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Cricket software based on Tiny OS Vinay Kumar Singh Dongseo University Outline Introduction. Beacon format. Cricket configuration. Beacon Configuration. Ultrasound control. CC1000 Radio Control. Conclusion References Introduction
Cricket software based on Tiny OS Vinay Kumar Singh Dongseo University
Outline • Introduction. • Beacon format. • Cricket configuration. • Beacon Configuration. • Ultrasound control. • CC1000 Radio Control. • Conclusion • References
Introduction • In cricket software I studied about the radio transmission occurred during the distance estimation faze. • The cricket mote consist of CC1000(chipcorn) radio which transmits the RF signals at frequency of 300 - 1000 MHz MHz. • I studied the ultrasound application file how its working. • I also studied the BeaconMange.nc. • One thing I will explain how can we configure the coordinate of the beacons.
Beacon RF Format Cricket Beacon Format
SerialID RandomLFSR SerialM Random Serial HardwareID StdControl HPLUARTC AgeTimer TimerC Comm StdControl HPLUART BeacMangeM Main StdControl CricketM BeaconManage Radio BeaconsControl StdControl RadioControl Time OnboardTemp UltrasoundControl SimpleTime UltrasoundControlM StdControl RadioSend ReadData WriteData RadioReceive Internal EEPROMC Leds OnboardTemp LedC OnboardTempcontrolC
CC100RadioInt.nc • All the operations controlled by CC1000Control. • It uses the Manchester coding for transmission of the RF signal. • It provide the multichannel facility such that it can be used for different application. • It works on the low power mode.
PowerMangament HPLPowerMangement HPLSim PowerMangement SpiByteFifo GetClockLow MacBackoff HPLClock Send Receive StdControl CC1000Radio CC1000RadioM RSSIADC ADCC ADCControl MacControl CC1000StdControl CC1000Control CC1000ControlM Leds CC1000Control LedsC Random HPLChipcon SquelchTimer TimerC RandomLFSR HPLCC1000M TimerControl WakeUpTimer
UltrasoundControl.nc • Initialize the timer. • Reset the counter. • Start detecting the US pulse as it arrives. • Generate the event PulseDetected() as the rising edge of the pulse come. • Stops the timer. • Generate the event DetectorTimeout(). • Determine the cycle count of the timer. • Generate the US pulse of 150 us for the beacon. • Send the ultrasonic pulse. • Send the time information.
Coordinate configuration for the beacon node. • There are various ways by which we can configure the coordinates of the beacons. • Listener Assisted Configuration. • Anchor-Free Localization • Robust Quadrilateral Configuration. • But for all the application we have to make the reference coordinate model. • There are other ways for configure by manually for smaller application.
Conclusion • The cricket application can be configured from the remote. • For transmitting the signal the packet format will be same like the serial port format . • For smaller number of nodes we can use the manual configuration. • The configuration can be done manually but we have to make some reference coordinate system and putt all the beacons on the ceiling.
References. • Rapid Coordinate System Creation and Mapping Using Crickets Roshan Bantwal Baliga, M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2004. • Cricket user manual. • Cricket software.
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