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This document provides an introduction to the Future Circular Collider (FCC) Study, which aims to propose an ambitious post-LHC accelerator project at CERN. The study focuses on design studies for proton-proton and electron-positron high-energy frontier machines, coupled with a vigorous accelerator R&D program. It also includes the scope and objectives of the FCC Study, the main areas of design study, and the organization and governance structure.
Introduction to the Future Circular Collider Study M. Benedikt gratefully acknowledging input from FCC coordination group, global FCC design study team and all other contributors LHC PS HE-LHC SPS FCC http://cern.ch/fcc Work supported by the European Commission under the HORIZON 2020 projects EuroCirCol, grant agreement 654305;EASITrain, grant agreement no. 764879; ARIES, grant agreement 730871; and E-JADE, contract no. 645479 photo: J. Wenninger photo: J. Wenninger
Summary: European Strategy Update 2013 Design studies and R&D at the energy frontier ….“to propose an ambitious post-LHC accelerator project at CERN by the time of the next Strategy update”: d) CERN should undertake design studies for accelerator projects in a global context, • with emphasis on proton-proton and electron-positron high-energy frontier machines. • These design studies should be coupled to a vigorous accelerator R&D programme, including high-field magnets and high-gradient accelerating structures, • in collaboration with national institutes, laboratories and universities worldwide. • http://cds.cern.ch/record/1567258/files/esc-e-106.pdf
2013 Mandate for FCC Study Scope The main emphasis of the conceptual design study shall be the long-term goal of a hadron collider with a centre-of-mass energy of the order of 100 TeV (currently referred to as VHE-LHC) in a new tunnel of 80-100 km circumferencefor the purposes of studying physics at the highest energies. The hadron collider and its detectors shall determine the basic requirements for the tunnel, surface and technical infrastructures. The corresponding hadron injector chain shall be included in the study, taking into account the existing CERN accelerator infrastructure and long-term accelerator operation plans. The performance and cost of the hadron collider shall be compared to a high-energy LHC based on the same high-field magnet technology and housed in the LHC tunnel. The conceptual design study shall also include a lepton collider and its detectors (currently referred to as TLEP), as a potential intermediate step towards realization of the hadron facility. The design of the lepton collider complex shall be based on the hadron collider infrastructure and any substantial incompatibilities with respect to the hadron collider infrastructure requirements shall be analysed and quantified. Potential synergies with linear collider detector designs should be considered. Options for e-p scenarios and their impact on the infrastructure shall be examined at conceptual level. The study shall include cost and energy optimisation, industrialisation aspects and provide implementation scenarios, including schedule and cost profiles.
Future Circular Collider Study - Scope International FCC collaboration with CERN as host lab to study: • ~100 km tunnel infrastructure in Geneva area, linked to CERN • e+e-collider (FCC-ee), as potential first step • pp-collider (FCC-hh) long-term goal, defining infrastructure requirements • HE-LHCwith FCC-hhtechnology HE-LHC ~16 T 100 TeVpp in 100 km
FCC study: physics and performance targets FCC-ee: • ~20-50 foldimprovedprecision on many EW quantities (equiv. to factor 5-7 in mass) (mZ, mW, mtop , sin2weff , Rb , QED (mz) s (mzmW m), Higgs and top quark couplings) • Exploration of 10 to 100 TeVenergyscalevia couplingswithprecisionmeasurements • Machine design for highest possible luminosities at Z, WW, ZH and ttbarworking points FCC-hh: • Highest center of mass energy for direct production up to 20 - 30 TeV • Huge production rates for single and multiple production of SM bosons (H,W,Z) and quarks • Machine design for ~100 TeVc.m. energy & integrated luminosity 20ab-1 within 25 years HE-LHC: • Doubling LHC collision energy with FCC-hh16 T magnet technology • c.m. energy 27 TeV 14 TeV x 16 T/8.33T, target luminosity ≥ 4 x HL-LHC • Machine design within constraints from LHC CE and based on HL-LHC and FCC technologies
Main areas for design study Machines and infrastructure conceptual designs Technologies R&D activities Planning Physics experiments detectors Infrastructure High-field magnets Hadron physics experiments interface, integration Hadron collider conceptual design Superconducting RF systems e+ e- coll. physics experiments interface, integration Hadron injectors Cryogenics e- - p physics, experiments, integration aspects Lepton collider conceptual design Specific technologies Safety, operation, energy management environmental aspects Planning
FCC organization and governance structure CERN DG Collaboration Board 1 person/inst. Chairs: L. Rivkin (2014-17) P. Chomaz (2018 -) Advisory Committee 1-2 experts/field Chair: G. Dissertori Steering Committee 2-3persons/region Chairs & ECFA repres.: M. Krammer (2014-16) P. Campana (2017 -) FCC Study Coordination Hadron Collider Physics Experiments e-p Physics Experiments Accelerators Hadron Injectors Lepton Collider Physics Experiments Hadron Collider Lepton Injectors Lepton Collider Accelerator R&D Technologies Infra-structures Operation Costing Planning
FCC collaboration framework • A consortium of partners based on aMemorandum Of Understanding (MoU) • Working together on a best effort basis • Pursuing the same common goal • Self governed • Incremental & open to academia and industry • Light general framework, adapted to the needs during a conceptual design study • Detailed project descriptions in specific addenda
FCC Kick-off Meeting Geneva http://indico.cern.ch/e/fcc-kickoff
EU H2020 Design StudyEuroCirCol European Union Horizon 2020 program • 3 MEURO co-funding • Started June 2015, ends in May 2019 • 15 European beneficiaries & KEK & associated FNAL, BNL, LBL, NHFML Scope: FCC-hhcollider key work packages • Optics Design (arc and IR) • Cryogenic beam vacuum system design including beam tests at ANKA • 16 T dipole design, construction folder for demonstrator magnets
EASITrain Marie Curie Training Network European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training Network • selected for funding by EC in May 2017, started 1 October 2017 • SC wires at low temperatures for magnets (Nb3Sn, MgB2, HTS) • Superconducting thin films for RF and beam screen (Nb3Sn, Tl) • Electrohydraulic forming for RF structures • Turbocompressorfor Nelium refrigeration • Magnet cooling architectures Horizon 2020 program Funding for 15 Early Stage Researchers over 3 years & training I-CUBE 13 Beneficiaries 12 Partners
Status of Global FCC Collaboration 133 Institutes 25 Companies 34 Countries EC H2020
FCC CDR and Study Documentation • FCC-Conceptual Design Reports: • Vol 1 – Physics, Vol 2 – FCC-ee, Vol 3 – FCC-hh, Vol 4 – HE-LHC • Preprints available since 15 January 2019 on http://fcc-cdr.web.cern.ch/ • CDRs accepted for publication in EuropeanPhysical Journal C (Vol 1) and ST (Vol 2 – 4) • Summary documents provided to EPPSU SG in December 2018 • FCC-integral, FCC-ee, FCC-hh, HE-LHC • Accessible on http://fcc-cdr.web.cern.ch/
Final meeting of EuroCirCol DS (H2020 financed) • Some key topics: • FCC physics • Studies on Tunnel Implementation and subsequent machine adaptation • R&D progress on SRF and SCM FCC-ee : Injector chain MDI/IR optimization Machine optimisation
Conclusions • As recommended by the ESU 2013, the FCC study focused on the conceptual design of high-performance energy frontier circular colliders for the post-LHC era. • The FCC study was organised as an international collaboration that is growing steadily; there are many R&D opportunities and all the community is invited to join. • Baseline machine designs, with performance matching the physics requirements, were established and are documented in 4 conceptual design reports.