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Pastor Fred Conwright, Sr. 2335 56th Street † Dallas, Texas 75241 214-214-374-4759 – Church 214-374-1921 - Fax Email: greatermount@sbcglobal.net Website: gmhbc.org.
Pastor Fred Conwright, Sr. 2335 56th Street † Dallas, Texas 75241 214-214-374-4759 – Church 214-374-1921 - Fax Email: greatermount@sbcglobal.net Website: gmhbc.org
This guidebook is to be a resource reference guide to help you understand the expectations of what is expected of you as a Member here at the Greater Mount Hebron Baptist Church. It contains the rules, regulations and by-laws that this church is governed by. It is also a guide which allows us to better understand the responsibilities which should aid us in becoming more accountable as Members. It is our hope that this will answer most... if not all your questions and concerns related to the function of our church body. We pray that we will ALL govern ourselves accordingly and do things descent and in order. Prayerfully Submitted, Fred Conwright Pastor Pastor’s Corner ‹#›
This guidebook is to be a resource reference guide to help you understand the expectations of what is expected of you as a Member here at the Greater Mount Hebron Baptist Church. It contains the rules, regulations and by-laws that this church is governed by. It is also a guide which allows us to better understand the responsibilities which should aid us in becoming more accountable as Members. It is our hope that this will answer most... if not all your questions and concerns related to the function of our church body. We pray that we will ALL govern ourselves accordingly and do things descent and in order. Prayerfully Submitted, Fred Conwright Pastor Pastor’s Corner ‹#›
“On Mission with God” Living God’s purpose for His Glory! Romans 11:36 Mission Statement Our Statement God isn’t interested in just giving Christians A Mission Experience. He is interested in Christian’s Being on a Mission with Him. Romans 11:36 ‹#›
Under the plan God has ordained for the church, leadership is a position of humble, loving service. Church leadership is ministry, not management. Those whom God designates as leaders are called not to be governing monarchs, but humble servants; not slick celebrities, but laborers. Those who would lead God's people must above all exemplify sacrifice, devotion, submission, and lowliness. Jesus Himself gave us the pattern when He stooped to wash His disciples' feet, a task that was customarily done by the lowest of slaves (John 13). If the Lord of the universe would do that, what are we to do? "SERVE!!!" Introduction ‹#›
Something To Think About: The feeling of excitement can be gratifying, but what really matters is how you choose to use it to build exhilarating motivation to overcome negative impulses! Life brings too many unwanted incidents and it is at that very moment when you must stand up and decide to take control! Choose to manage and arrange your abilities to make each day your absolute BEST! No matter all the wrong doings you may have done, it is always the right time to shed your skin and start anew. NO ONE is a bad person; just a person who will eventually become a very strong and wise individual. Note 2 Self: Life is beautiful when you open your heart, mind and eyes. So whatever you're going through in Life, if it feels too heavy or hard to deal with then you should know that it's NOT your Battle. Let GOD handle it. Stop stressing or worrying about it! Never allow the things that matters the most in your life to be at the mercy of the things that matter the least. Daily Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing Your healing waters to flow through me by your precious Son, Jesus. I choose to pour out life onto others and refresh them with life-giving words. Direct my words, order my steps, and let everything I do glorify You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. Foreword ‹#›
Pastor Rev. Fred Conwright, Sr. First Lady Sis. Patricia Conwright Ministerial Staff ‹#›
Acts: 6:1-6 And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration.Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables. Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.But we will give ourselves continually to pray, and to the ministry of the word.And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch:Whom they set before the apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid their hands on them. ‹#›
GMH Executive Staff Maintenance Staff Bro. Jesse Pearson - 214-514-4707 Bro. James Watkins - 972-246-9234
