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POLICY 2419. Did you know? Presented by James g. brown. Exceptional Student. The term “exceptional” in this policy and procedures manual refers to eligible students with disabilities and eligible students who are gifted. Policies & Procedures.
POLICY 2419 Did you know?Presented by James g. brown
Exceptional Student The term “exceptional” in this policy and procedures manual refers to eligible students with disabilities and eligible students who are gifted.
Policies & Procedures This manual is provided to each school district as West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) approved policies and procedures to be adopted by the district’s Board of Education.
FAPE FAPE must be provided to students who are at least three years old and are eligible for special education services unless the parent/adult student has refused special education services.
FAPE FAPE must be provided to students who have not yet turned twenty-one years of age prior to September 1 and have not graduated with a standard high school diploma.
FAPE FAPE must be provided to students with disabilities whose suspension(s) or expulsion(s) results in a change of placement.
Nonacademic Services The district must ensure that students with exceptionalities are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in nonacademic and extracurricular services and activities .
Full Instructional Day Students with exceptionalities will be provided an instructional day, a school day and school calendar at least equivalent to that established for students without exceptionalities.
Medicaid Billing The district must obtain parent/adult student consent if billable services (i.e., type, amount and/or duration) are revised at anytime.
Child Find The Child Find system must include all students suspected of needing special education and related services within the district’s geographic boundaries.
Child Find This list includes: • Enrolled in public school; • Home schooled; • Enrolled in private schools, including religious schools, located in the district; • Not enrolled in school, including children ages birth through five; • Highly mobile students including migrant students; • Homeless students; • Wards of the state; or • Suspected of having a disability as defined in Chapter 4 even though the student has not failed or been retained in a course or grade and is advancing from grade to grade.
Student Assistance Team (SAT) Within five school days of receipt of a written SAT referral for a multidisciplinary evaluation, appropriate persons must be notified of the date, time, location and specific information needed for the meeting.
SAT Within ten school days of receipt of the written SAT referral, the SAT must conduct a review of the area(s) of concern, collect and analyze available educational data and review previous interventions and make a determination regarding further action.
Evaluation Team The evaluation team may conduct its business with or without holding a meeting. However, if requested by the parent/adult student, a team meeting will be held.
SAT Decision to Evaluate Within five days of the SAT decision to request an initial multidisciplinary evaluation, PWN and a copy of the procedural safeguards are provided to the parent, and informed parental consent is requested for conducting the evaluation.
Request for Evaluation When a written request for initial evaluation has been initiated by the parent, determine whether the evaluation will be conducted, and provide prior written notice (PWN) of the decision and a copy of the procedural safeguards to the parent.
Date Consent Received The principal, classroom teacher or other designated individual is responsible for documenting the date written parental consent for initial evaluation is received and immediately forwarding this request to the special education director or designee.
Initial Evaluation Within eighty days of the documented date, the district must conduct a full, individual initial evaluation and convene an eligibility committee (EC) to determine the student’s eligibility for special education before the provision of special education and related services to a student with an exceptionality.
The eighty-day timeline will not apply to a district if: The student enrolls in another district prior to the eligibility determination and the receiving district is making sufficient progress to ensure a prompt completion of the evaluation and the parent/adult student and receiving district agree to a specific time when the evaluation will be completed. The parent repeatedly fails or refuses to produce the student for an evaluation after the district has made and documented reasonable efforts to schedule an evaluation.
Reevaluation Within three years of the date of the last EC, or more frequently if the parent or teacher requests or conditions warrant, the district shall conduct, as appropriate, an individual multidisciplinary reevaluation to determine a student’s educational needs and continued eligibility for special education and related services.
Reevaluation Determination The evaluation team may conduct its review with or without holding a meeting but must document its decisions on the Reevaluation Determination form.
Eligibility The district must also reevaluate a student with a disability before determining that the student is no longer eligible for special education, unless: • The student graduates with a standard high school diploma; or • The student reaches the age of twenty-one.
Additional Evaluations Additional evaluations requested by the EC or IEP Team must be completed and an EC or IEP Team meeting held within sixty days from receipt of parental consent for the identified evaluations.
Additional Evaluations Upon receipt of a written parental request for an additional evaluation, the IEP team considers the request, with or without holding a meeting, and within ten days of receipt provides PWN of its response.
Evaluation/Reevaluation Written consent must be sought for evaluation and reevaluation.
Evaluation/Reevaluation If the parent/adult student once again fails to respond, the district must document reasonable measures taken to obtain consent, which may include: • A record of telephone calls made or attempted and the results of those calls; • Copies of correspondence sent to the parent/adult student and any response received; and/or • Detailed records of visits made to the parent’s/adult student’s home or place of employment and the results of those visits.
