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Coupled General Circulation Modeling. Anthony J. Broccoli Dept. of Environmental Sciences. Is There a Better Set of Lower Boundary Conditions?. Yes! The lower boundary conditions for the atmosphere could be determined interactively in response to processes internal to the model.
Coupled General Circulation Modeling Anthony J. BroccoliDept. of Environmental Sciences 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Is There a Better Set of Lower Boundary Conditions? • Yes! The lower boundary conditions for the atmosphere could be determined interactively in response to processes internal to the model. • This goal can be achieved by coupling the atmosphere to an ocean model. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Today’s Lecture • Types of coupled models • Coupling methods • Climate drift • Flux correction/adjustment • Design of coupled model experiments 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Types of Coupled Models • Atmosphere-swamp ocean • Atmosphere-mixed layer ocean • Atmosphere-ocean GCM • Earth system models of intermediate complexity (EMICs) 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Atmosphere-Swamp Ocean • Ocean is represented as a wet surface with zero heat capacity. • Surface temperature is interactively determined. • Albedo of swamp surface increases when temperature falls below freezing. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Atmospheric GCM land swamp Atmosphere-Swamp Ocean 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Atmosphere-Mixed Layer Ocean • Ocean is represented as a shallow, motionless slab of water. • Mixed layer depth is chosen to represent seasonal heat storage in upper ocean. • Ocean temperature is interactively determined. • Sea ice thermodynamics are included. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Atmospheric GCM land mixed layer ocean Atmosphere-Mixed Layer Ocean 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Atmosphere-Ocean GCM • Ocean component is a full dynamical ocean model, including advection, diffusion, heat storage. • Relatively complete representation of physical and dynamical feedbacks between atmosphere and ocean. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Atmosphere-Ocean GCM Atmospheric GCM land cons. of momentum,cons. of mass,cons. of saltcons. of thermal energyequation of state 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
EMICs • EMICs: Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity • Designed to contain many feedbacks of full AOGCM but consume far less computer time. • Used for climate simulations that require long time scales (i.e., >1000 years). 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
EMIC Example: Ocean GCM with Energy Balance Atmosphere • Developed by A. Weaver and collaborators at Univ. of Victoria. • OGCM is coupled to simple atmosphere. • Atmospheric dynamics represented by diffusion. • Highly simplified parameterization of atmospheric radiation. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Coupling Methods • Communication between components is an essential element of coupled models. • Model component codes are often developed separately, so grids can be different, making regridding necessary. • Frequency of communication must be managed, particularly given the difference in response times of atmosphere and ocean. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Atmospheric model Couplinginterface Wind stressP-EHeat flux Surface temperatureAlbedo Sea ice model Couplinginterface Temperature SalinityOcean currents StressFresh water fluxHeat flux Ocean model Coupling Methods: Example 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Asynchronous Coupling • Atmosphere is run for a relatively short period with output archived in “library.” • Ocean is run (with acceleration methods) for relatively long period using fluxes from atmospheric library. • Cycle can be repeated indefinitely. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Synchronous Coupling • Conceptually simple; no acceleration techniques are used. • Model components may have different time steps, but communication occurs at a fixed interval. • Typical interval: 1x daily (models without diurnal variation); 8x daily (with diurnal variation) 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Climate Drift • Coupled models are typically constructed from atmosphere and ocean components that have been independently developed. • Stand-alone atmosphere and ocean components are tightly constrained by observed boundary conditions. • When atmosphere and ocean components are coupled, the resulting climate will often drift away from a realistic state. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Climate Drift in GFDL CM2 Zonal Mean SST Error from CM2_a10o2 [K] 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Causes of Climate Drift Flux Difference [W m-2]AGCM vs. OGCM CM2_a10o2 SST Error [K] 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Causes of Climate Drift • Imbalances between atmosphere-ocean heat fluxes simulated by AGCM and OGCM when both are run with observed SSTs. • Climate feedbacks triggered by flux imbalances. (Ex: CM2_a10o2 cooling pattern in midlatitude N.H. → southward shift in westerlies → error in position of western boundary currents) 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Flux Corrections/Adjustments • One ad hoc approach to reducing climate drift is to adjust for differences in atmospheric and oceanic component fluxes by adding a compensating flux at each grid point. • This method is known as flux correction (Sausen et al. 1986) or flux adjustment (Manabe et al. 1991). 