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Intersection of Feminist, Historicism, Psychoanalysis & Queer Theory in Philosophy

Explore the critical traditions, philosophical insights, and historical contexts of Foucault, Copjec, and Butler in the realms of feministic theory, historicism, psychoanalysis, and queer theory.

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Intersection of Feminist, Historicism, Psychoanalysis & Queer Theory in Philosophy

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  1. Feminist Theory: Historicism, Psychoanalysis, & Queer Theory

  2. Philosophy to Historicism “To the extent that Foucault fits into the philosophical tradition, it is the critical tradition of Kant, and his project could be called A Critical History of Thought.” -Foucault Dictionnaire des Philosophes 1984: 942

  3. Historicism to Psychoanalysis “Psychoanalysis is the mother tongue of our modernity and… the important issues of our time are scarcely articulable outside the concepts it has forged.” -Copjec Imagine There’s No Woman 2004: 10

  4. Psychoanalysis to Queer Theory “Although I am critical of certain appropriations of psychoanalysis for thinking about the limits of political self-identification, I will hope to make clear… the centrality of psychoanalysis to any project that seeks to understand emancipatory projects in both their psychic and social dimensions.” -Butler Contingency, Hegemony, Universality 2000: 14

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