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Digital Performance Measurement Evolution E nterprise Dashboards: From Anecdotal Observations to True Accountability

Digital Performance Measurement Evolution E nterprise Dashboards: From Anecdotal Observations to True Accountability. Market Leaders & Industry Maturity. Approx. 1993 - 2000. Approx. 2000 - 2005. Future. Approx. 2005 - Present.

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Digital Performance Measurement Evolution E nterprise Dashboards: From Anecdotal Observations to True Accountability

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  1. Digital Performance Measurement EvolutionEnterprise Dashboards: From Anecdotal Observations to True Accountability Market Leaders & Industry Maturity Approx. 1993 - 2000 Approx. 2000 - 2005 Future Approx. 2005 - Present ’93 - ’95 - Free Log Analyzers’95 - ’96 - Free Web Counters’97 - First Drilldown & Ad HocAnalysis Capabilities (NetTracker)’98 - ‘99 - Predictive Caching (paths),$141M, WebTrends IPO ’00 - NetGenesis IPO, “E-Metrics” & $400M’01 - ’02 - Recession, $342M, Emetrics Summit ‘03 - Page Tags vs. Log Files and SAAS/ASP vs. Owned ‘04 - Case Studies, A/B Testing, WAA’05 - Vertical Expertise, Systems Integration, GA ’06 - Multi-Channel Analysis, Behavior Measurement, WebSideStory + Visual Sciences ‘07 – Engagement & Success Measurement, Omniture + Visual Sciences ’08 – Yahoo! Index Tools is free Multi-Channel Analysis & Systems Integration remain as significant challenges based upon theinherent limitations of the two predominant technologies: Web Server Logs and JavaScript Tags Adoption Trickle-Down Enterprise: Accrue NetGenesis WebTrends (Logs) Enterprise: WebTrends (Logs & Tags) Omniture (Tags) CoreMetrics (Tags)WebSideStory (Tags) Enterprise: Omniture (Tags) CoreMetrics (Tags) WebTrends (Logs & Tags) Enterprise: OmnitureGoogle AnalyticsYahoo! Index Tools Wide Adoption by SMBs Drives Enterprise Evolution & Consolidation Read: Reduced Costs SMBs: Unica (Tags)Yahoo! Index Tools (Tags)ClickTracks (Tags)Google Analytics (Tags)& Urchin 6 (Logs) SMBs: WebSideStory (Tags)Urchin (Logs) SMBs: WebSideStory/HBX (Tags)Urchin (Logs) ClickTracks (Tags) SMBs:Google AnalyticsYahoo! Index Tools Enterprise 360° & Immediately Actionable Insights Basic Metrics

  2. "In the long run everything will be run by Microsoft or Google; we'll just take a while to get there.“~ Jim Sterne, president of Target Marketing and board member of the WAA (Web Analytics Association) Enterprise Adoptions Future : Near-Term Future : Long-Term • Web BI Tools that Leverage Micro (Enterprise) & Macro (Internet) Data Emerge as Market Leaders • The Search Engines & Publishing/Content Distribution Networks already have this Orientation • Tools that Leverage Search Engine Technologies i.e. ‘spiders’ will Emerge as the New Paradigm • Q4 2008 Recession “Ripple-Effect’ • Industry Consolidation continues • Google Analytics Ascends to Supremacy • Omniture Still Viable, but “Why Pay?” givenGA and Yahoo! Index Tools Robust Capabilities Enterprise: Omniture Google AnalyticsYahoo! Index ToolsWebTrends CoreMetrics Enterprise: Omniture/WebTrends/CoreMetrics * Maxamine / Accenture **Google AnalyticsYahoo! Index ToolsMicrosoft adCenter Analytics (MAA) 360°Digital BusinessIntelligence BasicTrafficReporting SMBs:Google AnalyticsYahoo! Index Tools Microsoft adCenter Analytics (MAA) SMBs:Google AnalyticsYahoo! Index Tools Microsoft adCenter Analytics (MAA) Universal Acceptance * There will always be the enterprise requirement for locally collected and privately stored data in high-security environments/scenarios – so the log-file analyses capabilities coupled with page tags will force the consolidation and evolution of ‘Web Analytics Vendors’ into these specialized niche providers – that offer other high-value solutions in their portfolios (e.g. ad server/network). ** The emergence of a new platform type that easily integrates network observations with domain scanning for auditing and QA will be the logical progression of the enterprise space.

  3. “In five years, Web Analytics will have been absorbed into other, allied disciplines (or will have absorbed them), so there will be no ‘pure’ web analytics vendors any more. Or, to put it another way: There will be no Web Analytics vendors, but Web Analytics will be everywhere. In five years, all Web Analytics software will be free.”~ Ian Thomas, Director, Customer Intelligence, Microsoft Advertiser & Publisher Solutions Performance Out in the Digital World FairIsaac | RDBMS | Advanced Segmentation Content Redundancy Analysis Gomez Alexa A/B Testing | Multivariate Testing Enterprise Cross-Site Analysis TV, Radio, BRC (vanity URLs) HitWise ComScore Link Integrity & Validation Social Media Behavioral Targeting Page Weight & Download Nielsen/BuzzMetrics Email Service Providers Searchability Metrics Ad Networks Affiliates DynamicLogic Web Forms Validation SEM SEO Portals | Aggregators WebAnalytics Off-Page SEO Contextual Ads | Personalization 360°Digital BusinessIntelligence BasicTrafficReporting HTTP Errors Translation, Localization, Globalization Digital Optimization Project Management ECRM Reporting Issues Management Ecommerce Platform Reporting Meta Data Validation ECMS Reporting Visual Site Re-Engineering Standard Web KPIs | Page Views,Visits, Time Spent, Unique Visitors(Optimized Campaigns and Sites) Schedule Scanning & Analysis Scripts & Beacons Validation WCAG Compliance Internal RDBMS Reporting & Segmentation Page Tag Auditby page, parameter or value SEO Development Process Digital Accountability Within the Enterprise Anecdotal Observations Accountability Optimization

