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Mrs. Galloway's Kindergarten Classroom Adventures

Welcome to a brand new year filled with fun and learning in Mrs. Galloway's kindergarten class at Gateway School. Join us for daily breakfast, engaging lessons in language arts, math, social studies, and science, and interactive STEAM centers. Stay updated through Skyward and participate in our unique badging system!

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Mrs. Galloway's Kindergarten Classroom Adventures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Team K!

  2. Hello! Hello, hello! It’s a brand new year. Filled with fun and learning, Nothing to fear. Sit back and listen, Lend me an ear, I’m your child’s teacher for the rest of this year!

  3. I am Mrs. Galloway.

  4. All about me! • This is my 15th year teaching at Gateway. Prior to teaching at Gateway, I taught for 2 years in Ohio. • Fifth year teaching kindergarten at Evergreen. • I have 3 children. Grant-17 (11th) • Addy and Angie-10 (5th) • A boxer named Callie

  5. Our Kindergarten Day

  6. Breakfast Offered daily to every student. 1st week-Parent sign up today. September-sign up for choice of cereal. Mid-September through the rest of the year-choice of entrée or cereal.

  7. School Starts 9:10 Morning Work Review Pledge Calendar Morning Message Story

  8. Reading • Letter sound identification including short vowel sounds • Decoding and encoding words • Reading decodable books • Sight words • Blends

  9. Encore Either at 10:00 (Days 1 and 4) or 2:40 (Days 2, 3 and 5) We run a 5 day schedule. Today is first day of school for everyone else, so it is day 1. Tomorrow is day 2 and so on. We don’t count missed days for example Labor Day or snow days.

  10. Lunch 11:30 Each child is able to receive free lunch. No lunch money is needed this year.

  11. Math • Number identification, writing and comparing • Counting to 100 • Composing and decomposing numbers 0-20 (addition and subtraction) • Classify and count data • 2 and 3 dimensional shapes • Patterns and problem solving

  12. Recess 1:15-1:40

  13. Rest Time and Snack Time 1:40-2:10 *Rest mats can be purchased through the school or a blanket from home can be sent in to be left in locker. *Please send in a healthy snack for your child to eat. It should be individually wrapped and something they can eat on their own. No need for drinks since we have a water fountain in the classroom.

  14. Language Arts • Writing a complete sentence using capital letter and punctuation mark • Use of inventive spelling • Identification of different types of literature

  15. Social Studies • Holidays • Types of communities and their helpers • How to get along

  16. Science • Weather • Living and non-living • Plants • Animals • Habitats • STEAM

  17. Centers *Completed with cooperative group. *Examples: Teacher, writing, listening, computers, games, math, art, building etc.

  18. Dismissal 3:41 If you are picking up your child, please be here by 3:30. If they are a daily parent pick up, they will be dismissed from the back. If it is just for one day, please pick them up at office. For those riding buses, we have 4th grade helpers that will help get them to the bus. Please check bus tags to make sure information is correct, this is what bus they will be sent on. If changes need to be made, you must contact transportation.

  19. Skyward Please make sure you log on to your Skyward account frequently. Your child’s badges they earn will be there as well as important information and pictures that I send throughout the week.

  20. Badging • *Our new grading system for kindergarten. • *A list will be sent home of badges. Some badges will require help from home (address, phone number etc) • *As your child completes a badge, it will be marked as a P in Skyward.

  21. Homework • Language Arts Unit homework sent home on first day of each unit. • Due date marked at top. • Sign each night that it is completed. • If your child is flying through homework, read with them or have them read to you. • Math Homework-sent home with the papers we completed in class. These can be used as extra practice.

  22. Classroom Rules

  23. Our Classroom Promise • Make good choices • Be a nice friend (use kind words, don’t hurt someone, share, help each other) • Be a good listener • Follow directions • Have self control • Raise your hand and wait before speaking • Do your best work

  24. Rewards • What do the colors mean? • Green-good day-where I and you should expect them to be every day. • Touchdown Award-Blue-caught being a good rule follower-note and a sticker. • Homerun Award-Purple-above and beyond behavior-note and a pencil. Classroom Reward-Quiet Critters

  25. Consequences • What do the colors mean? • Strike One-Yellow-warning-if it is repetitive a note/email/phone call home will be made. • Strike Two-Pink-loss of five minutes recess-note home with details of problem. • Strike Three-Red-loss of all of recess/principals office-note/phone call home. • Can move up or down throughout the day.

  26. What happens when your child is absent? • Please send in an excuse within 3 days • Missed work may be sent home

  27. Random Items to Remember • Please check folders nightly. Important information as well as your child’s work will be there. Also, please send notes inside the folder. I check them every morning. • Take Home Sheet-Will be in folders on Monday and emailed home through Skyward. It will list what we are learning that week and also any important events. • Teamie of the Week-”Student of the Week” -List will be sent home as soon as class list is final as well as information for what needs to be completed (pictures and information paper) • Teamie Bags-Sent home once a month with fun activities for you and your child to complete. Sent home Monday and return on the following Monday. • Birthday Snacks- Can be ordered through the cafeteria. No outside food treats are allowed. • FTO-Get involved. We have a great FTO that plans many events! • Volunteer forms need to be completed if you want to volunteer. • Extra clothes-Please send in because accidents happen. They will be left in your child’s locker. (putting everything in large plastic bag works best) • Email is the best way to contact me. I check several times a day.

  28. Any questions?

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