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Calculating Flux Adjustments • The goal is to determine artificial heat and water fluxes that vary seasonally and spatially but do not depend on the state of the model. • Method 1: GFDL Three-Step • Method 2: Coupled Restore • Method 3: Offline Flux Difference 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Method 1: GFDL Three-Step • Step 1: Run the AGCM with climatological SSTs, archiving the heat and water fluxes. • Step 2: Run the OGCM with the fluxes from step 1, while simultaneously restoring to observed T and S. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Method 1: GFDL Three-Step • Step 1: Run the AGCM with climatological SSTs, archiving the heat and water fluxes. • Step 2: Run the OGCM with the fluxes from step 1, while simultaneously restoring to observed T and S. Restoring terms 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Method 1: GFDL Three-Step • Step 1: Run the AGCM with climatological SSTs, archiving the heat and water fluxes. • Step 2: Run the OGCM with the fluxes from step 1, while simultaneously restoring to observed T and S. • Step 3: Couple the AGCM and OGCM without restoring, using the archived restoring terms from step 2 as flux adjustments. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Method 2: Coupled Restore • Step 1: Couple the AGCM and OGCM, then run the coupled models while simultaneously restoring to observed T and S, archiving the restoring terms as flux adjustments. • Step 2: Deactivate the restoring and run the coupled AOGCM using the flux adjustments determined in step 1. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Method 3: Offline Flux Differences • Step 1: Run the AGCM with climatological SSTs, archiving the heat and water fluxes. • Step 2: Run the OGCM, restoring to observed T and S. Archive the restoring fluxes. • Step 3: The differences between the fluxes from step 1 and step 2 are the flux adjustments; these are supplied to the coupled AOGCM. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Flux Adjustment: Pros and Cons Cons • Flux adjustments are nonphysical. • There is no guarantee that coupled model biases are invariant over different climate states. • Flux adjustments could distort climate feedbacks. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Flux Adjustment: Pros and Cons Pros • Flux adjustments minimize climate drift that would distort climate feedbacks if left unchecked. • Flux adjustments allow sensitivity experiments to be performed while better models (i.e., those with smaller errors) are under development. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Design of Coupled Model Experiments • Equilibrium: The goal is to determine the climate that is in equilibrium with a given set of climate forcings. (Example: What climate state is in equilibrium with twice the preindustrial level of atmospheric CO2?) • Transient: The goal is to investigate the time-dependent response of the climate to a given (often time-dependent) change. (Example: How will the climate change in response to projected increases in CO2 and other human-induced climate forcings?) 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Types of Experiments • Forcing-Response: Impose a specific forcing and see how the model responds. • Unforced Variability: Allow a model to run, preferably for a lengthy period, and examine the spatiotemporal variations that are generated by the internal dynamics of the model. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Design of Coupled Model Experiments: Issues • Initialization: How to Start? • Equilibration: How Long to Run? • Fidelity: How Good is the Model? 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Initialization • Not typically an important issue for atmosphere-only or atmosphere-mixed layer ocean models. • More important for AOGCMs; these can exhibit considerable sensitivity to initial conditions. • Issue:How to initialize time-dependent AOGCM simulations of past climates? 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Equilibration • Time required varies with model type and depends on e-folding time of slowest component of climate system. • AGCMs: < 1 year • A-MLO models: ~5 years • AOGCMs: ~500-1,000 years 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Equilibration • Integration length must be adequate for sampling climate statistics. • Acceleration techniques may be useful in ocean-only simulations, but should be used with caution. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Fidelity • How well does a model simulate the important processes of interest? • Careful comparison of model simulations with the observed climate record are critical for assessments of model fidelity. • Successful performance in such comparisons can increase our confidence in climate models. 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change
Friday’s Seminar Date: February 28 Time: 2:00 PM Place: ENRS Building, Room 223Title: "The New GFDL Global Atmosphere and Land Model AM2/LM2"Speaker:Dr. Stephen Klein, NOAA/GFDL 16:375:544Modeling of Climate Change