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CMS PRIDE Handbook - School Expectations & Guidelines

Welcome back to school! Learn and follow CMS PRIDE expectations, bell schedule, attire rules, and more. Stay organized with school planners and guidelines provided in the handbook.

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CMS PRIDE Handbook - School Expectations & Guidelines

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Back!!

  2. Ice Breakers

  3. Bell Schedule

  4. ~ NAME ~ Pass page ~ Sign out sheet ~ Signatures ~Handbook ~Goals ~Stay organized School Planners

  5. Standard Student Attire SSA

  6. What are the CMS PRIDE expectations ? • A: Practice RESPONSIBILITY. Remain SAFE, Inspire RESPTECT, • Display INTEGRITY, Expect SUCCESS 2. What type of language do you use school – wide? A: appropriate 3. You will be responsible by reporting problems to whom? A: an Adult 4. Being on time to school and class shows you are what? A: Responsible 5. You will be safe by following what, the first time they are given? A: Directions Reflections of the Day 6. Respecting yourself, others, and all property shows you are what? A: respectful

  7. 7. You show responsibility by having what available at all times? A: Planner 8. Being honest with myself and others, falls under what expectation? A: Display INTEGRITY 9. What direction do you face while standing in the cafeteria lunch line? A: Face Forward 10. What type of manners do you use while in the cafeteria? A: good manners 11. When you are finished with lunch, you stay in your seat until & adult does what? A: excuses you Reflections cont.… 12. Where do you place your trash when you are finished with lunch? A: trash cans

  8. 13. Where do you place your recyclable items when you are finished lunch? A: recycle bins • Treating others as I want to be treated falls under what expectation? • A: Inspire RESPECT 15. Where do you keep your coats and personal belongings? A: in your locker 16. What side of the hallways and ramps do you walk on? A: the right side • You will be respectful by greeting others how? • A: appropriately Reflections cont.… 18. Where can you have food and drinks? A: in the designated area • You can stay safe outside by staying within the defined what? • A: boundaries

  9. 20. When you ride in a school bus, you follow whose instructions? A: the bus driver 21. When you ride in a school bus, how do you sit in your seat? A: properly 22. How do you stand in line while waiting to ride on a school bus? A: maintain your position 23. To be safe, what rules do you need to follow while riding on a school bus? A: the safety rules 24. How can you be respectful while a presenter is talking during an assembly? A: by listening Reflections cont.… 25. Where do you sit during a school assembly in the gym? A: in your designated area 26. Who do you sit with during a school assembly in the gym? A: with your advisory class and teacher

  10. 27. To be respectful to others, what must you do after using the restroom toilet? A: flush 28. You can stay safe by doing what after using the bathroom toilet? A: washing or sanitizing your hands 29. You can be respectful to others by maintaining what type of line during a school fire drill? A: a straight & orderly line 30. You will be responsible by using the restrooms for what purpose? A: intended purpose 31. Leaving your personal belongings in the classroom during a school drill show you are what? A: responsible for others safety Reflections cont.… 32. During a school drill, you will be safe by walking quietly & quickly in what type of line? A: a single file line

  11. 33. You will be safe during a school drill if you stay with whom while walking out of the school? A: your teacher and class 34. How do you treat others in the classroom? A: as I want to be treated 35. Being responsible means coming to class prepared to learn and bringing with what with you? A: required materials 36. You will be a responsible student by turning your work in when? A: on time 37. By keeping the aisles clear and sitting properly in your classroom seat, you will help Make the classroom environment what? A: a safe place Reflections cont.… 38. Where can you find a copy of the CMS PRIDE model? A: library, cafeteria, hallways, gym, classrooms, nurses office, commons, office, planner

  12. 39. What does SSA stand for? A: Standard Student Attire 40. What does PBS stand for? A: Positive Behavior Support 41. What 2 colors of slacks, shorts, or skirts can be worn to school? A: black & tan/khaki 42. Do shirts have to be tucked in? A: yes 43. What colors of polo shirts can be worn to school? A: Navy 44. Are belts mandatory? A: no Reflections cont.… 45. How short can shorts and skirts be? A: 2 inches above the knee

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