Founding Pastor • Rev. Horace L. Crayton 38 Years of Dedicated Service Church History The Lord began speaking to Rev. Horace Lee Crayton about organizing a Church and that the Lord would guide his every step. As a result, Greater Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church was started as a Mission in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lelton Brown on March 1, 1963. Meetings were held weekly through March and two weeks in April, 1963. On the first gathering in April a business meeting was called by Rev. Crayton. Being led by the Lord to organize a Church, he discussed it fully with everyone present at the meeting. His testimony was the assurance of God that, “Lo, I am with you”. The Lord blessed Rev. Crayton to go out on His word and seek a place for worship. God led him to drive down a street he didn’t travel very much – there he was lead to a small house at 2426 Givendale Street (in Oak Cliff), Dallas TX. Another meeting was held and the decision was made to purchase the house and organize the Church. After talking to several ministers, it was decided that the late Rev. C. R. Jackson and Rev. Earnest Crayton would be in the organizing plans. On April 20, 1963, Mount Hebron was organized at Community Baptist Church, the late Rev. C. R. Jackson, Pastor. Rev. Jackson and the late Rev. Earnest Crayton, Pastor of the Hebron Baptist Church, Longview TX, conducted the organizing services. All the members that were in the forming of the Mission were present. Rev. Jackson asked that all names be read aloud by Sis. Velma Brown who was acting as Secretary. The names were as follows: Bro. Horace C. Brown, Sis. Margie Brown, Bro. Lelton Brown, Sis. Velma Brown, Bro. Monaque Carter, Sis. Jearlene Carter, Bro. Carl Crayton, Sis. Joyce Crayton, Sis. Etta Mae Crayton, Sis. Vergia Crayton and Sis. Ruth Nealey. Then Rev. Jackson made remarks concerning a Church without a name was not in order - the name of the Church was given by the Acting Secretary as Mount Hebron Baptist Church. It was stated that now Mount Hebron Baptist Church needed a Pastor. Bro. Lelton Brown made a motion that Mount Hebron would call Rev. Horace Lee Crayton as Pastor. It was seconded by the members of Mount Hebron’s newly organized Church. Officers elected in that meeting included: Sis. Velma Brown as Secretary, Bro. Lelton Brown and Bro. Carl Crayton on trial as Deacons, Bro. Monaque Carter as Superintendent of Sunday School and Sis. Jearlene Carter as President of Mission. ‹#›
On April 27, 1963, the first meeting was held at 2426 Givendale Street, Dallas TX. The Church remained there for eleven (11) months. Many were added to the Church roll. Pastor Crayton continued to look for a Church building for his flock. He eventually found one at 2335 56th Street, Dallas, Texas by letting God be his guide. Mount Hebron moved into the new building in February of 1964 with sixteen members. It was also at that time the Church name was changed to Greater Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church and that is how it is chartered in Austin, Texas. God saw fit to let the membership grow and also to enable the membership to do needed repairs; such as, enlarge the choir stand, repair the bathroom, purchase Church pews and central heat and air was installed. In 1979, the Church was remodeled and bricked on the exterior. In 1982, an addition was added to the Church, and all Bonds were cleared up, purchased more pews, enlarged the choir stand and extended the pulpit platform. God called other ministers out of Greater Mount Hebron – Rev. James Mitchell, Rev. Charles Reese, Rev. Ray Woods, Rev. Herman Brown, Rev. Jiles R. King, Rev. Marlin Mitchell, Rev. Arthur James, Rev. E. Jordan, Rev. F. Duffy, Rev. Richard Thurman, Rev. Eric Byrd, Rev. Fred Conwright, Rev. Artice Crow, Rev. Calvin Speed, Rev. Alfonza Scott, and Rev. Reginald Reed. God blessed Greater Mount Hebron in 1997 to build a new church Sanctuary. Classrooms were added and a larger Fellowship Hall. In the year of 2001, Pastor Crayton retired and saw that it was time to pass the mantel on to someone else. The Church came together and prayed for a Pastor and in July of 2002, Rev. Fred Conwright was elected to serve as Pastor. Under Pastor Conwright’s leadership the legacy that Pastor Crayton left has stayed the course and we are continually being led through the leadership of the Holy Spirit through God’s humble servant. God has also called other ministers under his leadership – Rev. Jeffrey Anders, Rev. Bruce Gamble and Rev. Kendall Howard. Through the years, God has blessed Mount Hebron with many faithful followers of Christ. We have come this far by faith, leaning and depending on God. May God continue blessing us and may we continue to look to God who is the author and finisher of our faith. For we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us! WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE …… Church History Continued… ‹#›
Having been led, as we believe by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ. We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations. We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale of, and use of, destructive drugs or intoxicating drinks as a beverage; to shun pornography to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and Christian courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Savior, to secure it without delay. We moreover engage that when we remove from this place as we will, as soon as possible unite, with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word. Church Covenant
