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Campylobacters, Helicobacters and related organisms (CHRO’s). Veterinary pathogens. Ovine/Bovine abortion C. fetus ss fetus C. jejuni A. cryoaerophila Bovine infectious infertility C. fetus ss venerealis A. skirrowii. Campylobacter species. Gram negative ‘seagull’, spiral shaped
Campylobacters, Helicobacters and related organisms (CHRO’s)
Veterinary pathogens • Ovine/Bovine abortion • C. fetus ss fetus • C. jejuni • A. cryoaerophila • Bovine infectious infertility • C. fetus ss venerealis • A. skirrowii
Campylobacter species • Gram negative ‘seagull’, spiral shaped • Motile • Microaerophilic (reduced oxygen) • Like enriched medium • Non fermentative • Oxidase positive • Commensals of the intestinal tract of animals • Pathogens in reproductive and enteric tracts
Laboratory identification • Wet mount of faeces corkscrew-like darting motility • Use of selective media containing antibiotic cocktail to suppress faecal commensals (Poly/Rif/Tri/Cyclo) • Grow at 37 or 42 degrees • Microaerophilic atmosphere • Colonies small (1-2 mm), round, smooth, mucoid, translucent, dewdrop-like appearance on blood agar (C.fetus) • Confirm by smear and Gram stain • Identify using API • Antimicrobial sensitivity testing
C. jejuni and C. coli in animals • C. jejuni is part of normal intestinal flora in birds • No disease association in poultry • C. coli – normal intestinal flora in pigs. • C. jejuni and C. coli may cause acute diarrhoea in very young animals but not older animals • 1970’s it was discovered these organisms cause acute diarrhoea in humans
Intestinal Campylobacteriosis in dogs • C. jejuni causes acute diarrhoea in puppies • Typically develops diarrhoea after acquisition • Typical history of recently acquired puppy develops bloody or watery diarrhoea followed by owner or child in the household getting diarrhoea • Get isolates from both dog and owner to establish transmission! • Healthy animals may shed C. jejuni with no symptoms • May be part of mixed infection (+ enteric virus, Giardia, helminths etc)
CAMPYLOBACTERIOSIS - Campylobacter jejuni colitis, gross lesions of focal congestion and mucus production, dog.
Campylobacter fetus sub species fetus • Sporadic abortion in sheep often late in gestation • Transmitted by contaminated food or water • Bacteraemia ensues, organism spreads to distal sites including placenta • Abortion in the 3rd trimester of ovine gestation results from placentitis • Sporadic abortion in cattle, goats, pigs and horses • Bloodstream infection in man (usually but not always with underlying immunocompromise)
Campylobacters in sheep abortion • Present in intestine • Invades tissues • Invades uterus • Invades foetus • Kills foetus • Aborted mummified foetus • Campylobacter in foetal liver • Campylobacter in discharges
Pathogenesis (ovine abortion) • C. fetus ss fetus • High molecular weight protein S-layer on the surface of the bacterium • S-layer fails to bind C3b of complement and prevents phagocytosis by neutrophils • S-layer mutants are of reduced virulence in disease model • S-layer shields LPS as a means of decreasing immunogenicity
Campylobacter fetus sub species venerealis • The cause of bovine venereal campylobacteriosis (BVC – sexually transmitted bovine infectious infertility) • Transmitted by infected bulls through normal breeding or artificial insemination • Organism recovered from glans penis and distal urethra of infected bulls • Ascending infection in cows from vagina to cervix to uterus then oviducts • Tempory infertility • Abortion in small proportion of infected cows (<10%) • Protective immunity eventually develops via IgA in vaginal mucous and IgG in uterus
Pathogenesis (BVC) • C. fetus ss venerealis persists in the vagina of the cow due to antigenic shifts in the immunodominant antigens of the S layer proteins (sapA) • Genomic re-arrangements of this locus in weekly isolates • sapA promoter on invertible segment that can flip and allow change in expression from S-layer protein gene cassettes
Campylobacter enteritis in man • Incubation 3 days • Abdominal pain (severe) • Diarrhoea (small volume bloody diarrhoea, watery with blood, watery no blood) • Fever • Myalgia, malaise • (Rigors, high fever delirium)
Most frequently identified cause of acute infective diarrhoea in man • Campylobacter jejuni • C. coli (5-15%) • Zoonosis – acquired from animals via food (or direct contact)
Control in poultry production • Bio-security - Hygiene barriers, dedicated footwear, clothing, restriction on numbers entering, boot dipping, hand washing! • Thinning • Competitive exclusion • Inhibitory flora • Worse husbandry, more Campylobacter • Carcass freezing
Pathogenic mechanisms • Tissue invasion • (GI biopsies of infected patients, primates, animal models, tissue culture cells) – • pVir plasmid, type IV secretion system, invade cultured cells • Cia proteins secreted via flagella and translocate effector proteins into host cell • transcytosis • Reduced adhesion/invasion correlates with lack of diarrhoeal disease in ferret models • Glycosylation of flagella, LOS, OMP’s • Toxins (cytotoxins) • LPS – LOS (molecular mimicry, GBS) • Activation of host inflammatory mediators IL-8, LTB4, PGE2 • Understanding advanced by Genome sequence of C. jejuni NCTC 11168
Arcobacters • Arcobacters have Campylobacter like morphology • Aerotolerant • Grow at 30 degrees • A. cryoaerophilus, A. nitrofigilis (environmental), A. skirrowii and A. butzleri • Possible disease association only just being defined
Arcobacters – disease association • A. cryaerophilus – late term abortion in cattle, horses, sheep, and dogs -Mastitic milk, ovine faeces • A. butzleri – diarrhoeal disease in humans and animals – potentially zoonotic • A. skirrowii – diarrhoeal disease in man, lambs, calves, abortion in swine and cattle
Helicobacters in animals • Widely documented in mammals and birds due to frenzy generated by H. pylori! (18+ species) • Helicobacter hepaticus is a mouse pathogen and common in breeding colonies from commercial facilities • Focal hepatic necrosis leading to chronic disease and hepatocellular tumours • H. bilis causes hepatitis in mice, other helicobacters associated with gall bladder disease & gall stones
Helicobacter pylori • In 1983, Marshall and Warren described the bacterium now known as Helicobacter pylori • Suggested that it may be important in the pathophysiology of chronic active gastritis and peptic ulceration in man • They were proved correct (after much controversy) and it is now accepted that H. pylori infection: ■ causes chronic active gastritis; ■ is the main cause of duodenal and gastric ulceration; and ■ is an important risk factor for gastric adenocarcinoma and lymphoma.
H. pylori prevalence in Westernized versus developing countries. (Adapted from Marshall BJ (1994). , S116–118
20% Superficial chronic gastritis 1%
Gastric cancer • The World Health Organization has classified H. pylori as a gastric carcinogen. • Infection is associated with an approximately eightfold increased risk of gastric cancer. • Eradication of H. pylori from Japanese patients with early gastric cancer greatly diminished the risk of recurrent cancer after endoscopic resection. • Whether to eradicate from individuals without ulcers—an issue which is currently unresolved. • USA treats anyone over 40 found to have H. pylori whether symptomatic or not in order to prevent gastric cancer