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Australia as a Food Superpower: Goal or Dream?

Australia as a Food Superpower: Goal or Dream?. A Global Foundation team has created a 10-point national food plan to help feed Asia and the World. The Global Foundation is: Global in outlook Australian-based Private sector supported, not for profit

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Australia as a Food Superpower: Goal or Dream?

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  1. Australia as a Food Superpower: Goal or Dream? A Global Foundation team has created a 10-point national food plan to help feed Asia and the World

  2. The Global Foundation is: • Global in outlook • Australian-based • Private sector supported, not for profit • Eminent and inclusive – former Governor General is Chairman • Linking together Australian and global strategy for the future • A leader on joined-up thinking about global food security and Australia’s role

  3. What’s to play for? • A dining boom, not just a mining boom! • A hungry world of 9 billion • Asia with 3 billion emerging consumers, all needing high-quality, clean and reliable food • Australia with great natural endowment and a good track record • Our farmers are the most efficient in the world

  4. What’s needed to meet these opportunities? • A turn-around strategy, from decline to growth • A ‘Team Australia’ approach, involving all parts of the food chain, from ‘paddock to plate’. • Leadership - three co-chairs: Anthony Pratt Executive Chairman Visy Industries John Durkan Merchandise Director Coles Gerry Lawson AM Chairman SunRice Australia

  5. President, National Farmers' Federation …supported by a leadership team: Jock Laurie President National Farmers’ Federation Warwick White Managing Director – Australasia Coca Cola Amatil Gary Helou Managing Director Murray Goulburn

  6. What’s needed to capture the opportunities? Political and community will • An ambitious national food plan, supported by all, including farmers, processors, retailers, consumers and whole-of-government policies: • Produce more, sustainably (four times the output) • Value-add, where we can (capture the value in Australia) • Export our knowhow (help others grow more and earn from that) • Encourage national and international investment in the sector

  7. Our 10-point food plan for Australia Our ambition is for Australia to become a food superpower, a ‘clean, green foodbowl’ of Asia. We need a comprehensive and ambitious National Food Plan, in the form of a White Paper, supported by the Australian Government and, where possible, by the Federal Opposition and all major contributors to the food value chain. We must nurture stronger working relationships and cooperation across the food supply chain, between farmers, manufacturers, retailers and exporters. We must sustainably manage the Australian farming landscape, our precious soils and water, to enable both increased productivity and sustainability. We must support farming as a great profession and encourage the further development of viable farming enterprises. We must facilitate the significant expansion in Australia of a globally competitive food manufacturing sector.

  8. Our 10-point food plan for Australia..continued We must fix supply chain and infrastructure inefficiencies, from the farm to the factory, to the retailer, to the port and to market. We must create a strong and consistent food brand message at home and abroad: a national branding message within Australia that generates consumer excitement and community support for our vision; and internationally, that positions Australia as a 'clean green foodbowl of Asia'. We must shape the international agenda on global food security, to ensure that Australia can contribute more to global food policy and action, including the direct export of food and of Australian knowhow and expertise to support sustainable agricultural development in other nations. We must provide international leadership on trade and investment in food and agriculture, such that the world embraces openness and fairness for food industry growth.

  9. ‘Feeding Asia and the World’  Australia’s National Food Plan –The Global Foundation Roundtable Thursday 18 October 2012  Coca Cola Amatil, North Sydney

  10. Where to from here? • Turn the 10-point plan into practical actions • Long-term support from both sides of politics - Government White Paper early 2013 • Long-term support between industry-farmers-retailers • Work together at home and abroad – go as a team to the key markets, China, Indonesia etc • Work together at global level to reduce trade and other barriers – we’ve done it before, Cairns Group • Build wider community support for Australian farming and food industries future – a future with optimism!

  11. Our Goal – Australia as a Global Food Superpower

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