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Jeopardy. Hosted by Type your name here. Reproduction Genetic Recombination. Bacteria. Virus. Treatment and Prevention. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. Row 1, Col 1. Plasmids.

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  1. Jeopardy Hosted by Type your name here

  2. Reproduction Genetic Recombination Bacteria Virus Treatment and Prevention 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

  3. Row 1, Col 1 Plasmids A small circle of bacterial DNA used for genetic engineering

  4. 1,2 Electron microscope The instrument used to visualize viruses.

  5. 1,3 Binary fission The reproductive process used by bacteria to Split a cell into 2 cells.

  6. 1,4 Smallpox A viral disease eradicated by the WHO vaccine Program from 1967-1980

  7. 2,1 Archaebacteria Bacterial Kingdom, contains Methanogens and Thermoacidophiles

  8. 2,2 Retroviruses Group of viruses that have RNA and use reverse transcriptase

  9. 2,3 Transformation Process where bacteria absorb DNA from their environment.

  10. 2,4 AZT (azidothymidine) The antiviral medicine the inhibits reverse transcriptase.

  11. 3,1 Endotoxins Lipid and carbohydrate toxins associated with the outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria

  12. 3,2 Wendell Stanley Scientist who crystallized the Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) In 1935

  13. 3,3 Conjugation Method of genetic recombination used by bacteria where a sex pilus transfers DNA from one bacteria to another.

  14. 3,4 Antibiotics Actinomycetes Gram positive bacteria produce these chemicals to inhibit the growth of other bacteria.

  15. 4,1 Botulism A toxic bacterial disease caused from improperly canned foods, also used for bioterrorism.

  16. 4,2 Temperate Virus Type of virus that uses the lysogenic cycle and does not cause disease immediately

  17. 4,3 Integration The process used by temperate Viruses to incorporate their DNA into the host’s DNA.

  18. 4,4 Avoid tick bites The best prevention for Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever..

  19. 5,1 Crystal Violet, Gram’s Iodine, 95% ethanol, Safranin Name the four reagents used for the Gram Stain.

  20. 5,2 Epstein Barr Virus The virus associated with Chronic fatigue syndrome.

  21. 5,3 Attachment, entry, replication, assembly, release The five stages of the lytic cycle used by virulent viruses.

  22. 5,4 Alexander Flemming Scientist who discovered penicillin.

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