Reevaluation If the parent/adult student fails to respond after the district has taken reasonable measures to obtain consent for assessments and after the passage of thirty school days from the initial request for consent, the district may: • As part of a reevaluation, provide PWN that the district will conduct the reevaluation; or • As part of an initial evaluation, pursue the evaluation by using mediation or filing a due process complaint.
Areas to Evaluate For an initial evaluation, the student shall be evaluated in all areas related to the suspected exceptionality.
Eligibility Results of the multidisciplinary evaluation shall be utilized by the EC as the primary source of information to determine the student’s educational needs and whether the student meets the following three prongs : • Meets the eligibility criteria in one of the designated exceptionalities; • Experiences an adverse effect on educational performance; and • Needs special education.
Eligibility A student cannot be identified as a student in need of special education services if the primary reason for such a decision is: • A lack of appropriate instruction in reading; • A lack of appropriate instruction in math; or • Limited English proficiency.
Eligibility A student who only needs a related service and not special education is not eligible.
Primary Exceptionality Using the results of the multidisciplinary evaluation, the EC must determine the student’s primary exceptionality when more than one exceptionality condition is present.
Primary Exceptionality If consensus upon the primary exceptionality cannot be reached, the district administrator or designee must make the decision and provide the parent/adult student with PWN of the decision.
Continued Eligibility Districts must carefully consider the reevaluation of students initially found eligible for special education. Districts must consider the effect of exiting a student from special education who has received special education for many years and how the removal of such supports will affect the student’s educational progress, particularly for a student who is in the final year(s) of high school.
Information to Parents If a student meets the criteria for blindness, low vision, deafness, hard of hearing or deaf-blindness on the Eligibility Report, the parents or guardians shall be provided information pertaining to the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind.
Revocation The revocation of consent rule applies to revocation of all special education and related services. Consent cannot be revoked for a particular service.
Copies of IEPs To Parents At the conclusion of the IEP Team meeting, prior written notice and a copy of the IEP must be provided to the parent/adult student.
Annual Reviews Each student’s IEP must be reviewed at least annually, once every 365 days.
Transfer Students In State / Out State When a student with a current WV IEP transfers school districts within the same school year, and enrolls in a new school, the district must make reasonable efforts to consult with the parent within two school days of initial enrollment and to initiate FAPE for the student within one school day of the parent consultation.
Transfer Students – In State Within ten school days of the parent or adult student consultation, the district must adopt the previously held IEP or develop and implement a new IEP.
Eligibility – Transfer From Out of State If the district decides an evaluation is necessary to determine the transfer student’s eligibility under West Virginia eligibility criteria, the district must conduct the evaluation using the requirements and timelines for initial evaluation, including obtaining parental consent.
Transition Birth-to-Three A child three through five years old who is eligible as a student with developmental delays must have an IEP implemented by his or her third birthday.
Procedural Safeguards Notice A copy of the Procedural Safeguards Notice must be made available to the parent/adult student only one time a year except that a copy will also be given upon: • Initial referral or parental request for evaluation; • The first occurrence of the filing of a due process or state complaint; • Issuance of a disciplinary notice of suspension or expulsion resulting in a change of placement; and • The request of a parent/adult student.
Provision of IEP Information The student's IEP must be accessible to each general education teacher, special education teacher, related service provider and other service provider who is responsible for its implementation. Each teacher and provider must be informed of his or her specific responsibilities related to implementing the student's IEP.
General Education Teacher According to WV State Code, the general Education teacher is entitled to a signed copy of the IEP for the student prior to the placement of the student into the general education classroom when the student's IEP requires an adjustment in either the curriculum, instruction or service to be provided by the classroom teacher including modifications and supports that must be provided for the student in accordance with the IEP.
Provision of Services The district must provide a continuum of service options in order to respond to the intensity and severity of students’ needs.
Provision of Services The district must provide classrooms for eligible school age students with exceptionalities in close proximity to classrooms for age-appropriate non-exceptional peers.
Provision of Services The district must provide classrooms for eligible students with exceptionalities that are adequate and comparable to the classrooms for students without exceptionalities.
Provision of Services The district must provide appropriate grouping of students with exceptionalities for specially designed instruction based upon meeting the students’ similar social, functional and/or academic needs, as specified in their IEPs and without regard to identified exceptionality.
Adequate Staff It is the responsibility of the district to provide adequate staff to implement the IEP of each student.