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This report outlines the successful regeneration efforts in Corby between 2006-2014, including the building of new council homes and improvements to key areas. The report also discusses future plans for continued growth.
Regeneration and supporting the growth agenda in Corby 2006 - 2014 Jacqui Page, Housing Strategy Manager January 2015
Outcomes to date • CBC Regeneration of 3 key areas • Successful bid for support funding to build 74 new council homes • Purchased 8 homes using RTB receipts • Funding Bids Supported by CBC • Kickstart • Get Britain Building • National Affordable Homes Programme for partner RSLs
3 key regeneration areas saw improvements including a reduction of crime and anti-social behaviour Kingswood (top left) Danesholme (bottom left) Lodge Park (right) These are the 3 estates that have suffered a number of issues including crime and antisocial behaviour due to the design of buildings and layout of streets. They were designed using the Radburn principles of community living. However, this has not worked as modern day living favours the car rather than the pedestrian or cyclist. The 3 Streets were demolished in 2006/7 to make way for new development that would suit modern life and reflect need and demand by people living in Corby. The 3 streets that were demolished; Lincoln Way, Kingswood; Finland Way, Danesholme; Arran Way, Lodge Park; were primarily made up of flats, bed sitters and maisonettes that suffered from a lack of demand from residents of the borough.
Growth of 82 new council homes, let to the housing register Top Left picture: Lodge Park Regeneration of Arran Way – 30 new homes for rent by the Council. Bottom Left picture: Danesholme, Copenhagen Road development – 14 new homes for rent by the Council. Danesholme suffers a deficit of 2 bed homes and 10 of these homes are 2 bed houses to alleviate that issue. Right hand picture: Kingswood regeneration of Lincoln Way - 38 new homes for rent by the Council.
Growth of 567 new homes under the kick-start program Top Left picture: Priors Hall Park, near Weldon – 384 new homes supported with HCA funding. Bottom Left picture: Hooke Close, off Rockingham Road – 67 new homes supported with HCA funding. Right hand picture: Kingswood Colyers Gardens - 116 new homes supported with HCA funding.
Growth of 55 new homes under the Get Britain Building Program 55 new homes for sale on the Lodge Park Regeneration site see the completion of regeneration in this area
Total house building in Corby between 2006 – 2012. All of which has been delivered or supported for delivery by CBC
Outcomes Projected • CBC Regeneration continues • 58 new homes supported by HCA funding to finalise regeneration on Kingswood, Danesholme, Lodge Park and Hazel Leys in the 2011-15 programme • Funding Bids Supported by CBC • Affordable Homes Programme bids for RSL partners such as ASRA who are currently doing Canada Square (18 Properties) and Metropolitan who are currently doing West Glebe in the Lloyds West Part of Corby (18 homes, 14 of which are bungalows).
58 new council homes by March 2015, let to the housing register Danesholme Regeneration (Top Left), Finland Way development. 47 New Homes; 18 for rent by Corby Borough Council – fully complete by November 2014. Kingswood Regeneration (Middle Left), Boston Close Development. 26 new homes for rent by the Council, seeing the last phase of the Lincoln Way Regeneration completed – fully complete by March 2015. Kingswood Regeneration (Bottom Left), Canada Square development. 36 new homes all for rent; 18 by Corby Borough Council. Fourteen of the Council’s homes are being delivered without funding support, the remainder are supported by the HCA. Hazel Leys Regeneration (Top Right), Leighton Road development. 4 new bungalows for rent by Corby Borough Council – fully complete by March 2015. Lodge Park Regeneration (Bottom Right), Willow Brook Road Redundant Garage Site Development. 5 new bungalows for rent by Corby Borough Council – fully complete by March 2015.
14 new council homes delivered using RTB receipts by Autumn/Winter 2015, let to the housing register In order to ensure completion of the development on Canada Square the Council have committed its own funding without HCA support for 14 of its 18 homes being built. Canada Square has 36 units planned for development; all of which will be for affordable rent. The site is split 50/50 between CBC and ASRA, who are delivering their 18 using funding support from the HCA. This sees the Kingswood Housing Regeneration within the Master Plan completed by March 2015
More outcomes projected … 50 new council homes by March 2018, let to the housing register • Continue to support partners for funding bids • Rise in commitment to Corby by Housing Providers • Rise in commitment to Corby by Housing Developers
Aims To achieve growth target by 2031 To maintain Corby as a place where people want to live, stay, visit and play