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Topic 7 Processing Methods of Nuclear Medicine Images

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Topic 7 Processing Methods of Nuclear Medicine Images

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    1. Topic 7 Processing Methods of Nuclear Medicine Images Planner Image Processing Region of Interest Clinical Image Processing Techniques General Tomographic Image Processing Specific Tomographic Image Processing

    2. Planar Nuclear Medicine Image Processing Digital Images Pixel, Matrix Size, colour or shade of Grey Planar Acquisition Static, Dynamic, Gated, Dual-Isotope General Planar Post-processing Interpolation, Scaling, Smoothing, Filtering, Profile, Shift and Re-alignment.

    3. Smoothing Operation

    4. General Procedure - Convolution

    5. Simple Average Filter

    6. Nine-point Smoothing

    7. Edge Enhancement Filter (Accentuate Contrast)

    8. Smoothing Results

    9. Fourier Methods of Image Enhancement

    10. Activity Profile

    11. Count Profile Planar Left Ventricle

    12. Contrast and Spatial Resolution From a Point Source

    13. Simple Background Subtraction

    14. Interpolated Background Subtraction

    15. Frame Processing Operations Combination of two or more images to form one output image (Renogram). Subtraction of Image Pair. Geometric Operation (Shift, Re-align, Magnification, Minification, etc)

    16. Region of Interest Creating an Region of Interest (ROI) Circular,freehand draw, threshold, isocontour, Laplacian edge detection Operation on ROI Region of Interest Statistics Background Subtraction Time Activity Curve

    17. The Second Derivative Method

    18. Zero Crossing: Activity Profile

    19. Region of Interest

    20. Time Activity Curve

    21. Three Point Smoothing

    22. Five Point Smoothing

    23. Weighted 3-Point Smoothing

    24. Decay Curve

    25. Decay Curve on a Semi-log

    26. Intensity vs Distance

    27. Intensity vs Distance (Log Plot)

    28. Least Square Fitting

    29. Two Delta Function Fitting

    30. Clinical Image Processing Techniques Multiple Gated Blood Pool Studies Ejection Fraction=[( LV at ED-BG)-(LVatSD-BG)]/(LVatED-BG). Segmental Motion at an Angle=(ED radius at that angle - ES radius at that angle)/ED radius at that angle Cardiac First Pass Studies Shunt analysis: [Pulmonary flow/Systemic flow]=[(area under first fitted curve)/(area under first fitted curve-area under second fitted curve)] Cardiac Perfusion Studies ROI, Circumferential Analysis

    31. Ejection Fraction Calculation

    32. Segmental Wall Motion Calculation

    33. Circumferential Analysis

    34. Clinical Image Processing Techniques Renal Studies Total ERPF = 5.029 x 0.36987 x OIH uptake-(0.000231476 x OIH uptake x OIH uptake) where: OIH=[(BG subtracted kidney counts x Y x Y x 100)/(1 min counts of injected radionuclide)] and Y=13.3X+0.7 and X is the patient’s weight in kilograms divided by height in cm. GFR=(%renal uptake of DTPA) x 9.81270-6.82519 where (%renal uptake of DTPA) =[(Right kidney BG corrected counts + Left kidney BG corrected counts)]/[exp(-0.153Y)/(pre-injected counts)].

    35. Renogram

    36. Clinical Image Processing Techniques Gastric Emptying Solid phase, liquid phase or combined. Anterior and posterior static images Time activity curve is constructed and half time is calculated. Parathyroid Imaging Dual isotope acquisition (scatter correction) Region of Interest Analysis.

    37. Tomographic Image Processing Techniques Acquisition Filtered Backprojection Attenuation Correction

    38. Tomography

    39. Filters

    40. General Tomographic Image Processing Oblique Re-orientation (Reslice etc) Display(a set of slices) Region of Interest(simultaneously multiple slice processing) Operation on Tomographic ROIs (ROI statistics, Background Subtraction, Time Activity Curve)

    41. Brain Perfusion Tomogram

    42. Oblique Cardiac Sections

    43. Specific Tomographic Image Processing Techniques Cardiac Perfusion Tomographic Processing 3D extension of planar processing techniques Bull’s eye or polar display Stress and rest perfusion compared to normals Tomographic Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Processing ROI: Left and Right symmetry Ratio of Different Regions.

    44. Cardiac Perfusion Analysis

    45. Stress and Rest Cardiac Perfusion -Normal

    46. Stress and Rest Cardiac Perfusion -Abnormal

    47. Perfusion Rates of Brain Region of Interest

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