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This paper presents descriptive statistics on primary education quality in Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, and South Africa based on SACMEQ data. It examines factors like literacy, numeracy, teacher absenteeism, and resources. Recommendations focus on improving education access and performance.
Day 1: Primary School Performance in Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia & South Africa Msc course in education & development 2013 NicholasSpaull@gmail.com | www.nicspaull.com/teaching
Introduction Researcher at RESEP (Stellenbosch University) Research focus: the quality of primary education in South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa All research and presentations I’ve done can be found at www.nicspaull.com/research Twitter: @NicSpaull Email: NicholasSpaull@gmail.com
Full paper available at: http://www.sacmeq.org/downloads/Working%20Papers/08_Comparison_Final_18Oct2011.pdf
Background: Data SACMEQ • Southern and Eastern African Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality • 14 participating countries • 61,396 Grade 6 students • 8,026 Grade 6 teachers • 2,779 primary schools • SACMEQ II (2000), SACMEQ III (2007) • Background survey • Testing : • Gr 6 Numeracy • Gr 6 Literacy • HIV/AIDS Health knowledge • NB: See Murimba
Important background papers Background to SACMEQ: Hungi, N., Makuwa, D., Ross, K., Saito, M., Dolata, S., van Capelle, F., et al. (2011). SACMEQ III Project Results: Levels and Trends in School Resources among SACMEQ School Systems. Paris: Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality. Ross, K., Saito, M., Dolata, S., Ikeda, M., Zuze, L., Murimba, S., et al. (2005). The Conduct of the SACMEQ III Project. In E. Onsomu, J. Nzomo, & C. Obiero, The SACMEQ II Project in Kenya: A Study of the Conditions of Schooling and the Quality of Education. Harare: SACMEQ. Murimba, S. (2005) SACMEQ Mission, Approach and Projects. Prospects, vol. XXXV, no. 1, March 2005
Focus The focus of the paper was to provide helpful descriptive statistics on the quality of education in these 4 countries.
SACMEQ The most important parts of the SACMEQ survey are the numeracy and literacy tests aimed at Grade 6 students. These range from very simple questions…
SACMEQ Very simple example questions from the SACMEQ 2007 Gr 6 literacy test
Core grouping categories • In this paper the core groupings are as follows: • Province (or SACMEQ geographic distinction) • Location (Urban/Rural) (Large City, Small Town, Rural, isolated) • Quintile of socioeconomic status (SES) (quintile=20%) • Quintile 1 = Poorest 20% of students • Quintile 2 = 2nd poorest 20% of students • Quintile 3 = Middle 20% of students • Quintile 4 = 2ndichest 20% of students • Quintile 5 = Richest 20% of students • One important grouping which this report doesn’t focus on is gender. • Some background descriptive statistics on each country…
SA primary school: Gr6 Literacy – SACMEQ III (2007) Never enrolled 2% Functionally illiterate 25% Basic skills 46% Higher order skills : 27%
Grade 6 Literacy – SA & Kenya SA Gr 6 Literacy Kenya Gr 6 Literacy 2% 5% 7% 25% 49% 46% 39% Public current expenditure per pupil: $1225 Public current expenditure per pupil: $258 27%
Grade 6 Literacy – SA & Namibia Public current expenditure per pupil: $1225 Public current expenditure per pupil: $668
Resources the issue? More reading textbooks More maths textbooks
Conclusions, questions & recommendations
Conclusions • High provincial inequality in SA, NAM and MOZ • Unacceptably high levels of functional illiteracy/innumeracy in SA, NAM, and MOZ • Unacceptably high levels of teacher absenteeism in SA • Unacceptably high levels of grade repetiton in MOZ • Unacceptably low levels of textbook access in SA + NAM • Very low levels of preschool access in Botswana (given its education spend per pupil) • Low access to free school meals in Namibia & Mozambique
Questions How is it possible that more Mozambican students have access to their own textbooks than SA /NAM students, and this when SA spends 15 times as much per child than Mozambique? Why do Namibian students do much worse on numeracy tests than on literacy tests? Why is it acceptable in South Africa for teachers to be absent (unjustifiably) for an entire month? Why is preschool education so uncommon in Botswana? (especially given the international research showing cognitive benefits of ECE) For each country, what is the low-hanging fruit?
Recommendations GET THE BASICS RIGHT • Get all schools in the country to minimum quality standards in both basic infrastructure (water, electricity, desks, and so on) and in educational performance (numeracy and literacy milestones by certain grades); • Set clear and succinct goals that everyone must follow. For example, “Every child will read and write by the age of eight”; also provide parents with feedback on how their children are performing • All children should have access to a quality textbook • Textbook campaign + survey schools to check access & use • All teachers should be in class teaching for the full school day • Teacher inspectorate • Pupils who are mal-nourished should receive free school meals • Roll-out free school meals starting with most under-resourced communities • All pupils should attend at least one year of quality preschool education • Define curriculum and resource requirements and train Reception teachers • All teachers must have a minimum level of content knowledge in the subjects that they teach • Teacher board exam?
Quiz on graph interpretation from the paper See handout Complete in groups of 2 or 3
Thank you www.nicspaull.com/research nicholasspaull@gmail.com @NicSpaull