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Cindy Bryant Mathematics Consultant Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Cindy.Bryant@dese.mo 573.7

Cindy Bryant Mathematics Consultant Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Cindy.Bryant@dese.mo.gov 573.751.1395. Math End-of-Course Exams Implementation Schedule. 2008 – 2009 Algebra I 2009 – 2010 Algebra II, Geometry, Integrated Math II, Integrated Math III.

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Cindy Bryant Mathematics Consultant Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Cindy.Bryant@dese.mo 573.7

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  1. Cindy Bryant Mathematics Consultant Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Cindy.Bryant@dese.mo.gov 573.751.1395

  2. Math End-of-Course ExamsImplementation Schedule 2008 – 2009 Algebra I 2009 – 2010 Algebra II, Geometry, Integrated Math II, Integrated Math III Aligned to v2.0 GLEs

  3. MAP ExamsImplementation Schedule 2008 – 2009 Grades 3 – 8 Math Aligned to the March, 2004 GLEs 2009 – 2010 Grades 3 – 8 Math Aligned to the v2.0 GLEs

  4. Assessment Item Development Scoring Achievement Level Setting Operational Field Test Pilot & SRR Content/Bias Review Item Writing

  5. DESE/METS K – 12 Mathematics Learning Goals

  6. DESE/METS K – 12 Mathematics Learning Goals Classroom Implications: Less = MORE   FocusTime

  7. Content PrioritiesA few mathematical ideas (core content) for a grade level or course that serve as an organizing structure for curriculum design, instruction, and assessment.

  8. Grade 3, Core Concept A: Extending Addition and Subtraction Students consolidate addition and subtraction strategies for larger numbers. They develop proficiency (accuracy, efficiency, flexibility, and appropriateness) with addition and subtraction of larger numbers, including standard algorithms, understand why these procedures work, and use them to solve problems. Core Content – A few important mathematical ideas for a grade level or course that serve as organizing structures for curriculum design, instruction, and assessment.

  9. Learning Goals - A set of statements, organized around each core concept, indicating what students are expected to learn. 1. Understand, explain, and use a variety of strategies to compute multi-digit addition and subtraction problems proficiently (sums larger than 1000 and minuends larger than 100.)

  10. Performance Indicators- Statements of specific and measurable learning outcomes. (Equivalent to the existing Grade Level Expectations.) a.) Proficiently compute multi-digit addition and subtraction problems. b.) *Estimate sums and differences and/or calculate them mentally depending on the context and numbers involved; use estimates to judge the reasonableness of solutions. c.) *Create single- and multi-step contextual problems for a variety of mathematical situations (combining, missing addend, separating, comparing, and relating parts to wholes) involving multi-digit numbers. d.) Solve single- and multi-step contextual problems for a variety of mathematical situations (combining, missing addend, separating, comparing and relating parts to wholes) involving multi-digit numbers. * Indicates a locally assessed performance indicator.

  11. DESE/METS K – 12 Mathematics Learning Goals Revisions: • Adjustments made to align with final report of the NMAP. • Reduced emphasis on statistics and probability strand. • Included estimated “weight” for each core content area. • Simplified language. • Reduced number of performance indicators. • Integrated 4 and Pre-Calc MLGs draft written

  12. DESE/METS K – 12 Mathematics Learning Goals Classroom Implications: • Does not include references to textbooks or teaching methods. • Mores specific Performance Indicators include important processes outlined in the Show-Me Standards.

  13. DESE/METS K – 12 Mathematics Learning Goals Suggested Next Steps: • Coding for alignment with Show-Me Standards to be completed. • Glossary updates. • Alignment of assessment items. • Regional Informational Meetings funded by METS. • Planning of additional professional development focused on the document.

  14. Curriculum work and textbook decisions??? Looking beyond the GLEs and CLEs…

  15. Starting Where You Are… Content PrioritiesA few mathematical ideas (core content) for a grade level or course that serve as an organizing structure for curriculum design, instruction, and assessment.

  16. Who identifies the content priorities for each course or grade? • What is the foundation or basis for the content priorities for each grade/course? • How are content priorities conveyed in your curriculum?

