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History of Biotechnology. Stages of Biotech. Ancient Classical Modern. Ancient Biotech. Begins with early civilization Developments in ag and food production Few records exist. Ancient Biotech. Archeologists research Ancient carvings and sketches sources of information.
Stages of Biotech • Ancient • Classical • Modern
Ancient Biotech • Begins with early civilization • Developments in ag and food production • Few records exist
Ancient Biotech • Archeologists research • Ancient carvings and sketches sources of information
Classical Biotech • Follows ancient • Makes wide spread use of methods from ancient, especially fermentation • Methods adapted to industrial production
Classical Biotech • Produce large quantities of food products and other materials in short amount of time • Meet demands of increasing population
Classical Biotech • Many methods developed through classical biotech are widely used today.
Modern Biotech • Manipulation of genetic material within organisms • Based on genetics and the use of microscopy, biochemical methods, related sciences and technologies
Modern Biotech • Often known as genetic engineering • Roots involved the investigation of genes
Ancient Biotech • Not known when biotech began exactly • Focused on having food and other human needs
Ancient Biotech • Useful plants brought from the wild, planted near caves where people lived • As food was available, ability to store and preserve emerged
Ancient • Food preservation most likely came from unplanned events such as a fire or freeze
Domestication • 15,000 years ago, large animals were hard to capture • People only had meat when they found a dead animal • Came up with ways of capturing fish and small animals
Domestication • Food supplies often seasonal • Winter food supplies may get quite low • Domestication is seen by scientists as the beginning of biotech
Domestication • Adaptation of organisms so they can be cultured • Most likely began 11,000 – 12,000 years ago in the middle east
Domestication • Involved the collecting of seed from useful plants and growing crude crops from that seed • Involved the knowledge that the seed had to properly mature
Domestication • Proper planting • Need for water, light and other conditions for plant growth • Earliest plants likely grains and other seeds used for food
Domestication • Raising animals in captivity began about the same time in history • Easier to have an animal close by that to hunt and capture a wild one
Domestication • Learned that animals need food and water • Learned about simple breeding • How to raise young
Domestication • Cattle, goats and sheep were the first domesticated food animals
Domestication • About 10,000 years ago, people had learned enough about plants and animals to grow their own food • The beginning of farming.
Food • Domestication resulted in food supplies being greater in certain times of the year • Products were gathered and stored
Food • Some foods rotted • Others changed form and continued to be good to eat • Foods stored in a cool cave did not spoil as quickly
Food • Foods heated by fire also did not spoil as quickly • Immersing in sour liquids prevented food decay
Food preservation • Using processes that prevent or slow spoilage • Heating, cooling, keeps microorganisms (mo’s) from growing
Food preservation • Stored in bags of leather or jars of clay • Fermentation occurs if certain mo’s are present • Creates an acid condition that slows or prevents spoilage
Cheese • One of the first food products made through biotechnology • Began some 4,000 years ago • Nomadic tribes in Asia
Cheese • Strains of bacteria were added to milk • Caused acid to form • Resulting in sour milk
Cheese • Enzyme called “rennet” was added • Rennet comes from the lining of the stomachs of calves
Cheese • Rennet is genetically engineered today • Not all cheese is made from produced rennet
Yeast • Long used in food preparation and preservation • Bread baking • Yeast produces a gas in the dough causing the dough to rise
Yeast • Fermented products • Vinegar • Require the use of yeast in at least one stage of production
Yeast • Species of fungi • Some are useful • Some may cause diseases
Vinegar • Ancient product used to preserve food • Juices and extracts from fruits and grains can be fermented
Fermentation • Process in which yeast enzymes chemically change compounds into alcohol • In making vinegar the first product of fermentation is alcohol
Fermentation • Alcohol is converted to acetic acid by additional microbe activity • Acid gives vinegar a sour taste • Vinegar prevents growth of some bacteria
Vinegar • Keeps foods from spoiling • Used in pickling • Biblical references to wine indicate the use of fermentation some 3,000 years ago
Fermentation control • In ancient times, likely happened by accident • Advancements occurred in the 1800’s and early 1900’s
Fermenters • Used to advance fermentation process • Specially designed chamber that promotes fermentation
Fermenters • Allowed better control, especially with vinegar • New products such as glycerol, acetone, and citric acid resulted
Development • Of yeasts that were predictable and readily available led to modern baking industry
Antibiotics • Use of fermentation hastened the development of antibiotics • A drug used to combat bacterial infections
Antibiotics • Penicillin • Developed in the late1920’s • Introduced in the 1940’s • First drug produced by microbes
Antibiotics • Many kinds available today • Limitations in their use keep disease producing organisms from developing immunity to antibiotics
Antibiotics • Use antibiotics only when needed. • Overuse may make the antibiotic ineffective when really needed later
Antibiotics • Some disease organisms are now resistant to certain antibiotics • Used in both human and vet medicine
Modern Biotech • Deals with manipulating genetic info • Microscopy and advanced computer technology are used • In-depth knowledge of science
Modern Biotech • Based on genetics research from the mid 1800’s
Genetics • Study of heredity • Most work has focused on animal and plant genetics • Genes – determiners of heredity
Genes • Carry the genetic code • Understanding genetic structure essential for genetic engineering