

    16. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 16 Proposed activities: Internal (1) Compilation of the result of the IAEA exercise and in-vivo monitoring using the phantoms (2005) - to verify the methodologies of internal dose assessment and take corrective action. Intercomparison exercises using air filter samples of a single gamma emitter and multiple radionuclides of alpha and beta emitters (2006) - to improve air contamination assessment technology. Intercomparison exercises using spiked urine samples of alpha, beta and gamma emitters (2006) - to improve measurement and analysis technology.

    17. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 17 Proposed activities: Internal (2) TC for usage of most appropriate software for internal dose estimation among the Member States (2007) - to harmonize the dose calculation methodology. Periodical Intercomparison of the in vivo counters among the regional Member States using BOMAB and Thyroid phantom as a part of quality control/quality assurance (2008) - to support the Quality Management and Accreditation

    18. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 18 Expected results: Internal (1) Improvement of calibration methods for direct and indirect monitoring system with the use of phantoms and spiked samples. Evaluation and documentation of the possibility for improvement of radiochemical methods and measurement techniques for alpha-beta emitters. Improvement and regional harmonization of dose calculation methodology thorough implementation of recent ICRP models and IAEA Safety documents. Delineation of requirements for PC based software for internal dose assessment. Survey available software packages in order to recommend suitable programs for regional use.

    19. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 19 Expected results: Internal (2) Harmonization of analysis, performance requirement and performance test procedure for direct measurement methods, indirect measurement methods and air monitoring systems. Establishment of appropriate Quality Assurance Systems for internal dosimetry services.

    20. IAEA/RCA Annual Meeting of Coordination Group of RAS/9/029/, 21-23 Feb. 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 20 Conclusions The Expert Advisory Group Meeting held in Tokai, Japan with the participation of experts from Australia, India, Japan, Korea, and IAEA expert. The experts discussed the achievements of the activities carried out by RAS/9/029 and the future direction and programme of the intercomparison, including the discussion of the necessity of expanding intercomparison into internal monitoring, neutron dosimetry and workplace monitoring. The EAGM prepared a comprehensive summary of the current situation in the region for the monitoring techniques discussed and proposed a set of activities to be carried out in external and internal fields.

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