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Module 4 Incident Facilities. Subjects to be covered in this module include:. Command Post Staging Areas Base Camps Helibase Helispots. 04-01-I200-SL. Module 4 Objectives. 1. Name each of the principal facilities used in conjunction with ICS, and explain the purpose and use of each.
Module 4 Incident Facilities Subjects to be covered in this module include: • Command Post • Staging Areas • Base • Camps • Helibase • Helispots 04-01-I200-SL
Module 4 Objectives 1. Name each of the principal facilities used in conjunction with ICS, and explain the purpose and use of each. 2. Identify which facilities may be located together at an incident or event. 3. Describe how the various incident facilities are used and managed to support an incident or event. 4. Identify appropriate map symbols associated with incident facilities. 04-02-I200-SL
Considerations in Establishing Incident Facilities • First priority is the needs of the incident • Length of time the facility will be used • Cost to establish the facility • Environmental considerations 04-03-I200-SL
Incident Command Post • Location where primary command functions are performed • Only one per incident • May be located with other facilities • Normally not relocated 04-04-I200-SL
Incident Command Post 04-05-I200-SL
Expanded ICP may be required for: • Multi-agency incidents run under a Unified Command. • Long-term incidents. • Incident requiring an on-scene communications center. • Incidents requiring a separate planning function. • Incidents requiring Command Staff and Agency Representative positions. 04-06-I200-SL
Incident Command Post Characteristics: • There is only one ICP per incident, even if the incident is multijurisdictional. • The communications center is often located with or adjacent to the ICP. • The Incident Command function is carried out at the ICP. • The ICP may be located with other incident facilities such as the Incident Base. 04-07-I200-SL (1 of 2)
Incident Command Post Characteristics (cont.): • The planning function is normally done at the ICP. • The ICP should be large enough to provide adequate working room for assigned personnel. • The ICP should contain situation and resource status displays necessary for the incident. • Agency Representatives are normally located at the ICP. • The ICP will normally not be relocated. 04-07-I200-SL (2 of 2)
Guidelines for Establishing an Incident Command Post • Position away from the general noise and confusion associated with the incident. • Position outside of the present and potential hazard zone. • Position within view of the incident (when appropriate). • Have the ability to expand as the incident grows. 04-08-I200-SL (1 of 2)
Guidelines for Establishing an Incident Command Post (cont.) • Have the ability to provide security, and to control access to the ICP as necessary. • Identify location with distinctive banner or sign. • Announce ICP activation and location via radio or other communication so all appropriate personnel are notified. 04-08-I200-SL (2 of 2)
Staging AreaDescription • Temporary locations for resources awaiting assignments. • Incidents may have several Staging Areas. • Resources on a three-minute available status. • May include fueling and sanitation. • Staging Area Manager is required. • May be designated for certain kinds of resources. S 04-09-I200-SL
Characteristics of a Staging Area • Be close to the location of tactical assignments (within five minutes). • Be located out of any possible line of direct hazard effects to minimize risk. • Be relocated if necessary. • Have different access routes for incoming and outgoing resources. 04-10-I200-SL (1 of 2)
Characteristics of a Staging Area(cont.) • Be large enough to accommodate available resources and have room for growth. • Be clearly marked. • Be located to minimize environmental damage. • Have necessary security controls. 04-10-I200-SL (2 of 2)
Staging Area Benefits • Provide locations for immediately available resources to await active assignments. • Provide locations for resources to be formed into operational units such as task forces and strike teams. • Provide for greater accountability by having available personnel and resources together in one location. • Provide safe locations for personnel and equipment to await assignments. 04-11-I200-SL (1 of 2)
Staging Area Benefits (cont.) • Prevent resources from freelancing or “doing their own thing.” • Minimize excessive communications of resources calling for assignments. • Control and assist the check-in of personnel who arrive at the incident via privately owned vehicles or other private means. • Allow the Operations Section Chief or IC to properly plan for resource use, and to provide for contingencies. 04-11-I200-SL (2 of 2)
Primary Characteristics of Incident Base • Location for primary support activity. • Logistics Section located at Base. • Out-of-service equipment and personnel normally located here. • Only one Base per incident • Pre-designate Base locations if feasible • Base Manager will always be designated. B Midway Base 04-12-I200-SL
Primary Characteristics of Camps • Temporary locations to provide services to incident personnel. • May be moved - several may be required. • All Base activities may be performed at Camps. • Camp Manager will always be assigned. • Designated by geographic name or number. C 44th Street Camp 04-13-I200-SL
Primary Characteristics of Incident Helibase • Location where helicopters may be parked, maintained, fueled, and loaded. • Helibase will be designated by name of incident. • Large incidents may have more than one Helibase. • Helibase can be located at airport or other off-incident location. • Helibases will normally not be moved. • Helibase will be managed by Helibase Manager. H Presidio Helibase 04-14-I200-SL
Primary Characteristics of Incident Helispots • Temporary locations where helicopters can safely land and take off. • Can be used to load or off-load personnel, equipment, and supplies. • Helispot Managers will be on the ground. • Helispot Manager may be assigned. Reports to Helibase Manager. H-3 04-15-I200-SL
Collocating Facilities Incident Facilities Staging Area ICP Base Camps Helibase Helispot ICP Yes Yes No Yes Yes Staging Area Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Base Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Camps No No Yes Yes Yes No Helibase No Yes Helispot Yes Yes Yes Yes No 04-16-I200-SL
Map Designations for ICS Facilities Incident Command Post (Name) Staging Areas (Name) S Base (Name) B Camp (Name) C Helibase (Name) H Helispot (Number or name) H-3 04-17-I200-SL