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Cascading Style Sheets: Got Branding?. What is CSS?. CSS = C ascading S tyle S heets Styles define how HTML (web) elements are displayed. One (or more) style s heets can be applied to a site One change can affect the entire look and feel of the site!. CSS: A Brief History.
What is CSS? • CSS = Cascading Style Sheets • Styles define how HTML (web) elements are displayed. • One (or more) style sheets can be applied to a site • One change can affect the entire look and feel of the site!
CSS: A Brief History HTML was never intended to contain tags for formatting. However, in HTML 3.2, tags such as <font> and <color> were introduced to aid in formatting. This caused major headaches for large sites, as even simple changes had to be applied across all pages: A long and expensive process.
CSS: A Brief History (cont.) CSS was introduced in HTML 4.0, which allowed all formatting to be stored in an external file that could be used by the entire site. Thus a single change to that file can effect your entire site. Changing fonts, colors and layouts are now quick and easy
So, What Does CSS Do? • Controls look and feel of the site: • Colors (fonts, backgrounds, links, etc) • Fonts (sizes, attributes, faces) • Images (borders, etc) • Positions (margins, alignments, etc)\ • Much more, too expansive to list • In other words: pretty much everything related to layout or look and feel
How About an Easy Example? = Hello World! Warning: Code ahead! <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> .para1 { color:red; } </style> </head> <body> <p class="para1">Hello World!</p> </body> </html>
A Short Example http://www.w3schools.com/css/demo_default.htm Click on each Style to view how quickly you can change the look and feel.
Using CSS • Three ways to use CSS: • External style sheet • Internal style sheet • Inline style
Using CSS (cont.) • External Style Sheet • Link to external document • One change will affect all pages “calling” this style sheet <head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css" /></head>
Using CSS (cont.) • Internal Style Sheet • Used when one document or page needs it’s own style. Changes will only affect that page <head> <style type="text/css">hr{color:sienna;} p {margin-left:20px;} body {background-image:url("images/back40.gif");} </style> </head>
Using CSS (cont.) • Inline Style • Define style on tag itself. • Best to avoid if possible, as you lose advantages of CSS <p style="color:sienna;margin-left:20px">This is a paragraph.</p>
What does ‘Cascading’ mean? External Sheet: h3{color:red;text-align:left;font-size:8pt;} Internal Sheet: h3{text-align:right;font-size:20pt;} Result: color:red;text-align:right;font-size:20pt; Multiple style sheets can be applied, and the changes “cascade” into one style sheet that is applied:
Order Styles are Applied • Multiple styles (when defined) will be applied in the following order: • Browser default • External Style Sheet(s) in the order they are defined • Internal Style Sheets • Inline Styles • This means inline styles will override all else
A Much Longer Example • CSSZenGarden: http://www.csszengarden.com/?cssfile=none • This is a basic HTML page with no styles assigned. • By applying a different CSS (under the “Select a Design” section), you can make the same content appear a multitude of different ways.
CSS and Branding • CSS Allows you to: • Brand your site according to today’s guidelines • Easily and quickly keep your site branded as conditions change without the need to edit each page. • One simple change in one file can be applied across your entire site
Why is it Important? Provides consistency Easy maintenance Easier for “non-techies” to maintain the site Browser compatibility: Prevents use of atypical styles that may not show correctly in some browsers
Why is it Important? (cont.) Viewing options: It is becoming increasingly important to offer websites on different media (such as mobile browsers) Bandwidth and speed reduction: smaller file sizes, caching of CSS Search Engines: Site becomes more “content” and less “code”
Some Tools for Developers • Major browsers allow real-time editing (but will not commit changes) CSS and HTML: • Firebug for Firefox (add-in) • Internet Explorer 8 Developer Tools • Chrome’s “Inspect Element” feature
More Resources • CSS free self-paced course at W3Schools • http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_intro.asp • Firebug for Firefox: • www.getfirebug.com • CSS Validator: • http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
Questions? Mark Proper Technical Project Specialist CCAP IT mproper@pacounties.org