The Mission, Purpose and Goals of our Sunday school classes are to help instruct our members more in the word of God, so along with what our Pastor is teaching and preaching it will help them in their spiritual walk with Christ. Sunday School Department
Rules - Bylaws & Guidelines
To be a Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ To be Baptized it is a symbolic burial and resurrection of believer’s immersion in water. To be Faithful in supporting your church and by attending regularly. To Participate in worship, revivals, leadership conferences, ministries and other programs. To be a Witness of the saving grace of Jesus Christ to all who are lost. To be a Servant humble yourself and wait for God to exalt you. To be a Steward committed to faithfulness for all that God gives to you. Membership Commitment
It is our belief that every (Member) should tithe according to how God has blessed them. In order for the church to function and facilitate the need of its parishioners and expenditures of the church, it is truly necessary that we tithe. Our belief is clearly stated from the Old Testament in Malachi 3:6 “I the Lord do not change." Verse 10 also states, "bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house, test me in this says the Lord almighty and see if I will not open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessings that you will not have room enough for it.” Furthermore, the New Testaments also clearly states that we should tithe. For example, 1 Corinthians 16:2 states “Upon the first day of the week we should give according to how God has prospered you.” So it is required of us to give more than 10% under grace. This also indicates that giving should be done on a regular systematic basis. The right use of your money is a test of your character; no stingy person can succeed in the Christian life... It is our hope, if you are a member of the Greater Mount Hebron Baptist Church, you will govern yourselves in you’re giving to Kingdom Building so that God may bless you as He has promised. ❧Tithing ❧ God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7b
Baptism We believe that the ordinance of baptism is immersion of the believer in Water as it sets forth the essential facts in redemption – the death and resurrection of Christ and the essential resurrection to newness of life. (Romans 6:4; & Acts 8:26-39) General Church Guidelines • Announcements: All announcements are made by the Pastor on Sundays. Any information to be included in the announcements should be given to the administrative office by each Saturday before 12 Noon. • Tape Ministry: CD’s and DVD’s of Sunday Worship services will be available. Please see Tim Ellis or Jeffrey Anders for purchases. • Baby Dedication: Prior arrangements for baby dedications must be made in advance by contacting the church secretary. • Sick, Shut-In and Death Reports: Contact the Benevolence Committee. • Weddings: Contact the wedding coordinator Sis. Sandra Franklin to reserve the church facilities for rentals and weddings. • Baptism: Dates are scheduled by the Pastor (when the date has been set please give the church secretary all of your personal information (such as name, address, telephone number, email address and date of birth for our records). Ordinances
ALWAYS come early. • TURN OFF All Cell Phones!If it is not GOD calling, turn it off. • DO NOT walk up or down the middle aisle during service! If you have to walk, go to the outside aisles if possible. • NEVER walkbefore the speakers, nor walk during scripture or prayer. • ALWAYS be awake;do notuse the church pews for a bed. 6. NEVER chew gum or candy in church. And please do not throw your candy paper on the floor or stick your gum on the church pews. 7. ALWAYS do your partto keep the Church clean. 8. DO NOTcome to church to laugh, talk, sleep, or play. NEITHER cometo church to just merely see and be seen; the church is a place to worship God and not a place to folly. 9. Be honest;do notlet others do more than you. Always do what you can.Remember the churchhas expenses as well as your home. 10. Read the tithing and offering scripture. Unite your heart and efforts together in Christian Love, and pledge to God that you will do your part in making conditions better, by being a True Christian. Church Etiquette
Guidelines: These are the criterions we must follow in order to provide and maintainstructure to the benevolence fund. This will help enable the church to establish more control over its charitable expenditures. Starting the New Year: • In order to receive any Charity, one must be a member of the Greater Mount Hebron Church family in good standing (see definitionon Page 21). If someone is not a member, advisors will council in order to determine how the need can be met. However, there will be no monetary distribution. • If a person has decided to become a member, they will not be considered a full fledge member in the manner of receiving benevolence until 6 months of active service. During which, the individual(s) must have contributed, whether big or small in some form of offerings or tithes. However, if there is a true financial need, they will be counseled regarding the meaning of benevolence and perhaps a monetary