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ArcGIS/GOM3 Training Sequence: Fundamentals of ArcGIS for Petroleum (1 day) Introduction to GOM3 (1 day) . The course

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Presentation Transcript

    1. GOM3/ArcGIS Training

    3. The course… 1. Map Making 2. Document Management 3. Spatial Analysis

    4. Map Making and Document Management: Making a basic map Effective labeling Creating a layout

    5. Spatial Analysis: Spatial analysis to locate potential unproduced resources in existing leases using select by attributes, select by location building relates

    6. Spatial Analysis: Using Spatial Analyst to generate a thickness grid from paleo data Viewing data in 3D

    7. GOM Smart:

    9. ArcGIS/GOM3 Training Sequence: Fundamentals of ArcGIS for Petroleum (1 day) Introduction to GOM3 (1 day) Options for training: -Attend a public class at TeachMeGIS -Request a private class in your office Next public course in June, another in October. More if needed. Calendar: www.TeachMeGIS.com

    10. We’re flexible. -class can be split over multiple days -lectures can be done over the web -lunch and learns -one-on-ones -let us know what you need to get your people productive with GOM3 and ArcGIS!

    11. Our Training Team 8 ESRI Authorized Trainers on the team all but one from the petroleum industry all with 9+ years of GIS experience Senior Consultants on staff to help with data management, mapping projects and one-on-one tutoring

    12. Additional GIS Training: Many courses with oil/gas examples Courses can be taught in our office or yours, in Houston or your city

    13. Inner Corridor Technologies, Inc. http://www.TeachMeGIS.com 3000 Wilcrest, Suite 195 Houston, TX 77042 713-278-7883 info@TeachMeGIS.com Jennifer.Harrison@TeachMeGIS.com

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