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Dive into the origins and meanings of words derived from ancient roots associated with vessels, power, and more. Uncover the fascinating connections that enrich our language history.
1. angi: vessel (usually blood) • angiology:study of vessels • angiosperm: flowering plant in which the seed is • contained in a vessel • angina pectoris: chest pain due to insufficient blood • to heart muscles • ____________________________________________ • The man suffered from angina pectoris, but had not actually had a heart attack._
2. bas: low • basement: lowest place in a house • bassoon: double-reed woodwind with low sound • debase: to lower in character, quality, or value • __________________________________________ The prosecutor tried to debase the witness by bringing up his past crimes.
3. clud (clus): close, shut • exclude: shut out • preclude: avoid or prevent beforehand • recluse: someone who shuts himself away from others • ___________________________________________ Jane was excluded from the conversation because her friends were mad at her.
4. corn: horn • unicorn: one horned animal • capricorn: goat horn • cornucopia: horn of plenty • ____________________________________________ My grandmother places a cornucopia on the mantle every Thanksgiving to symbolize our plentiful blessings.
5. crac (cract): government, rule, power • democracy: government ruled by the people • autocrat: one ruler with unlimited power • theocracy: government based on god • _____________________________________________ In a democracy, the citizens have a right to vote for their Candidates.
6. dom: house • dome: house • domestic: related to the house • domicile: pertaining to the house • _________________________________________ Traditionally, women have been expected to carry out the domestic duties, such as cleaning and laundry.
7. ev: time, age • inevitable: without time to avoid • medieval: related to the middle ages • primeval: related to first time • __________________________________________ After John cheated on Elizabeth, their breakup was inevitable.
8. frater: brother • fraternal: related to brother • fraternity: state of brotherhood • fratricide: act of killing brother • ____________________________________________ In order to gain acceptance and make friends, many young men join fraternities when they go to college.
gymn: naked, nude • gymnasium: place to exercise • gymnosperm: naked seed • gymnosophist: ancient Hindu sect of ascetics who • contemplated in the nude • __________________________________________ • The gymnasium is used for sport today and is no longer associated with being nude.
10. hum: earth, ground • humble: lowly, close to the ground • humiliate: to make one feel lowly • exhume: to take out of the ground • _________________________________________ In order to reopen the case and find new DNA evidence, the investigators had to exhume the victim’s body.
11. lud (lus): laugh, mock, play • ludicrous: full of laugh • collusion: act of playing together; conspiring for an • illegal purpose • prelude: play before • _______________________________________ The idea that Sarah might actually go out on a date with Tim was ludicrous.
12. mater (metr): mother • maternal: related to mother • matrimony: state of motherhood • metropolis: mother city; largest or most important city • ___________________________________________ Sometimes when a woman sees a baby, her maternal instinct comes out.
13. meso: middle • mesoderm: middle skin • Mesopatamia: middle river; an ancient country of • Southwest Asia between the Tigris and lower Euphrates • Rivers, included in modern Iraq • mesozoic: related to middle animal • ________________________________________ • Animals from the middle era of evolution belong to the mesozoic period.
14. oo (ov): egg • oogamy: marriage of egg; reproduction by union of egg • And sperm • ovicide: killing eggs of insects • ovoviviparous: eggs that hatch internally • __________________________________________ • Ant killers that target the ant eggs are ovicides rather than pesticides.
15. ophthalm: eye • ophthalmic: related to eye • ophthalmologist: one who studies the eye • ophthalmoscope: instrument for examining the eye • ________________________________________ In order to get prescription glasses, you must visit an opthalmologist for an examination.
16. pater (patri): father • paternity: state of fatherhood • patriarch: ruled by father • repatriate: return to fatherland • __________________________________________ • The paternity test is often used in court to determine who is the father.
17. phag: eat • esophagus: tube for food from pharynx to stomach • dysphagia: condition of having trouble swallowing • anthropophagous: cannibal • ____________________________________ People with really bad acid reflux or indigestion might be plagued with dysphagia.
18. platy: broad, flat • plateau: flat • platypodia: condition of being flat footed • platitude: state of broadness; lack of originality • ___________________________________________ The mountain leveled off at one point and opened up into a big plateau.
19. polis (polit): city • police: someone who watches over a city • Acropolis: built at highest point in the city • megalopolis: densely populated urban area, usually • Including one or more major cities. • _____________________________________ The Triad, which includes Greensboro, High Point, and Winston-Salem is considered to be a megalopolis.
20. rod: gnaw • rodent: that which gnaws • corrode: gnaw together • erode: gnaw out • ____________________________________________ One indication that you have a rodent in your house is if you find holes in any of your chip bags or pasta boxes.
21. soror: sister • sorority: state of sisterhood • sororal: like a sister • sororocide: killing of a sister • __________________________________ Many sororities have houses so that the girls can live together and bond.
22. term (termin): end, limit • terminate: to cause the end • interminable: not able to end • terminology: words with limited or specialized meaning • ________________________________________ Due to John’s misconduct, he was terminated from his job.
23. test: witness • testify: to verbally give witness in a court of law • testimony: statement given as a result of witnessing • something • intestate: to die without a will • ___________________________________________ Since Jan saw the whole accident, she could testify that it was not Nick’s fault.
24. tut (tui): teach, guide, guard • tutor: one who teaches • tutelage: state of guarding • intuition: knowledge from within that is not taught • ___________________________________________ Some students go to Sylvan learning center to get tutored in a subject that they have problems with.
25. vir: man • virile: pertaining to or like man • virility: state or condition of man • triumvirate: group of three rulers • _______________________________________ • The man with the hairy chest and thick beard was very virile.