  17. How are the content priorities conveyed to your students? • How do you know you have addressed the content priorities in the assessments for each grade/course? • What now?

  18. Algebra I—Core Content

  19. Starting Where You Are—Who identifies the content priorities for each grade/course? • Were you responsible for identifying the content priorities for your course(s), grade(s), contents? • Did a building or district committee identify the content priorities for your course(s) or grade(s). • Had the decision been made before your employment?

  20. Starting Where You Are—What is the foundation or basis for the content priorities for each grade/course? • Do the Show-Me Standards, both content and process, serve as a foundation for your content priorities? (External Alignment) • Are the GLEs/CLEs your content priorities? • Does your textbook dictate content priorities (based upon the publisher’s assurance that the text is aligned to the Missouri Standards/GLEs/CLEs)? • Does the text address all important content? (Measurement seems to be minimal in many texts.) How do you know? • What other factors dictate content priorities? • District standards and goals, national standards and recommendations…

  21. Starting Where You Are—How are your content priorities conveyed in your curriculum? • Are the content priorities included/conveyed in the written curriculum? • Are you including unnecessary content or spend less time on content you’re not as comfortable with? • Are they conveyed in the taught curriculum? (Does what you teach align with the content priorities?) • Is your written curriculum the same as your taught curriculum? Are your written and taught curriculum aligned?

  22. Starting Where You Are—How are the content priorities conveyed to your students? • Do your content priorities support a guaranteed and viable curriculum? • Is every student given the opportunity andtimeto learn the “content”? • Is the instructional delivery method aligned to and conducive to learning the content priorities? • Are you allowing students the opportunity to be involved in “authentic” learning experiences that connect, and build upon and communicate understanding? • Is adequate time provided for learning the content? • Do the students know what the content priorities are? • --Is this more than just writing the GLE on the board? • --Do they really understand what they are supposed to learn ? • --Are you using Backward Design and Curriculum Mapping?

  23. Local Control State In assessing and selecting a textbook, educators should consider…

  24. Guiding Questions for Selecting a Mathematics Textbook In assessing a textbook, educators should consider the following: • What key mathematical ideas in each content strand should each grade level or course address? • How does the content of the textbook align with these key mathematical ideas? • What types of activities does the textbook provide? Do they foster mathematical thinking or do they simply show how to do a procedure?

  25. Guiding Questions for Selecting a Mathematics Textbook In assessing a textbook, educators should consider the following: • Are there a variety of instructional activities that allow for differentiation? • Do the activities engage the students? • Is there a focus on problem solving? Are students expected to explain “why”? • Are students asked to explore “what if” questions and to offer and test conjectures.

  26. Guiding Questions for Selecting a Mathematics Textbook Professional Development Research has shown that the process of investigating and implementing curriculum can enhance a teacher’s knowledge of the subject matter and improve instruction. Therefore, professional development should accompany the adoption of a new textbook so that teachers understand the textbook’s goals and strategies.

  27. Guiding Questions for Selecting a Mathematics Textbook Professional Development • Is there an initial introduction to the materials? • Are there regular opportunities for teachers and administrators to meet and discuss accomplishments and challenges? • Is there ample time and opportunities for teachers to collaborate on previewing upcoming units? • Is there follow-up training to provide opportunities for teachers to interact with experienced users of the curriculum.

  28. Data and Accountability Questions… Margie Vandeven, Director Accountability Data Margie.Vandeven@dese.mo.gov Janet Duncan, Assist. Director Accountability Data Janet.Duncan@dese.mo.gov

  29. 25th Anniversary of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Each year, since 1983, the President of the United States recognizes outstanding kindergarten–6th grade or 7th–12th-grade mathematics and science teachers by bestowing upon them the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). The 2009 PAEMST program will honor 7th – 12th grade mathematics with a $10,000 award and recognition ceremonies in Washington, DC. To nominate yourself or someone else visit www.paemst.org by April 1, 2009.

  30. Resources Updated DESE Mathematics Curriculum Homepage http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/curriculum/math/

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