contribution will be extended, but for no more than$50.00. • If a person or family has served faithfully for more than 1 year, with some form of church contributions, they will be eligible for the maximum benefit of the benevolence, if the need should rise. Now, this amount will not be automatic, it will be determined by the committee and the Pastor. Whenever there is a need for benevolence, it is imperative that 2 people are present. This will help monitor the person’s true motive and determine whether one should receive the request. Benevolence Ministry Benevolence Committee Director: Sis. Ruby Anders - 469-516-6552 President: Sis. Deborah Lynch - 214-912-3777 Secretary: Sis. Brenda Pearson - 214-735-4968 Assistant: Sis. Roylene Hanks - 214-943-4363 Chairperson: Bro. Jermaine Pearson - 214-924-5255
Hospitalizations for GMH Members: • Members who are in the hospital for overnight care should contact the benevolence committee and will receive a get well card. • Any hospital stay greater than 24 hours (example) will receive a gift and a visit from our pastoral care ministry. Funerals for GMH Members: • After the loss of a loved and before planning the funeral the family should contact Benevolence Committee to advise them of the death and they will forward the information to the Secretary and Pastor to make sure the date they select for the “funeral service/wake” is available. • The church will provide for the family a “resolution and a plant or flower” for the funeral service. • If food is to be prepared, it is only for active members. The prepared food is to feed no more than 50 immediate family members. If there are more people present for feeding the family is responsible for providing the extra food or an additional cost will apply. • There will be absolutely NO monies will be given out at any time regardless oftravel or any other reasons where monies might be required. • If you are sick or know of someone who might be sick. In case of death there is a “Bereavement Report Form” that is kept by the Benevolence Benevolence Committee. If for any reason you cannot fill the form out, please contact the church so that you can get the proper attention needed. • If you do not let someone know about you or your loved one’s Sickness or Death, there is no way anyone of us can help you in a timely manner. So Please, Help us Help You!!! • This will enable the church to be fair and equitable across the board to every person. All requests will require approval from the Pastor (Fred Conwright) before being granted. Benevolence Continued…
A member in “good standing” means that the person who is sick or deceased must have attended regularly or participated in some part of our church service within the active period of three months (3 months). If the member has become “Sick or Disabled” and unable to attend please notify the church secretary as soon as possible of their condition. This policy is effective regardless of “family history and/or status.” A Member In “Good Standing”
Mission: To ensure no member is left out or behind, we will come and pick you up. Purpose: To travel our local communities with Church provided transportation in order to pick up those who do not have a viable means of transportation to attend weekly or Sunday Services. Goal: To grow this ministry and connect with our church And community by letting them know, if there are no wheels, we have a way Bus Ministry Officer Director: Bro. Pete Silva 972-693-7590 Drivers Bro. Eural Earl - 214-663658 / Sis. Toni Haynes – 214-815-0446 Bro. Victor Dunn – 214-708-7130 / Sis. Kchristshan Howard – 214-402-1457
Mission: To help take care of our physical temple by competing in sports related activities. We also want to promote Christian fellowship through these different events. Purpose: We are trying to promote physical activity through participating in sporting events and teach the importance of Godly teamwork as we aspire to reach our children athletically. Goals: Our goal is to get our membership involved through sports and recreational events. Athletic Department Athletic Director: Bro. James Watkins – 972-246-9234 Assistant Directress: Sis. Stephanie Mitchell – 214-207-5582 Secretary: Sis. Sherika Watkins – 214-989-5825 Worker Sis. Helena Lilly
Mission: To be a present help both spiritually and Financially. Our goal is also to bring about an awareness of the importance of routine check-ups and examinations. Purpose: To be a financial blessing for those who are in need of our assistance. Goals: Our goal is to increase our revenue that we raise each year so we can come to the aide of our cancer survivors who are need. Cancer Ministry
