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Welcome to Worship! The Resurrection of Our Lord. Please join us for Holy Communion!. Welcome to the Lutheran Church of our Saviour!
Welcome to Worship! The Resurrection of Our Lord
Please join us for Holy Communion! Welcome to the Lutheran Church of our Saviour! We will be celebrating continuousHoly Communion this morning. You need not be Lutheran nor a member of this congregation. All are invited to join us at God’s Table. Gluten-free bread and grape-juice are also available. The ushers will direct you forward at the appropriate time.
“An Unbelievable Reality” “God continually breaks into our world with unbelievable realities to show us that death may be real, but it is not final. All throughout the world and in our very lives, God continues to challenge the certainty of death with the promise of life.” From today’s sermon, “Unbelievable Reality”
Today’s Psalm Our Psalm for today is Ps. 118:1-2, 14-24 found on page 338 and following in your hymnbook, or on the screen. We will be singing our psalm today responsively by whole verse.
Today’s anthem, The Strife Is O’er, by Brad Norris, was purchased by our choir members, as a gift in honour of Audrey MacKenzie’s years (1971 – 1997) as Music Director here. Today’s Anthem
Many Thanks ... To the Witness Committee for hosting our Easter Reception this morning!
Profound thanks to all those who helped to beautify our worship space this day!
Congratulations Kaitlyn! Our congratulations is extended to KaitlynKnipe (daughter of Dave & Norma) whose rink recently won the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association National Curling Championship last weekend in Edmonton. Kaitlyn was also named to the All-Star Team! Congrats Kaitlyn!! Kaitlyn is in the first row, 2nd from the right.
Up-Coming Events in the Eastern Synod April 12-14 – Bishop Pryse’s Spiritual Retreat for Lay-People, Mt. Carmel, Niagara Falls. April 20 – Georgian Bay Lutheran Women, Spring Meeting, St. Paul’s Wallace. April 27 – Georgian Bay Conference Spring Meeting, St. Peter’s, Neustadt, 9 am - 3 pm. May 24-26 – SPA (Sacred Place Away) Women’s Retreat, Toronto. Registration Deadline, April 20th. Please contact the church office for more information!
Synod Scholarship, Murray Scholarship& Spencer-Barche Trust Fund Forms for these scholarships are found on the Eastern Synod website (www.easternsynod.org), or at the church office. Funds are available to those who are pursuing post-secondary education. Deadline for completed applications is May 14, 2013.
Coming this summer ...Set the World on Fire! A whole group of our young people will be attending the Eastern Synod Youth Gathering this coming summer at Camp Edgewood. Watch for more news and updates, and please support our youth in their fund-raising!
Penny Drive! Do you have a collection of pennies at home that you’re not sure what to do with? Why not bring them to church and place them in the white bucket in the narthex!? Our Youth are having a fund-raising penny drive! Can we fill the bucket? How about 2 buckets? Thanks for your support!