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Information and Communications Technology in the NHS Transforming the Patient s Experience of Care

Two studies. Fathom Partners for OfCom (March 08):What will the health sector's requirement for wireless spectrum be in 20 years' time?Scenario planning projectofcom.org.uk/research/technology/research/sectorstudies/health/?What If! Innovation for the King's Fund (Nov 08):What are the barriers to delivering the

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Information and Communications Technology in the NHS Transforming the Patient s Experience of Care

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    1. Information and Communications Technology in the NHS Transforming the Patients Experience of Care European Commission Alasdair Liddell Kings Fund 20th July 2010

    2. 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 1

    3. Definitions 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 2

    4. Key Points 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 3

    5. Other sectors use of technology Shopping Banking Holidays, travel Entertainment Information Social networking iPod apps etc 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 4

    6. 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 5

    7. 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 6

    8. 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 7

    9. 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 8

    10. 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 9

    11. 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 10

    12. 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 11

    13. Decision pathway for technology adoption 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 12

    14. Factors affecting technology adoption 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 13

    15. 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 14 The barriers to adoption Lack of (the right kind of) national leadership Few incentives for clinicians and commissioners to adopt technology The NHS is difficult to sell to Costs and benefits fall in different places Procurement is often least cost, not best value The change management consequences are disruptive

    16. 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 15 Case study - Warfarin 1m people on long-term anticoagulation therapy Control of this therapy requires 4-6 weekly blood tests, and adjustments to dosage, requiring visits to hospitals or clinics A self-monitoring device has been on the market in the UK for 16 years, but only 18,000 are in use This means that 98% of the anti-coag population are submitting to hospital/clinic tests Self-monitoring is clinically more effective, more convenient, and probably cheaper

    17. 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 16 Why? Not enough focus on the total patient experience? Misguided reliance on push strategies web-sites and other information sources arent sufficient to ensure diffusion There is no incentive for inventors to disseminate and sell-in their innovations Pull strategies require system incentives to be in place

    18. Our recommendations Leadership from the centre, and locally Actively to encourage, support, enable and reward Technology needs to be integral to policy development Procurement procedures need to be changed More coordination between national agencies and budgets Convenience is an outcome measure it! Links with and advice to industry to help them make the compelling case Create consumer demand Target the most likely consumers first 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 17

    19. NHS Financial Context The financial challenges facing the NHS may provide a stimulus for a more entrepreneurial approach to innovation Will the financial pressure be enough to motivate commissioners and clinicians to pull innovations into their own care setting? Will the system allow the necessary tolerance of failure that is an inevitable part of innovation? The key interfaces for maximum benefit are hospital/community, health/social care and patient/system 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 18

    20. What do you think? Alasdair Liddell alasdair@aliddell.com 02 November 2011 Alasdair Liddell Page 19

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