Mission: To teach impressionable minds about the love an forgiveness of Jesus and other spiritual truths through the use of bible stories, songs, puzzles, quizzes, scripture memorization, games, crafts and drills. Purpose: To effectively train and encourage each child to serve God by serving others while teaching that witnessing is one effective tool for spreading the Good News (death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ) to classmates, friends and relatives. Goals: Establish a foundation for lifelong spiritual growth for each child with the faith that each child will live a life pleasing to God and will contribute in transforming our universe into disciples for Jesus. We encourage the use of the ABC Plan of Salvation. The plan is: Admit I am a sinner needing forgiveness Believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God, that God raised Him from the dead, and that He lives forevermore Confess my sins; choose Jesus as Lord and Savior,and commit my life to Him Hours of Operation 10:30 a.m. until the end of Morning Worship Each Sunday except the 2nd and 5th Age range: Two (if potty trained) to twelve Children’s Church Ministry
Children’s Church Ministry Continued… Officers: Directress - Sis. Jasmine Johnson Assistant - Sis. Bettye Carter Assistant – Sis. Trina Johnson Assistant – Sis. Debbie Austin
Mission: To Welcome…Connect…Contact…and Retain Purpose: The contact committee strives to ensure that new members are graciously welcomed into Greater Mt. Hebron family and feel informed about the resources offered by the church. We serve as the friendly face and voice so that new members know someone and do not feel alone during this early phase of membership. Ultimately, our purpose is to help strengthen the overall retention efforts of the church so that new members stay members. Contact Committee Officers Directress: Sis. LaRhonda Smith 817-205-8728 Assistant: Sis. Kim Turner 214-724-5569 Assistants Bro. Michael Atkins & Bro. Joel James
Mission: To improve the care and save lives of people with diabetes by creating a new care model focused on health care, education and research. Purpose: To educate, support and encourage health wellness. Goals: To organize and awareness program so our community can better understand how important it is to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Community Health Assistant
Mission: The Drama Ministry believes in and proclaims the presence of Jesus Christ in our acting and speaking. Purpose: To utilize the talents that will be pleasing to God. Goals: To enlighten, to inspire, and to develop Godly qualities. Drama Ministry
Mission: Our mission is to support members in coping with their grief or loss in any capacity or situation. Purpose: Our intention is to help our grief stricken members to get from a negative point in life to a positive place. Goals: We will bring in professional counselors and speakers from time to time to help us overcome different areas of grief. Grief Ministry ‹#›
Mission: To perform and serve well in an organized manner to ensure all programs and functions are carried out in a proficient manner; while promoting common courtesy and food serving etiquette. Purpose: To greet and serve our members and guest with a smile. Goals: To emphasis excellence as we serve the church and its guest in a timely manner during all church related events. Hospitality Ministry
Mission: To empower men to move beyond the pews, so they can take a unified stand to sing songs of praise and worship for the cause of lifting up the name of Jesus. Purpose: Through music men will come together and reverence the name of Jesus in hopes to draw people to Him. Goals: To have the majority of the men at Greater Mount Hebron in the Male Chorus. Male Chorus Ministry Officers Minister of Music Bro. David Rhone 214-643-3722 President Bro. Michael Atkins 214-605-5160
Mission: We want to create a media presence for GMHBC through video, audio, web and social media. Purpose: To use or God given talents to create a strong professional presence in every area of media. We also want to foster a heart for ministry by representing Christ through or media efforts. Goal: Encourage more young people and young adults to get involved with this ministry to make it better. Audio and Sound Sis. Yolanda Porter, President The Team Rev. Jeffrey Anders Bro. Tim Ellis Bro. Tyrone Starks Media Ministry (Audio and Video) ‹#›
Mission: To become strong men of valor for God, having the mindset to lead responsibly while carrying out the will of God effectively in the 21st century. Purpose: To win more men to Christ through sound teaching. More importantly, we want to promote men stepping up so they will focus on becoming strong influences in their homes, communities and in our church here at Greater Mount Hebron. Goals: To enhance our God given roles as leading men who are willing to make a difference towards Kingdom Building. Men’s Ministry ‹#›
Mission: Living Gods Purpose For His Glory…To teach and encourage teenage girls to live pure, holy and whole- some lives (Titus 2:3-5) Purpose: For the youth to know who they are in Christ and to grow spiritually in having a personal relationship with Him. To be inspired by the Word to make a difference in the world, that they reach their highest potential in becoming all God created them to be. Goals: Help meet the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social needs of teenage girls: • To help teen girls discover their gifts and talents • To empower teen girls with life skills to enable them to make wise choices, be good stewards, and live purposeful lives. • To help teen girls build a foundation of moral values and principles. Mentoring Ministry ‹#›
