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Paso del Norte Watershed Council. Draft Work/Business Plan 12/3/04. Dr. Susan Watts, Chair. PdNWC Business / Work Plan Draft. Actions common to all goals and objectives :. Identify the Council's role in current legislative efforts to improve the Rio Grande.
Paso del Norte Watershed Council DraftWork/Business Plan 12/3/04 Dr. Susan Watts, Chair
PdNWC Business / Work PlanDraft Actions common to all goals and objectives: • Identify the Council's role in current legislative efforts to improve the Rio Grande. • Compile inventory of funding sources and grants to match with member needs and objectives. • Seek and evaluate alternative methods for funding specific projects plus Council administrative expenses.
Objective 1Identify water quality issues of salinity control & salinity management techniques. Task Funding Timeline Project Source Lead • Water quality variation in the Elephant EPA / 2005- Fahy-Fierro- • Butte Reservoir and its impacts on the EPWU / 2007 Sheng-King • sustainability of water supply downstream. TAES / • NMWRRI • b. Management of desalination EPWU / 2005- Fahy- Fierro- • concentrate. USBR / 2007 Keyes-Sheng- • Sandia Creel • c. Develop a water quality database, IBWC / 2005- Fahy- Fierro- • Link to Clean Rivers Program, EPWU / 2007 Brown-Sheng- • IBWC work, and that of NMED, PROFEPA, USCOE King • TCEQ, and in Mexico. • d. Develop salinity management strategies IBWC / 2005- Fahy- Fierro- • and study the Colorado River Salinity EPWU / 2007 Brown-Sheng • Control Program. USCOE King- • Michelsen
Objective 2Compile existing information about natural resources. Task Funding Timeline Project Source Lead a. Continue to develop & maintain the EPWU / 2004- Michelsen- Coordinated Database/GIS. COE/ TAES 2007 Creel- Brown- / NMWRRI Sheng b. Expand the data portal capabilities COE / 2005- Brown-Sheng andrefine to provide links with TAES / 2005 Creel- Michelsen other GIS data. NMWRRI c. Develop a baseline natural resource F&WS / 2005- Brown-Bixby inventory (see Goal B-1a). World 2007 Wildlife / EPA d. Help biological resources inventory F&WS / 2005- Brown-Keyes committee (Goal B) to compile data World 2007 and information (see Goal B-1a). Wildlife / EPA
Objective 3Develop modeling tools for Watershed planning and management. Task FundingTimeline Project Source Lead • Riverware model development for COE / 2004- Sheng-King-flood control. TAES / 2007 Keyes • NMWRRI • b. FLO-2D Model Review. COE / 2004- King-Sheng- • TAES / 2005 Keyes • NMWRRI • c. Evaluate other models (to COE / 2004- Fahy-Fierro- • conform to salinity transport TAES / 2005 Sheng-King- • requirements). NMWRRI Keyes
Objective 4Provide official input to sponsors of activities that affect the Watershed and recommendations for watershed planning and management. Task FundingTimeline Project Source Lead a. URGWOM Technical Review. COE / 2004- Keyes-Creel- TAES / 2007 Sheng NMWRRI b. URGWOPS (EIS). COE / 2004- Keyes-Creel- TAES / 2005 Sheng NMWRRI c. RGCP (EIS) & RGRP (EIS). IBWC / EPA 2004- Bixby-Darden 2007 d. Review watershed groups F&WS / 2005- Hanks- around the nation. EPA 2007 Michelsen-Creel
Objective 1Review & provide recommendations for restoration, mitigation, & enhancement projects. PROPOSED TASKS IN DRAFT FORM • Create a GIS of extant/remnant native floodplain vegetation including an inventory of existing project (see Goal A-2c and -2d). • Summarize in a written report the historic and existing information in the watershed that describes or analyzes hydrology, landscape, vegetation, fish, wildlife, and ecological processes. • Analyze in a written report the human pressures and stresses on the watershed, pinpointing the locations where these pressures exist. • Write recommendations and strategies for general and specific actions that can improve the health of the watershed, such as removal of exotics, protection of wetlands, and elimination of erosion. • Incorporate public input, review of draft plan, and review of each of the actions under the plan itself.
Objective 2Seek additional funding for recommended Watershed restoration, mitigation, & enhancement projects. PROPOSED TASKS IN DRAFT FORM Create a database of funding possibilities for watershed projects and put it on the Council’s web site
Objective 1Provide opportunities for improving communication among Watershed stakeholders. PROPOSED TASKS IN DRAFT FORM • Fill empty seats on the Executive Committee with representatives of agriculture. • Compile a database of potential contacts for email and mailing lists (groups, individuals, legislators).
Objective 2Provide opportunities for improving communication among Council members. PROPOSED TASKS IN DRAFT FORM Form a program committee for Council meetings.
Objective 3Provide opportunities for communication with watershed councils outside the region. PROPOSED TASKS IN DRAFT FORM Attend meetings of other watershed and agricultural groups to present the Council.
Objective 1Develop a drought education program (in conjunction with the Technical Working Group). PROPOSED TASKS IN DRAFT FORM • Distribute "Drought Watch." • Develop informational resources about regional water sources (surface water, groundwater), basic hydrology in watershed, salinity issues associated with drought and use of brackish groundwater. Present a display of the watershed and how it works. • Develop educational materials about drought education. • Improve the Council website, add educational material, and link/subscribe to other watershed websites. • Sponsor public speaker for "town hall meeting" or annual meeting on drought issues. • Develop summary of water conservation information aimed at the general public.
Objective 2Develop an agriculture outreach program. PROPOSED TASKS IN DRAFT FORM • Determine best methods for reaching producers and others in agricultural community (district newsletters, grower meetings, extension activites, etc.). • Develop informational resources about issues conveyed by the agricultural community. • Develop presentation about alternative management strategies when using brackish water for irrigation. • Develop a presentation about the Council, its mission, and its resources, aimed at the agricultural community.
Next meeting of the Paso del Norte Watershed Council Executive Committee Friday, January 7, 2005, 1:30 pm at the IBWC