  4. “In five years, Web Analytics will have been absorbed into other, allied disciplines (or will have absorbed them), so there will be no ‘pure’ web analytics vendors any more. Or, to put it another way: There will be no Web Analytics vendors, but Web Analytics will be everywhere. In five years, all Web Analytics software will be free.”~ Ian Thomas, Director, Customer Intelligence, Microsoft Advertiser & Publisher Solutions Performance Out in the Digital World FairIsaac | RDBMS | Advanced Segmentation Content Redundancy Analysis Gomez Alexa A/B Testing | Multivariate Testing Enterprise Cross-Site Analysis TV, Radio, BRC (vanity URLs) HitWise ComScore Link Integrity & Validation Social Media Behavioral Targeting Page Weight & Download Nielsen/BuzzMetrics Email Service Providers Digital AccountabilityPlatform & Dashboard Searchability Metrics Ad Networks Affiliates DynamicLogic Web Forms Validation SEM SEO Portals | Aggregators Off-Page SEO WebAnalytics Contextual Ads | Personalization 360°Digital BusinessIntelligence BasicTrafficReporting HTTP Errors Translation, Localization, Globalization Digital Optimization Project Management ECRM Reporting Issues Management Ecommerce Platform Reporting Meta Data Validation ECMS Reporting Visual Site Re-Engineering Standard Web KPIs | Page Views,Visits, Time Spent, Unique Visitors(Optimized Campaigns and Sites) Schedule Scanning & Analysis Scripts & Beacons Validation WCAG Compliance Internal RDBMS Reporting & Segmentation Page Tag Auditby page, parameter or value SEO Development Process Digital Accountability Within the Enterprise Anecdotal Observations Accountability Optimization

  5. Currently, only a small percentage of organizations utilize their Web Analytics and Web Business Intelligence tools to their fullest potential • The reasons for this are many, but can be best broken-down into four general categories: • Technical Implementation Challengese.g. Development/production methodologies place a low priority on proper scoping and integration of Web Business Intelligence capabilities. Multiple platforms/technologies require sophisticated integration and ownership/implementation responsibilities become critical issues in larger organizations (MarComm + Analytics/BI + Development/Technical + Business Owners + Vendors, etc.) • Ownership | Implementation ResponsibilitiesSuccessful implementation requires cross-discipline (and many times cross-organizational) oversight - i.e. many disparate people, solutions, and organizations require centralized oversight. Web Analytics & Digital Accountability will require a separate project management disposition (e.g. Accountability Optimization) from that of the typical Web Project Management disposition, scope, and lifecycle. • Personnel | Expertise Challenges and Staffing Disposition • Limited Perceived ValueExecutives, Clients, etc. fail to receive or recognize true value due to lack of understanding – re: #1 & #2

  6. There are many disparate solutions, methodologies, and sources for Digital Performance Measurement & Digital Business Intelligence, including the various Web Analytics solutions (Tags & Logs), Custom Database Marketing solutions (e.g. FairIsaac), Alexa, Gomez, HitWise, ComScore, Nielsen/BuzzMetrics, DoubleClick, DynamicLogic, the Search Engines, Social Media, the Affiliate & Ad Networks, CheckM8, Atlas, etc. You can’t see what isn’t tagged and you can’t measure what you don’t see. The current hybrid solutions that combine various platforms and technologies have become extremely cumbersome and complicated. As the Digital BI space matures, solutions will consolidated, integrate, and simplify – and custom, intelligent, standards-based auto-tagging per unique business need/scenario will begin to emerge. Notwithstanding this logical progression, there is a significant tactical and strategic value in solutions that efficiently expose all digital measurement methodologies in a single interface or dashboard. The properly positioned, cross discipline ‘power users’ of these solutions will be able to take the digital enterprise from data overload and implementation quagmires to true accountability. Strategic and centralized enterprise ‘oversight’ solutions (DigitalEnterprise Tactical & Strategic Dashboards) will become the emerging platforms for true accountability and ROI. These platforms will look more like Search Engines | Portals than the current crop of widely implemented Web Analytics/BI solutions – leveraging the same technologies for ‘enterprise domain scanning’ and the APIs of the various network observation solutions for a living dashboard with full 360° Digital Business Intelligence capabilities. References: http://www.ballardvale.com/free/WAHistory.htmhttp://www.targeting.com/whitepaper.html http://www.emetrics.org/history.phphttp://idaconcpts.com/2008/11/26/a-brief-history-of-web-analytics/http://www.emgblog.com/the-very-short-history-of-web-analytics/ http://www.webanalyticsdemystified.com/sample/visual_history_of_web_measurement.pdfhttp://www.digital-web.com/articles/dollars_and_sense_of_web_analytics/http://theanalyticsguru.wordpress.com/2008/03/03/microsoft-adcenter-analytics-just-announced-gatineau-renamed-enhanced/?referer=sphere_related_content/http://www.ga-experts.com/web-data-sources.pdfhttp://www.accenture.com/Global/Consulting/Marketing_and_Sales_Effectiveness/R_and_I/WebAnalytics.htm

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