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“Rising Above Mediocrity” Philippians 3:12-16. Keys to thriving instead of just surviving. Part 2 of 2. In the previous lesson, we covered:. What’s wrong with mediocrity?. Please note 2Pet.3:18 .
“Rising Above Mediocrity”Philippians 3:12-16 Keys to thriving instead of just surviving. Part 2 of 2 In the previous lesson, we covered:
What’s wrong with mediocrity? • Please note 2Pet.3:18. It is not in the form of urging, pleading, suggesting, or any such thing. It is in the form of a command. Is the verse directed to an individual, or collectively toward the church? From the previous verse, and 1:1, “yes” seems the appropriate answer. “Growing” churches are comprised of “growing” individuals. • Now, how many faithful congregations can you name that are truly thriving(growing) spiritually and numerically as opposed to those “holding their own” or just surviving? Why are there always more of the latter than the former?
The most obvious answer is: • That there are more congregations comprised of individuals who are satisfied with “keeping house” (personally & spiritually) than those comprised with individuals willing to overcome mediocrity! Mediocritycomes from the middle French/Latin, medi- half or halfway and ocris- stony mountain. Thus it means “halfway up the mountain, or hill.” The problem is, mediocrity is as far as most seem to get! See Matt.13:8ff; John 15:8ff; and 1Cor.3:6. • It should be noted that there may sometimes be legitimate reasons for a lack of congregational numerical growth, Rev.2:13; 3:11. But in the absence of these conditions, what should we do to overcome mediocrity?
Keys to Rising Above Mediocrity: • Be a Grumble-free individual/Church! We have fat-free, sugar-free, caffine-free, cholesterol-free, and taste-free….but rarely, grumble-free! There is always a place for good, sound, constructive criticism. But, grumbling, mumbling, and complaining accomplishes little other than throwing a wet toesack on the fires of enthusiasm for the Lord and His Cause! Please note John 6:15 > 41 > 52 > 60-61 > 7:10-12 > 20 > 30-32. Though Jesus had done several miracles previously (cf. John 4:45-50; 5:7-8; 6:2,12-13) proving His divinity, some grumbled against Him. This grumbling was not done openly, 7:13, where it could be legitimately heard and addressed. Jesus went from being sought for the throne to being sought to be stoned… because of grumbling! Phil.2:14-16Note the connection herein made to being grumble-free!
Keys to Rising Above Mediocrity: • Be an Unlimited Potential individual/Church! Ever know someone who never seemed to say “can’t”? Was that person someone who seemed to drift along, never causing any problems but never really seeming to accomplish much either? Hardly. We serve a God of impossible things! His faithful followers also do impossible things, Heb.11. They did so for two reasons: • Relationship with God, Ex.14:13-14; and • Attitude, Heb.11:1-3, 6, 7-38, 39! Note also Phil.2:12-13. The Creator of the Universe is “at work in you” to accomplish His purposes > Phil.4:13! Jacksonville, TX may not be the most fertile field there is for souls. But with the talent, knowledge, and resources we have, why can’t we thrive rather than survive? We can, if we combine an unlimited potential attitude together with a love for souls! Mt.16:26Jn.4:35
We concluded with two points: • God is not pleased with mediocrity. • If we are to get up and over the hill of mediocrity, we will have to be grumble-free and have an unlimited potential attitude in working for His Cause and Kingdom. Now, let’s also look three more Keys to “Rising above Mediocrity” as individual Christians, and collectively as a Church: • Being a Magnanimousindividual/church • Being a Prayerfulindividual/church • Being an Activeindividual/church.
Keys to Rising Above Mediocrity • Being a Magnanimousindividual/church! Webster defines magnanimous as “manifesting generosity in forgiving insults and injuries.” Why is this key? Because magnanimity is an essential part of love, 1Cor.13:5b; And love is the essence of Christianity, 1John 3:10,14. Look at it this way: Such generosity in forgiveness is: • Commanded in Rom.12:10-17; • Demonstrated in 1Cor.4:11-13; and • Summarized in 1Pet.3:8-9 and Col.3:12-14. I don’t think we can be productive fruit-bearers for the Lord- individually or collectively, without this disposition and the activities which arise from it! Do you???
Keys to Rising Above Mediocrity • Being a Prayerfulindividual/church! What do you think would happen if we all made a commitment to praying daily for the spiritual growth and prospering of this congregation- and necessarily implied the individual members of it? Not growth for growth’s sake, but spiritual maturation as individuals, and collectively as a church? cf. Matt.7:7-11 Back to the context of Philippians, note Paul’s prayer in their behalf in1:9-11 • Abounding love (the basis of Christianity and its relationships) • in real knowledge and discernment (truth and how to use it) • that you approve the things that are excellent (marg. “distinguish the things that differ”thus discernment) • be sincere and blameless(a wonderful petition to make on behalf of one another!) and • be filled with the fruit of righteousness (spiritually strong and active)! How blessed it would be if we all thought and prayed like that for one another! So why don’t we? Any good reason? Why would God not hear and grant such united petitions!
Keys to Rising Above Mediocrity • Being an Active individual/church! Do you realize that when we get requests for information to list this church is some sort of directory, they usually ask for “total membership”, “active membership”, and “attendance”? Why is this??? You know the answer! Obviously, all churches likely have “shut-ins,” but these physically unable excepted, shouldn’t the numbers be the same? Many clichés address the problem of idleness, but none compare to inspiration, cf. 2Tim.2:15! This giving of “diligence” is imperative to spiritual growth- individually and collectively. No one or group is accidentally spiritual, nor does spiritual growth usually come through reluctance. We don’t just “pray” for growth and then wait for it to occur- we pursue it with aggression! As I’ve said many times before, “We have no more ‘non-participating memberships’- they’re all taken!”
Keys to Rising Above Mediocrity • Being an Active individual/church (cont.) One more time from Phil.2:12-16, note: v.12astand on your own two feet, v.12bwith a sense of human frailty, respect, and dependence upon God, v.13but with confidence in God who is willing and able, vv.14-15to so live in a corrupt human society as to reflect (not produce!) the true light which emanates from the heavenly source, Jesus Christ, v.16by constantly proclaiming, by both deed and word, the word of life which produces His reflection in our lives. This kind of activitytakes time. So, make time for God and His pursuits. If we’re too busy to attend always, teach others, and invite others to worship and learn with us, then we’re too busy to a sinful degree!
Conclusion: • Let’s not be a church that just keeps house for the Lord- that’s “burying our talent”. • Let’s be a body of the Lord’s people that “bears much fruit” to the glory and honor of His name! • Let’s be a church that is burdened with the condition of the souls of mankind, Matt.16:26and 1Pet.4:4-11!