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Выполнила: Ловыгина Елена Ученица 8 «а» класса МОУ лицея г. Рошаль. Приокско-Террасный госудаственный биосферный заповедник. Destination.
Выполнила: Ловыгина Елена • Ученица 8 «а» класса • МОУ лицея г. Рошаль Приокско-Террасный госудаственный биосферный заповедник
Destination Prioksko-terraskij biospheric state reserve was founded in 1948. It is situated not far from Moscow. The area is-4945 hectares. There predominate broad leaf-bearing forests.
Fauna is very rich. There are such species as the elk, the deer, the wild boar, the marten, the caress, the badger, the wolf. The bison is the main protected mammal. Fauna
Flora reservation numbers 892 rare and 18 endangered plants. Flora
The bird fauna is rich. There are 137 species of birds such as robins, owls, wood-grouses, black cocks, zyabliks, eagles and others. Among insects the most famous are rare butterflies Apolloand Mahaon. Birds and insects
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