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Test-Taking Tips 2. Read all directions carefully before answering any questions.Breath! Relax! The test is untimed, so there is no reason to rush. Believe that you will pass the test. See yourself opening up the envelope of test results and receiving a passing score. You will pass if you believe you can..
1. Session 2: Reading Comprehension and Literary Response Test-Taking Tips #2
Talk to the Text Review: Owning What You Read
Reading Comprehension Strategies
Reading Informational Texts
Reading and Analyzing Literature
3. Reading on the CAHSEE 7 Vocabulary Questions
18 Reading Comprehension Questions (read a passage and answer questions)
20 Literary Response Questions
(read literature and answer questions)
4. Talking to the Text (TtT) Review Talking to the Text (TttT) means “talking” with your pencil on a text. It helps you “own” what you read!
You can write down whatever helps you, including
underline important phrases or sentences
write your questions, clarifications, summaries, connections, predictions, or visualizations in the margins
even mark places you are confused or don't understand something.
5. Other reading strategies to use: See p. 65
Analyze- break down the information to examine the individual ideas
Infer- make educated guesses based on the evidence in the text and what you already know
Predict- guess what will happen based on what you know.
Main ideas/Details- analyze how the author organizes information using main ideas and details.
6. A new reading strategy: Chunking
7. Chunking Chunking is exactly what it sounds like.
You break down a tough word, sentence, or paragraph into easier-to-read chunks.
Chunk in a way that is clear to you, either by circling pieces of text or using dashes (/) to separate chunks.
You wouldn’t eat a whole cake in one meal, so why try to digest an entire text at once?
8. Chunking Example
9. Distinguishing Between Different types of Texts on the CAHSEE Question to ask: What type (genre) of text is this?
Literary Text (something you may see in an English class)
Short Story
Informational Text (something you would see in the real world)
Job Application?
Business Letter?
History/science/biographical text?
10. Reading Informational Texts These types of texts are ones you read to find out information, not for pleasure
Usually, they are laid out so that you find information fast
The structural features like headings, bullets, graphics, and numbers are there to help you find the information you need.
Most times, they have already chunked the text for you with these features. Use them!
11. Reading Consumer Documents see p. 39
What type of text is a consumer document?
Informational document
Consumer Document-document made for a consumer (person who buys products), and include:
Product Information
Instructional Manuals
12. Features of Consumer Documents see p. 39
Some of these features are found in other instructional/nonfiction documents
Special Type Treatment: boldface, italic, underlined, colored
13. (More) features of consumer documents see p. 39
Table of contents
Works Cited
14. Workplace Documents see p. 45
Include texts you may see on the job..
Procedure manuals
Job applications
Guides to health benefits
Email messages
Organizational charts
Instructions for operating machinery
15. 20 Multiple Choice Questions
These types of texts include
The Literary Response and Analysis section of the CAHSEE asks you to read literature and answer questions about it.
18. Protagonist/Antagonist Example see p.95
On The Simpsons, Bart Simpson is the protagonist and Principal Skinner is one of the antagonists.
19. Conflict see p. 95
A main problem in the story that the main character faces.
Can be internal or external.
Internal Conflict: A character “at war” with him or herself (exp: Ariel has to decide whether she should leave the ocean)
External Conflict: One character versus society, nature, or another character (exp: protagonist vs. antagonist)
20. Types of External Conflict Man Vs. Nature- Main character fights against nature.
exp: A story of a man caught in a snowstorm trying to fight his way out.
Man Vs. Man-Main character fights against another character.
exp: In The Little Mermaid, the main conflict was between Ariel and the Sea Witch.
Man Vs. Society-Character fights against the rules of his/her society.
exp: In The Little Mermaid, Ariel must fight against the rules of her family and underwater society in order to marry the prince.
21. Plot see p. 107
Plot: The pattern of action of a story; the series of linked events that make up the story
Usually starts with a problem or conflict that has to be resolved.
Exp: In Little Mermaid, the plot begins with the conflict between Ariel and her protective father.
22. Plot Structure see p. 107
23. see p. 107
A look at a past event. The author stops the action of the story to go back to an event that happened at an earlier time.
What movies or books have flashbacks in them?
26. Types of Irony Verbal Irony: occurs when someone says the opposite of what the person means.
Exp: A person is having a horrible day and says, “I’ve never been so happy in my life.”
Situational Irony: occurs when what happens is the opposite of what you expect to happen.
Exp: Escalade story, boyfriend at the movies story
Dramatic Irony: occurs when you, the reader or the viewer, knows something crucial that the main character does not know. This is the most important type for the CAHSEE
Exp: In Romeo and Juliet, the audience knows Juliet is not really dead and has faked her death, but Romeo does not.
27. Dramatic Irony Dramatic Irony: occurs when you, the reader or the viewer, knows something crucial that the main character does not know. This is the most important type for the CAHSEE
With your class, brainstorm examples of dramatic irony in books, stories, movies, or television shows.
34. Symbolism see pg. 101
A symbol is a person, place, or thing that stands for an idea or concept.
35. Poetry Complete pages 117-118 together
Remember to use our reading strategies
36. Drama Complete pages 143-146 together
Remember our literary terms
Dramatic Monologue
Stage Directions