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Most commonly used punctuation marks in english

Answer<br>The most commonly used punctuation marks in English are:<br>Full stops (.): Used to end a sentence or indicate abbreviations.<br>Question marks (?): Used to indicate direct questions.<br>Commas (,): Used to separate items in a list, separate clauses in a sentence, or indicate a pause.<br>Colons (:): Used to introduce lists, subtitles, or to indicate a subdivision of a topic.<br>Exclamation marks (!): Used to indicate strong emotions or emphasis.<br>Quotation marks (""): Used to set off direct quotations or indicate the beginning and end of a quoted passage

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Most commonly used punctuation marks in english

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mastering Punctuation:A Comprehensive GuidetotheMost CommonlyUsed PunctuationMarks inEnglish

  2. Introduction WelcometotheComprehensive Guidetomasteringpunctuation marksinEnglish.Thispresentation willcoverthemostcommonly usedpunctuationmarksand providepracticaltipsfortheir usage.

  3. Period(.) Theperiodisusedtoindicatetheendofasentence.Itis alsousedinabbreviations,suchasDr.forDoctor.Pay attentiontonotconfuseitwithellipsis...

  4. Comma(,) Thecommaisaversatile punctuationmarkusedto separateitemsinalist,set offintroductoryelements, andseparateindependent clausesinacompound sentence.

  5. Semicolon(;) Thesemicolonisused toconnectclosely relatedideasina sentence.Itcanalsobe usedtoseparateitems inalistwhentheitems containcommas.

  6. QuotationMarks(") Quotationmarksare usedtoindicatedirect speech,quotetitlesof shortworks,andto enclosetitlesofchapters, articles,andpoems.

  7. Conclusion Congratulations!Youhavenow masteredtheessential punctuationmarksinEnglish. Remembertopracticeandapply theserulestoenhanceyourwriting skills.

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