Mission: Our Mission is to use our voices and instruments as a means to praise and worship God through music. Purpose: Minister to the congregation and show how the wounded, hurt and rejected can be made whole again through the word of God in song. Goals: The goals of the Greater Mount Hebron Music Ministry is to cultivate the voices of our choirs through training and guidance as we draw closer to Christ. As we lift God's name up, it is our hope, hearts will be touched, heads will be raised and lives will be changed as we run this musical race for Christ. Music Ministry 40
to take care of themselves and others. Purpose: To provide aid and protection medically for our church members. Goals: To let the church members know we are here for their care if a medical situation was to arise during services. Nurses Guild Mission: To assist and teach the church members on how 41
Purpose: To reach out to men and women who have been affected either directly or indirectly by the abuse of any mood- altering chemical or compulsive behavior. Goals: We believe that as we look to a loving God for help, and put into practice those principles for living which He has given in His word, we shall find both the strength and freedom we need to live happy. Overcomer’s Outreach Ministry 43
Mission: As active members of God’s Divine Dancers,, we commit ourselves to living as a light for Christ in a dark word; discreetly moving to sacred Psalms songs with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, last but not least continue to realize that without God we are nothing. Purpose: The purpose of all dance ministries is to enhance Worship Services with the arts in dance. Goal: Out goal is to encourage servant-hood, extend fellowship within and outside Greater Mount Hebron and stay consistent with quarterly calendars obligations. Praise Dance Ministry Officers Sis. Tonie Haynes - 214-815-0446 Sis. Sharday Gilder - 214-518-2964 44
Parking & Security Mission: To ensure all members cars are properly parked and monitored. To provide security for ALL of Greater Mount Hebron & Guest. Parking & Security Purpose: To stand at attention every Sunday with the willingness to guide vehicles to designated areas during and after services. Purpose: To protect our Pastor, First Lady and Family during Services and monitor order in disturbance whenever necessary. Parking & Security Goals: To become more visible so that all members will know if parking is limited, we will find ways to safely find parking. Security Goals: To be more vigilant for members here at Greater Mount Hebron around the church during services. Subjecting ideas to enhance security (safety), inside and outside the church property. Officers President Bro. Michael Ellison 214-715-3411 Vice President Bro. Victor Dunn 214-708-7130 2nd Vice President Bro. Mark Gipson Workers Bro. Leon Byrd Bro. Willie Shirley Bro. Willie Castle Bro. Eric Fields Bro. Ray Herrera Bro. Larry Flemming Bro. Emmauel Odemwingie Parking & Security Ministries 45
Sanctuary Choir Mission: To attract more members and get all those involved to serve in rendering their voices in praise to God. Purpose: PRAISE the Lord in songs. Goal: To encourage the congregation with songs of expression as we lift up the name of Jesus. 46
Silver & Gold Ministry (Senior Ministry Ages 55 & Up) Mission: To serve our Seasoned Saints. Purpose: To enrich and enhance the lives of our Seasoned Saints by providing services, activities and entertainment. Goal: To successfully serve each Seasoned Saint for their individual needs. Goals: To be more vigilant for members here at Greater Mount Hebron around the church during services. Subjecting ideas to enhance security (safety), inside and outside the church property. Officers 47
Mission: To serve everyone who enters our sanctuary with dignity and respect. Purpose: To provide a positive and spiritual atmosphere while performing our duties. Goal: To become good stewards for Christ through our service. Usher Ministry 48
Mission: To encourage every woman too faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God and serve Him by using our gifts for the benefit of others. Purpose: To help each other grow in the knowledge of scripture and to become better equipped to use our spiritual gifts. Goals: Using Scripture as the guiding principle, we will seek every opportunity for service in life from home, to church and to our community -- while Promoting unity with a sense of sisterhood. Women’s Ministry 49
Youth Ministry Mission: Proverbs 22:6 states “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” To guide young people into Christian Discipleship and preparing them to impact their world for Christ. Purpose: To change the culture. Goals: Our goal for the Youth of Greater Mount Hebron is that they become more spiritually mature and for them to truly learn what it is to give back to others. Officers Director Sis. Tamika Anders 972-375-1829 Secretary Sis. Becky Ikner 214-356-1085 Treasurer Sis. Cheree Jones 972-815-5879 50